Reviews from

in the past

This is a addictive game,
will never play again for my own sake

This is the digital equivalent of purgatory.

I have played this game for like 2 hours but I think it's pretty funny. Prefer to consume content around the game and watch my friends play though. It's about as friendly or sociable as a room of scared, naked, sweaty men in complete darkness, but that's kind of part of the charm.

I really wanted to give this game a chance but this is game made around people who just never hop off and raid you at 4 am

Un juego entretenido para jugar con amigos, pero que con su sistema de reset de servers, requiere estar demasiado tiempo pendiente para aprovechar esos resets (porque si tardas un poco de más, partes con bastante desventaja).

Fun only with friends. Bad optimized

Rust é um jogo incrivelmente divertido e desafiador, e é um daqueles produtos que "criam" outros que tentam replicar sua formula (apesar de obviamente não ser o Rust quem a fez). Eu só não dou uma nota maior por que ele claramente tem muita problema (bugs, gráficos, mecanicas questionáveis etc)

this game fucking suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks and the only compliment i can give it is that it is slightly better than ark

Rust antigo é 10/10. Você tem que ser o melhor em questão de mira ou jogar em grupo, a vida já é difícil o suficiente.

rust son or war criminal daughter

fun game but takes up way too much of your time because giga losers no life it all the time and just offline raid u

if you play in non-toxic vanilla servers it can be so fun-- on server wipes, they have purges where you can kill others.. but just yeah... it's a toxic game.

Crunch Crunch double tap full dead

Very good game if you are conducting some sort of study or survey and need to get in touch with some NEETs.

Amazing most thrilling and most addictive game I have ever played. Played all of Covid in online shcool while I was on zoom calls in another tab. Super toxic but thats part of the charm at this point. BRING BACK OLD RECOIL PLEASE FACEPUNCH.

The only people who enjoy this game smoke weed
(please be addicted to ANYTHING else)

Honnêtement, le jeu quand t'es avec un ou plusieurs potes il mérite un 4, mais solo c'est injouable a part si tu restes 15 heures d'affilé devant le jeu et encore

Very toxic but fun once you get going

Juego del bien, es una pena q ya no me de la pc para jugarlo

A very good pvp survival game held back by its lack of early game progression and it's anti solo playstyle.. Unless you have a lot of friends you will need to either play modded or sink a lot of commitment into a a server wipe to keep up with big groups.