Reviews from

in the past

Demasiado simple pero no hace falta más. Se ve de pelotas y en general es de molar, así que no hay más que pedir

It's alright. It's still a visually impressive game even after 10 years. The story is entertaining enough (even though you can see the main twist coming a mile away). The music, cutscenes and voice acting are all done to a high level of quality. The gamepaly consists mainly of arkham-style combat with a qte-based execution system. I consider arkham-style combat to be repetitive by nature, but that doesn't need to be a problem if you enjoy it and if you're good with timing and can get into a rhythm. Plus, the game can be completed in an afternoon, so you'll probably finish it before it becomes too tiring. A more serious issue for some may be the difficulty. I played on the third hardest difficulty out of four (the fourth one gets unlocked after you beat the game) and I didn't find it challenging at all. I'm not particulary good at games and I was being pretty sloppy too. I'd recommend that most people choose that difficulty over the medium one which is probably way too easy. There's some collectibles scattered around the levels such as artwork, pieces of a short comic book and some scrolls which are supposed to add some context. I found the scrolls to be pretty boring and hardly worth reading, to be honest. I'm not deeply familiar with Roman history and mythology, though. People who are into Roman history might find things to appreciate that I simply missed. There's an online co-op arena mode as well which, to my surprise, was not completely dead. I played a couple of matches and it seems like something that could be fun if you enjoy the combat. All in all, as I said, it's alright. Nothing special apart from the pretty visuals and I doubt I'll ever play it again, but it's an ok way to spend a few hours.

Estava bem empolgado em jogar o Ryse, mas simplesmente a vontade foi sumindo enquanto jogava... sem contar que a dublagem é exclusiva de console, oque é bem paia...

mais ou menos, no começo é daora, mas o resto é chato

Uma interessante Techdemo que mostra o poder do Xbox one em seu lançamento. Um tanto quanto subestimado, pois tem uma historinha legal e um combate fluido

Review geral: Jogo linear com foco na narrativa cinemática ambientado na Roma antiga. Possui combate com quick time event. Basicamente é isso.
Se passa em uma Roma antiga e é bem competente graças aos gráficos. Não há opção de exploração, você segue reto e só. Há alguns cenários diferentes, mas bem curtos.
É ok, não é ruim e nem boa. O protagonista é sem sal, os vilões também, no geral é sem sal mesmo. Envolve misticismo também, achei paia.
Câmera acima do ombro, combate genérico, quick time event fácil. O jogo é bem tranquilo mesmo nas dificuldades maiores. Apesar do jogo ser bem curto chega uma hora que cansa ficar só saindo na espadada com os inimigos.
Mediana para baixo. Fiquei mais interessado na história mesmo.
O auge do jogo. Os cenários são bonitos, os personagens não são ultra realistas mas são melhores que alguns jogos atuais.
Vale a pena fazer o 100%?
Ele é bem curtinho então acho que seria bem rápido fazer, mas possui conquistas online então não recomento.

"Платиновый" список. Хард 7 часов. Есть арена.
Отличное кинцо с хорошим геймплеем. Кровь, расчленёнка, мужики в юбках. Детализация, красивые виды, короче рекомендую.
Из минусов: были баги, кидание "зубочистками" душное.

gostei de mais desse jogo q achei muito injusticado
o multiplayer e a campanha sao muito divertidos

While playing this game as a kid, I enjoyed it, but finishing it all the way through was tedious. The only redeeming quality of this game is that it's enjoyable to play when you switch off your brain. The campaign is dull.  the combat feels very nice. Even though it is a little simple, Since its release, I have not played this game, and I have no desire to do so in the future. NEVER RECOMMEND

An incredible game with ABSURD graphics for 2013! I loved the campaign and the gameplay is VERY good! The executions are very good to do and the combat is very fluid. The only problem is the short campaign, it feels more like a tech demo than a game.

Very fan, specially the FOcus modes, thu it can do without the MICROTRANSACTION.

also, bad optimization, have to google how to remove it.

System: Windows PC
Rating: 68/100
Playtime: ~5.5 Hours

It's a shame that this game didn't do as well as Microsoft would've hoped. As one of the premiere launch titles for the Xbox One, I feel like the shoes were just too big. It tells a solid enough story set in Rome, that is brought up by the graphics that are still very impressive. With just a shader and mod to remove the HUD applied, I'd say that it's competitive or more against Assassin's Creed Mirage. The combat is a bit dull for how often you're just facing hordes of enemies, but the execution system is kind of wild. I would've been so interested in what came next for this team, but unfortunately it just wasn't meant to be.

If the Den Defense form Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood was an entire game

Fun enough to finish i guess but never gets much better than "alright".

"Microsoft: Crytek can we have God of War on xbox?
No, we have God of war on xbox on home"
God of War of xbox on home:

Única coisa boa dessa tecdemo é o gráfico, combate mais repetitivo que ja joguei, extremamente fácil e apenas um combo jogo todo, e história que vai chegando no final so piora, a última seção de qte drenou uns anos da minha vida.

I had fun playing this game in 2013, it looked amazing back then and it still looks amazing now. In terms of graphics, Ryse Son of Rome looks better than most games released in recent years which is weird, it makes me think that the peak of graphics was reached at the beginning of the 2010s.
The gameplay is alright, the executions were badass but there's too many QTEs in the game. The combat could've been a lil bit better, it has a repetitive nature.
The story was alright too, its based on the Roman Empire and the Barbarians so bonus points for that.
I wish there were more games based on the Roman Empire, it's strange that most of them are RTS's. It was one of the most influential empires and still... not that many games about it...

Techdemo bacana.
É isso que eu tenho pra dizer em minha defesa quando você ver o tanto de hora que eu gastei nessa porra.

Um dos Hack and Slash mais lineares e com pouca liberdade que já vi, eu diria até que o jogo vira um Walking Simulator quando ele não é um HnS fraquinho.

Mas é também um dos melhores jogos de ação que já joguei. Se tu só quer lutinhas cinematográficas e guerrinhas com intriguinhas em uma ambientação muito bem-feita do Império Romano, isso aqui vai te entreter tanto quanto um bom filme de ação badalado por aí.
Pelo que vi, o jogo tem algumas imprecisões históricas e descaracterizações de personagens históricos, tipo o Nero e a Boudica, mas acho só deve incomodar se tu for um professor de história ou se importar muito com essas coisas.

Não curto muito Quick Time Event mas até que eles não incomodam tanto.
Os gráficos são bonitos até hoje, de fato surpreende que o game saiu já há mais de 10 anos.

Enfim, com esse jogo aprendi que ninguém falava Latim no Império Romano e todo mundo era fluente em inglês moderno, até os povos Celtas bárbaros. Geral devia fazer Fisk na época.

Pretty decent linear cinematic action game. Extremely "Xbox." Batman Arkham combat, Call of Duty presentation and pacing. Interesting to see that the old premium currency is just free now, so you can easily max out your guy in a single playthrough. Combat is effortless on even the hardest setting. Not the most substantial thing in the world but still a pretty neat game to play on the cheap.

Not related to this game at all, but I think the "All guys think about the Roman Empire" thing is bullshit. I have not once put any effort into thinking about that. I don't know anyone who has. I think dudes spend more time thinking about cowboys or pirates

Esse jogo acompanha o fracasso da Microsoft no início da geração Xbox One, lamentavelmente é um jogo que poderia ter sido muito mais que uma simples amostra histórica, suas lutas são limitadas e completamente vazias.

O ponto alto do jogo é o seu gráfico que até hoje é muito bem feito.

Ruse son of rome damn what a game I completed this game in one day I was hooked the mechanics are good the boss fight are good and the fighting is good aswell as the voice acting and graphics

got the first checkpoint and decided to commit to my second playthrough of AC3

Um jogo bem experimental, para demonstrar os poderes gráficos da geração em 2013. É realmente lindíssimo até hoje. Ambientação excelente. Um bom passatempo.

História esquecível, personagens rasos (jogo vitrine e curto), mas contém algum peso histórico.
O combate é divertido mas vai ficando enjoativo, massante.

Leva de 5 a 6 horas para zerar.

Well this was a pleasant surprise! Ryse had my interest way back when it was announced for Xbox Kinect of all things. It was heralded as one of the first “real first party title” for the addon & that intrigued me. However I never picked it up when it changed from a Kinect game to a Xbox One launch title… both because it lost some appeal just becoming a standard action/hack & slash game, but more importantly due to Microsoft’s horrific Xbox One launch marketing.

Now roughly a decade later I picked up the game from Steam cheaply &.. It’s a pretty fun time? Admittedly it’s a quite short game (beat it in 6 hours & I’m not a person who breezes through) but it was an enjoyable ride I’d say. It’s still a shockingly gorgeous game despite being like 11-ish years old & the combat is also pretty solid… Which is a relief because going in I had heard it was pretty dull, though it holds up without issue & has enough variation to be interesting + the executions are all quite varied & stylish.

In the context of this as a retail game that originally launched for 60$.... Yeah under those circumstances I’d rate it quite a bit lower, but at a fraction of that nowadays I would give it a recommendation to people who are drawn in by Ryse’s setting or just want to play a solid hack & slash game that doesn’t overstay its welcome.

Rome: Son of Ryse is a visually great yet mechanically boring experience that lasts way too long.