Reviews from

in the past

Great superhero game. Not a good Saints Row game. But that's not what it was aiming to be. It did it's job at the time, but it's still fun to play.

Saints Row IV is the fourth entry in the Saints Row series, and the best way to describe it is as a shitpost game. What direction of the Saints go after becoming international celebrities? Well, American politicians of course. The Boss is now the President of the United States but unfortunately for him he and his whole cabinet get abducted by the evil alien Zinyak. The Boss now has to go through a simulation of Steelport with super powers, to bring down Zinyak and free all of his friends. The game plays similarly to Saints Row the Third but now includes super powers. These powers include blasts, super speed, and jumping which is a ton of fun to play but renders a lot of previous mechanics completely pointless like using vehicles or certain weapons which for some people definitely killed the game for them (with the complete disregard for a serious story.) I however feel like if you view this game as nothing more than a shitpost made by a group of devs having fun, It can be quite enjoyable. It's not as good as the first 3 entries for sure, but the amount of fun references, and fun super powers to play with make the game more than enough fun to give a try.

It's the same game I played and had fun with on the Xbox 360 except this time with added infinite loading screen glitches on the Switch version

Pretty good for a 2 dollars game for Switch that was on Sale

seriously the deal is super good and i can't see anyone being mad at this lol

from a more practical perspective, this game definitely pales in comparison to its predecessor and i wouldn't dispute anyone who argues that it jumped the shark. regardless, i have a lot of memories tied to the Saints Row games and even when this one gets repetitive it rarely feels boring. absurdly dumb but never seems like it's trying to impress anyone with the (admittedly juvenile) humor but itself. definitely recognizes its own stupidity and i respect it for that.

Just pure dumb fun. If you want a simple power fantasy and some funny characters this is the game.

i didnt hate the whacky route the previous game took like most people did, but i do hate this game. this game just takes everything too far. instead of the characters being who they were in previous entries, they're all just characterizations of themselves. "kinzie is smart, gat likes killing people" its like they forgot that these characters had more than one personality trait. as far as the gameplay goes its okay at best and boring and mind numbing at worst. the superpowers are cool for like half the main story until the mission design sees you doing the exact same thing constantly. the world is the same as 3 outside some stupid alien platforms they put in the sky. there's also zero replayability or anything to do once you beat the story. i haven't played gat out of hell (and i don't plan on it) but i hope they take the series in a better place next time

The superpowers cheered me up a lot at the beginning but they end up getting really sick afterwards, the missions have some that stand out but in general they are very tiring and the story is rough on purpose and full of meaningless bizarre ... Anyway, I recommend the third one much more it is a masterpiece but this one also makes for some fun moments if you have nothing to do.

An OK port of a good game. It just looks UGLY as all hell on PS4. And why Saints Row IV and not Saints Row 2 to get the remaster treatment? Saints Row IV is easily the blandest of Saints Rows, Steelport lacks the personality and variety of Stilwater from SR2. The overall game is a 7, but this game looks dated on a PS4. The game is too easy as well, I try to kill myself in this game and fail trying, the superpowers are OP as fuck.

Gimme back the gangsta shit, Volition. Stop with this Deadpoolesque meta sci-fi bullshit.

Score: 5/10

This was the first Saints Row game I ever played, and I had to choose the one where the fight aliens as they divert farther away from both their original games and how it's compared as a GTA clone. The gameplay and graphics was smooth, but there were some occasional glitches that I don't understand. Unless the purpose is that the simulation they are in is full of them, then the developers really messed up here. A massive amount of humor, action and classic songs all thrown in to this moshpit of a game. It could have used more DLC besides ETD and a Christmas story though.

crazy and fun everything i needed

Pretty funny. I found saints row 3 to be a bit better than this entry.

Technically I finished it on the original release but am playing the Re-Elected ediiton on Switch now. Don't get much more fun than Saints!

Finally, being able to play this as it kept crashing on my PS3, I finally know they really did make a game worse than 3. My god is this beyond bad. I think I only enjoyed the main characters simulation and that’s about it, this game really killed the dead horse that was the Saints Row series.

Been playing with a friend for 2 weeks now, just a dumb fun game. All around great experience.

Bem mais ou menos, só é divertido em coop e caso n tenha outro jogo pra jogar

This was a pretty fun game that reminded me so much of Crackdown, which is a good thing because I adore that series. Problem is, it's map is nowhere close to as memorable, a lot of the side content is the opposite of fun, though the blazin' races and platforming challenges are great and so are the "Insert Code" challenges where you ward off waves of enemies. I would say the powers are more fun than the ones in Crackdown as well. But, overall, not as good as Crackdown, too much of the side content is repetitive with no change-up at all in what you do including some which just isn't fun at all.

In my opinion, a funnier and superior sandbox to gta, it's awesome to feel like superman with the responsibility of a 5 yo with a sims game, a very sadistic 5yo boy...

Mindless fun. Not as good as The Third, but still really, really good. Excited to see where they go with the franchise.

Switch version is the best version of the re-elected version surprisingly enough, but I still consider the PC version in general to be the best of all platforms thanks to steam workshop.

The series really found itself and the IV Re-elected package gives you the full extend of that absurdity. The DLCS are completely mindless and genuinely amazing. Great game wonderful time