Reviews from

in the past

The least in-need for a remaster of the OG 4, it plays the exact same as the original with just a graphics upgrade. Still a fun ass game though.

Cool game. Story kinda bland but gameplay makes up for it. Also, the remaster efforts here is night and day compared to the original

End bit had the song from shrek.

Me: Mum can I get gta
Mum: We have gta at home

Same game as the original but with poor performance sometimes.
Original is much better.

Excelente jogo da franquia, muito engraçado MESMO

2023 saw me taking my first steps into several iconic game franchises and Saints Row: The Third Remastered was one of those. It was a good time but I wish I had played the first two games back in the day so I could have felt and understood the way this series veers off the "GTA" track and into some truly outrageous territory. I hope to continue my journey with Saints Row IV soon enough.

The peak of a franchise that has been gutted by gamers nowadays. Granted, this remaster feels more dated with each passing session I sit down for. I think the comedic tone and floaty gameplay can emit a decent amount of entertainment for you and a co-op player. Which is the way I recommend this game to be played now. For the most part, SR3 is slowly losing its charm as the years go on.

Played this in 2012 after a friend recommended it to me. I HAD TO COMPLETE THIS ONE... Even if I was languishing under the notion it had forced Co-Op trophies. IT DOESN'T.

Fantastic game, goes beyond being a GTA clone into something very special in its own right.
The absurd story and over the top characters and acting work perfectly, the best the gameplay loop has ever felt and side content that was a joy to complete.
Enjoyed every minute of my 100% playthrough.

Coming back to this was a huge wave of nostalgia for me. This was the game that I was always never allowed to play as a kid from how crude it can be, but I always found a way and I always adored playing it. It’s not a great game though unfortunately. It doesn’t really hold up too well and for the most part it was just a repetitive shooting simulator with a lot of unfunny jokes crammed into an incredibly nonsensical story. Personally, I’d say I kind of enjoyed it (enough to get the platinum trophy that is anyway), but it really isn’t that good of a game.

6.8/10 - incredibly repetitive, terrible story, but a personal enjoyment from me (kind of).

A buggy broken remaster of an already buggy broken game. Low-key prefer the reboot!

I remember playing this back on my 360 as a dumb kid, and finally decided to replay it after so long, and well I didnt like it as much as I did when I was a kid, I would be lying if I told you that this game didnt still make me laugh.

finished the remaster the other day and while i had a few bugs starting out it was nothing game-breaking and i adapted slash they seemed to resolve themselves. main story could have been a bit longer and/or more involved but i was never bored

This game is so fucking over the top it's awesome.

Great game to play co-op with a friend.

Provavelmente o melhor jogo da serie saints row, o remaster apesar de seus problemas como pequenos bugs gráficos no PC é muito bom. Um remaster feito com grande carinho.

Well, I finished it and you know what?
...i definitely overreacted lol
the first scene definitely shows off the worst of the graphics the remake has to offer, but once you get into the game properly and into the city it looks really great!
i don't really have a lot to say about this, except that it's goofy, i wish it took itself a little less seriously, there's a ton of jank still (both good and bad - the audio bugs and glitches from the og pc port are still very present), but it's a fun romp around. just like how i remember it!

haha pinto
uns personagens ficaram assustadores nesse remastered

Um GTA com adição de muita zuera.

A cena inicial do avião foi 10/10, coisa de filme de ação impossível, foda demais.

Saints Row The Third Remastered - 8,2/10

tl;dr: Absurdo é pouco

Jogar uma franquia "de trás pra frente" as vezes pode funcionar, como foi o caso dos últimos 3 Assassins Creed de RPG. No caso de Saints Row, sinto que perdi boa parte da conexão com os personagens, mas, pelo menos, a diversão se manteve.

Dizer que Saints Row 3 é um jogo mais "pé no chão" do que o 4 deveria ser uma constatação óbvia mas o fato de quase não ser o caso demonstra o quão interessante o jogo pode ser. Infelizmente, mais uma vez, vou ter que usar o vídeo do Away ( pra descrever o jogo e ainda adicionar que tem ex atriz pornô como dubladora no meio. Só não tem tradução pt-br.

Seu personagem (fortemente customizável) é o líder dos Saints, uma gangue que por n motivos perde sua influência e tem que correr atrás da relevância desmantelando as demais gangues que dominam a cidade. Uma história simples, cheia de exageros e personagens forçados, com escolhas que diferenciam levemente a gameplay e um desfecho legal. Bem melhor do que o que vi no quarto jogo.

Por falar em quarto jogo, a semelhança entre os dois é tão grande que ele parece ser uma DLC stand alone do terceiro. Se não fosse pelo tamanho de jogo completo, é claro. A jogabilidade é quase idêntica, o mapa é o mesmo e até as atividades secundárias são compartilhadas entre eles. Imagino que seja o mesmo caso para o segundo e até o primeiro.

Graficamente o jogo agrada o quanto tem de agradar para um jogo remasterizado da época dele. Mas a iluminação, reflexos e texturas parecem bem bonitos.

Adorei a trilha sonora e sua variedade. Hip Hop, música clássica, metal pesadíssimo (com gutural e tudo) e também as músicas do próprio jogo para ambientação. Diálogos que se repetem mas acho que dá pra relevar, são bem feitos e os personagens bem dublados.

É recomendado pra quem quiser dar uma aliviada e zuar um pouco. O único problema seria mesmo a falta de legendas em pt-br.

Sempre tive vontade de jogar ele desde a época do PS3, e mesmo jogando anos depois foi uma experiência legal, longa, repetitiva, meio bugada, desgastante, e engraçada, acho que meu único erro foi querer platinar esse jogo porque ele fez eu perceber em como ser perfeccionista nos jogos tava arrancando meus anos de vida de tanto estresse.
Uma das minhas partes favoritas foi quando eu tive que farmar policiais pra matar na última missão enquanto tocava I Need a Hero em looping.
Em conclusão, se você curte um jogo cheio de neon, violência exagerada(de sangue, e não gore), e também uma história que não faz o menor sentido e bestona, esse jogo é pra você.

Os gráficos são muitos bons porém há muitos bugs que podem quebrar suas missões, e a IA dos seus parceiros é terrível, não acertam um tiro e morrem em segundos.

This review contains spoilers

Fun to come back to but a glitchy mess

Saints Row the 3rd or Saints Row 3 was my first entry into the series. It was a game I enjoyed so much I went back to play 1 and 2 because I wanted more. Some people call this the best Saints row and while I don't 100% agree with that, I do think this game comes in at a close 2nd place next to 2 with 2 being the best and if you are someone who doesn't care and just hasn't played any of these games and are wondering if 3 is a good place to start I can tell you why this game is still great too.

Gameplay: Saints Row 3 much like the previous is a 3rd person open world GTA style shooter game. It has qualities of a GTA Clone like 2 did (and 1 was just a pure clone). Saints Row 3 absolutely feels like a very different experience compared to any of the grand theft Auto games. It's based on the same idea but when 2 came along and started to introduce newer qualities that makes for a unique experience saints row 3 took all of those things and ran with them. This game changes a lot, you could argue this game is a soft reboot of the franchise with how different the characters are, location, theme and gameplay. This time around you don't need to complete activities to gain respect you can just do the story at your own free will. For most this is a welcome change but the con to it is some of the main story missions have just become activities which to me is dummer than having to level up a respect Meter. Especially since most of this game’s activities are much easier than the previous games. Speaking of activities, most of the great activities like Fuzz and septic avengers from 2 are gone and while a lot of classic ones like escorts and insurance fraud are still here and much improved but the new modes, we got were well "meh" for me. One of them is a show called "professor Genki’s super clima".. well, whatever let's just call it the Japanese game show because that's what it is but where you kill people dressed as mascots and furries and as funny and satisfying as that is its still kinda lame compared to previous activities. I personally don't hate this one but other activities like Helli assault which is where you destroy stuff in a helicopter aren't terrible but not specifically great or memorable either. The activities in this game range from fun to meh and I mean I guess all these games work like that so I guess I can say saints row 3 doesn't pull any major strides in the activities category. Gun and weapon wise we have some awesome over the top guns that are cool and fun to use but then there are definitely less guns and a lot of them are very overpowered, especially upgraded. Infact once you unlock and buy all abilities you will find yourself almost a bit bored with how overpowered you become. This game adds a lot of new abilities and smooth movements that I wish the other games had. Like jumping into a car and kicking the person out all in one jump, the new run and grapple melee move sets where you do a wrestling grapple move to take down basically anyone you want. These smooth and fun movement systems and combat styles only add to the unique experience and definitely makes for a fun open world experience. I can't tell you how many hours my friends and I put into just terrorizing the city of steal port for fun just like we did in SR2. The zombie island is probably the most fun location to kill things on, but it overall feels under used. Another huge aspect of saints row is the character customization for your version of the boss and man is it pretty good. A lot of clothing and feature variety along with basically any color you want for anything. I remember my friends and I would change our bosses into other video game characters like Wesker from Resident evil and it was always hilarious. Oh, and just like the previous games both the remastered and original SR3 are glitchy as hell. The game crashes almost every other time I play it, especially co-op and I ran into some glitches where I either couldn't continue the story or activities i was on. One time I was able to do some wacky shit like accidentally drive a car upstairs into the penthouse, A few times buildings disappeared on me too.

Graphics, voice acting & music: graphically this game looks fine, especially on the remastered version if that’s the one you are playing. Everything got re-entered and remodeled but even the original looked fine for its time. The art style of 3 would end up being the style for the series going forward for a while with a mix of grunge, goth, BDSM, wrestling and furry/ mascots...? It's funny and weird and I'm all for it. I think making the style change was a good direction considering in this aspect as it feels different than what we see in gta but the world itself feels a bit bland. Most of Steel is a boring mash up of the worst and best parts of New York, Chicago and Detroit with little in-between. Map wise it feels smaller (though im sure it’s probably not) than saints row 2 or its at least a less creative and fun Map to explore. I think it's safe to say most people prefer still water by far. The voice acting is pretty great, and the dialogue is okay with some funny stuff from time to time. The voices you get to pick from in this game are great and the special zombie voice is actually really funny and changes the dialogue in some of the cutscenes. The music in this game is great, I personally felt like everything on the radio was a banger or at least just funny to have playing in a car while driving around causing Mayhem.

Story/ SPOILERS: it's hard to talk about the story in this game without spoiling anything since for a lot of people this is where this franchise goes wrong, so let's dive right into it. This game takes place some years after 2 and the saints have become pop culture icons and have a store with merch along with a soda brand... yeah kinda dumb since they were legit gang bangers in the last game but whatever. Basically, they decide to rob a new bank in Stillwater one day and realize it's owned by a crime Syndicate called The Morning Star, which consists once again of 3 gangs. The nacho libra's, Watch Dogs DeadSec but emo and the French man from the matrix reloaded (not what they are actually called but basically what they are). Within the first couple missions they decided to kill off the fan favorite gang member johnny Gat in a vague way where he could come back but also not really. (In the remastered version im pretty sure they remove his body from a short cutscene where its shown) I guess they did this so the player would hate the new crime Syndicate, but I think all it did was make people hate 3s story. I will say though some of the missions and gear you get throughout this game are absolutely bad ass and fun, but a vast majority of the missions are just rehashed activities which is a huge let down. I guess this is the tradeoff of removing the respect Meter from being able to continue missions and I think it's part of the reason I prefer the mission lock system from 1 and 2 better. This game also brings back the idea of having a 4th antagonist but instead of Altor it's this wacky futuristic military organization called STAG and honestly, I kinda hate them and their entire involvement in the story feels out of place. Most of this game’s story is pretty linear compared to past entries but you do get the ability to choose different outcomes in the story at certain points which is fun and adds replay value. The new characters for the most part are a hit or miss just like a lot of the new changes SR3 brings. A lot of old characters, like Shandi are basically new characters with the number of changes they went through before the events of this game. The DLCs were pretty fun to play. Both of them seem to introduce all the ideas they had for the sequel. Like superpowers, aliens and the whole thing being a movie which is explored more in the sequel. All of these concepts are fun as a DLC and probably should have stayed in that category or become its own spin off franchise but we will get more into that on a 4 review.

Overall Saints Row the 3rd is a good game and even a fun game at its best that changes saints row into a unique franchise that feels distant from its GTA clone criticism but it also takes away some key aspects that made saints row 2 so good. At its worst this version of this game was a glitchy mess, which is sad because I can tell a lot of work was put into this remaster.


Saints Row The Third Remaster é um mundo aberto de terceira pessoa, na pegada de GTA, porém mais zoeiro, tudo nesse jogo é bobo e divertido, desde as roupas até as armas e ataques dos personagens, além de possuir uma boa trilha sonora. No game nós controlamos o chefe de uma gangue chamada Saints e temos que fazer missões para diversas pessoas ganhando/melhorando nossa popularidade, pelo o fato do jogo ser mais "escaralhado" as missões são lúdicas e criativas, tendo missões que são cenas de um filme em que o nosso protagonista está atuando matando aliens, outras nas quais entramos em um circuito virtual e temos que enfrentar inimigos com o nosso personagem virando uma privada e outras coisas bizarras, e uma na qual temos que exterminar zumbis. O ponto é, o jogo é extremamente criativo e divertido. A campanha não é tão grande, mas tem muita coisa para se fazer no mapa, o que torna o jogo vivo, além disso o game tem um ecossistema próprio, tendo carros de outras gangues andando aleatoriamente pela cidade e outras pequenas coisas que ocorrem durante a gameplay enquanto o player está explorando o mapa, isso que é normal nesse estilo de jogo. Ao final do modo história, o jogador precisa fazer uma escolha, mas após zerar a missão final é desbloqueada para caso a pessoa jogando queira ver o outro final. O game possui coop, mas não pude testar, pois nenhum dos meus amigos pegou o jogo de graça na epic. Achei a jogabilidade meio bosta no teclado, parecendo que o protagonista é meio mole, tipo eu solto a tecla mas tem um delay para ele parar de andar. Em suma, é um bom jogo, mas acho que ele dá uma cansada ao longo da campanha.

I grabbed it during a Steam sale, and it still holds up after all these years, of fun times.
some missions are still horrible thou
unlike the new one, which was a big yack.

It's crazy how big this game seemed to me as a kid when I watched people play it (I was definitely less than 11 years old then, way too young for this game's subject matter)

It's sleazy and pretty varied fun, but I don't really see any big reason to play it. Saints Row 4 is bigger, funnier (I think I laughed twice from the written jokes in the 3rd) and probably plays better. Go play that.