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It's been so long I feel since I completed a game in my backlog I feel. Anyways, Sam & Max is a series I had never heard of until fairly recently. I think I got hooked by their simple, yet loveable designs. They are just great characters to follow. The game is just full of great moments that made me laugh out loud. Prob one of the funniest games I've played. Of course it is also a puzzle game; didn't find too hard so wasn't that bad. The best strengths of this game are def the dynamic and interactions which are great. Happy I got to try this out and will def try out the other two entries in the mean time. I really love Sam & Max with all my heart. and I mean that.

This was a really entertaining time! The characters are all endearingly funny, Sam and Max of course make up the bulk of the dialogue and laughs but they aren't alone. The recurring characters Sybil and Bosco are great (I love how their gimmicks would change in each of the 6 different episodes) plus tons of other funny characters that pop up here and there. The 6 episodes are all very unique in setting: a casino, tv studio, the white house and more keep the situations fresh and entertaining. There is also a solid narrative thread connecting them all, even if it is a bit lose, that keeps you wondering what is going on in the grand scheme of things, even if the game doesn't take itself very seriously. Gameplay is very class point and click, which I don't mind ultimately but it isn't ever going to be my favorite. As the episodes get more complicated it does fall into the trap of just being confused which random object to use with random objects in the environment, this is a stable of the genre so I don't hold it against it too much. Luckily the rest of the game was good enough to keep me entertained and playing.

Sam & Max: Save the World (2006): En este juego viven dos lobos, uno trae puzles infames, el otro son una historia y unos personajes que te mantienen una carcajada constante. Tras este juego, entiendo que Telltale hiciese The Walking Dead, su gran valor eran sus guionistas (7,10)

Comedic gold with fun stories. Puzzles are mostly good but some took me a while to figure out. Very cozy game which is surprising considering how morally dubious the leads are. I love these gay detectives.

this game was fun & a good start to a great trilogy... only thing is that i wasnt 100% engaged the whole way, same with beyond time & space TBH. but i love sam and max very much, their dynamic is funny and makes the games so good.

i recommend this game, but not as much as brady culture’s “eyebo video”

great remaster, great games, fuck the devs for replacing bosco.

I’ve really enjoy the original, and I’ve really enjoyed this one too. Wish it sold better.

A beautiful remaster to one of the best point and click series ever, if you like your black comedy light and your antics zany, there's no better series than this.

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graphics are so awesome sauce!

she was forced to kill the president of the united states

not terribly good in hindsight tbh

I love Sam & Max, but the Telltale entries are mediocre. If you want better Sam & Max content, watch the show or play Hit the Road. Skunkape did a good job remastering it, but I wish they did a new Sam & Max game without Telltale writing.

Não é perfeito mas me apeguei tanto a esses animais. Ver eles em uma qualidade maior me pegou de surpresa e demorei um pouco pra me acostumar, mas é mt bonito. Os puzzles podem ser meio esquisitos mas eu amo a lógica fudida da maioria deles, eu amo jogar um desenho animado. Eu os amo muito muito eles são mt engraçados eu sou obcecado eu nunca devia ter ido atras deles

This is the game that really sold me on Sam and Max.
It's consistently putting you through the most absurd dumbass scenarios. The episode structure limits the game but also helps the game not linger on the same ideas for too long.
It's too formulaic, but, the good episodes are top notch. This game is worth it for, "Abe Lincoln Must Die" alone.

sam & max have done more for the lgbt community than every single politician combined

First three episodes are very boring, game reaches proper kino corny once you hit episode 4. Worth playing just for the setup into season 2.

Flipping great remaster of a mostly good game (the series got a lot better). Gamers (tm) got mad they removed a few lines that punched down ("CENSORSHIP") even though these were mostly the same writers/creators. I think the game's better for it. Stick with it if episodes 2 and 3 don't really work for you. Episode 4 is when it really started to pick-up.

Great set of games with comedy is still absolutely on point logic can just be really annoying at points especially in the last 2 chapters

I’ve been replaying this game recently and it is stilll amazing

not even done with all the eps yet but i know it's a masterpiece

really fun silly game, I don't usually like point and clicks but this one does it for me

the greatest gay couple in gaming

Remember when Telltale Games was good? Yeah, me neither.

If I was rating this game purely on how it handles its humor and characters, this game easily would get a 5 star rating. But sadly due to its episodic structure & trial and error gameplay makes the process of completing this game rather repetive and boring. And while I did not hate my experience playing this game I do wish there was more variety to how you solve clues and how episodes play out.

I pray that Beyond Space and Time does not have the same issues as Save the World.