Reviews from

in the past

Jogo absurdamente divertido! Sem dúvidas tá nos meus favoritos, embora carece de conteúdo expansivo para dar um diferencial na gameplay, é simplismente mágico viajar em um galeão com seus companheiros enquanto tocam uma linda música e desfrutam de uma "Brahma" ao som das ondas.

Os gráficos desse jogo são impecáveis, é mágico encontrar um outros players e iniciar um PVP em alto mar, as missões principais são muito divertidas e desafiadoras de fazer, o jogo poderia facilmente ser um 10 se tivesse mais conteúdo pra diversificar a gameplay.

S U B A R A S H I🙌

I played this game on Cloud and I loved it, a lot of fun, lots of interactions, and playing with friends is one of the best feelings in the world

AMO ESTE JOGO, pena que poucas pessoas se interessam por ele

We adored this game with a burning passion from the beginning, even with five months of hell trying to get it to work, and a refund in which they paid us £25, the game, and a free mouse...

And then it got so time exclusive and FOMO that we got burnt out and stopped playing. Seriously why would you make adventures time exclusive. We have lives. And ADHD. And a million other games doing time exclusive. At that point we'd rather just Not.

I had an online friend whom I'd play Blackout & Warzone with. One night when bored, he suggested I finally give this game a chance, I begrudgingly did so and after 2 hours knew I'd never want to play this cartoony ass boring game again. Probably fun with a group of friends, and when you're deep into the game fighting Megladons and players, but it's just not my kinda grind.

Solo, decent game. With friends, endless memories

só tem duas alternativas pra quem joga isso, você entra e sai desse jogo rindo igual doente dos seus amigos que se jogaram no barco dos outros falando um monte de merda no voice ou você sai desse jogo espumando porque te roubaram e explodiram seu navio sem você nem perceber no meio de uma daquelas ilhas de caveira.

Only came back for the master chief skin, this game is still fun I guess

Love the promise, hate the grind

5☆ - The literal only disappointing thing about this game is the emptiness of servers. If more people played it the game would be incredibly fun, but as it is it's still fun to explore the seas and find treasure. Nostalgia +1☆.

que jogo parado mas mt bonito

Um dos melhores jogos da temática de pirata, o que é uma pena

Really fun especially with friends. Its like the best pirate game out there. and there is like so much content in this game and it keeps getting update after update. so pretty good.

divertido com amigos, e pilotar o barco é absuramente relaxante, msma vibe de dirigir no ets2 so q no mar

Muito lindo e foda demais, experiencia definitiva de ser pirata

The game would be really nice but I have no friends to play it with and it is too reliable on your experience and pure grind. But it is still fun to play and the safer seas is my go-to while solo playing.

O jogo é bom, sua tematica é divertida e sua mecânicas funcionam bem, explorar o mar dos ladrões, sem dúvidas é uma experiência única, acredito que seja o game mais fiel a vida pirata.

Mas nem só de elogios vive Sea of Thieves, a quantidade de hackers faz com que a vontade de jogar desapareça em poucos dias. Reúna uns amigos, explore o oceano, dê de cara com um hacker e perca tudo: essa é a definição de como será sua experiência com esse jogo.

ive spent months marooned on my rowboat ditched by my crew
some of the best time spent in this game surely i will finish all the tall tales one day

this game just oozes pirate adventure with your friends. go on quests, hunt down (or run away from) other players, and get rich or die trying. my crew and I haven't even done any of the tall tales story missions and we've all had so much fun.

the only downside is the numerous bugs that can happen at any time. sometimes they're funny, sometimes they're infuriating. despite that, if you're looking for a pirate game with friends, this is pretty much the only one worth playing

Best pirate adventure game out there used to play it almost everyday I just love the big map and the storyline

Entre no seu barco, cate um monte de tranqueira, seja alvejado por um pro player desgraçado e perca tudo. Repita para sempre. Só jogo isso pq gosto da temática.

Yolandes Tiltador fez escola....

Adorava jogar isso, atrapalhando a vida do pessoal no meio do mar, mas depois de um tempo larguei por ter enjoado.

Really fun for about a week. It was entertaining, especially with friends, but didn't have a lot of depth. it may have a bit more in 2021, but nothing has ever compelled me to dive back in. But for a brief moment it was an amazing experience.

Me and my friends all played as morbidly obese shirtless men and stowed away on pvp players ships. Shit game unless you got friends

game would be so much more fun if pvp was actually a think

Maldito amigo meu que colocou a bandeira vermelha que atraia jogadores.

unbeaten vibe sea shanties went so fucking hard