Reviews from

in the past

I wasnt expecting anything from this but it was a really cute and quick adventure! Very Cute Seal :3

great cinnamontography. really makes you feal like a seal

On a more serious note. Is this a well made expertly crafted platformer full of tight platforming and amazing moments? No. Is it incredibly cheap, really silly and just flat out charming? Yes. Its perfect for messing with and it still somehow manages to scratch that collect-a-thon itch for next to nothing.

Its also full of FIBSH.


seal world is another 3d adventure platformer contributing to the revival of the genre. it follows the style of games like a short hike, lil gator, smushi comes home, and others. clearly under development, the game has numerous elements that need polishments, alongside having only a few mechanics. however, it's already showing promise. the silly sense of humor aligns with my taste; the dialogues are spot on, and the two small worlds are brimming with life. overall, the game is already enjoyable even in this state, and i anticipate even better things to come.