Reviews from

in the past

"Too Little, Too Late"

I remember getting this title through PS Plus a LONG time ago, and I tried it out back then. However, I had no memory of my experience with it, so I decided to reboot it and see if it was even still playable. In short, it's a dead game. However, you can play local coop, so I tried playing it with a partner to see how fun it was.

It wasn't very fun. The movement felt okay, but 1v1 battles were not what this game was designed for. I didn't get a chance to try this out with bots, as the game doesn't provide that as a local game option. Therefore, I was left with very little to work off of.

The shooting felt really stiff, and the movement options were basic. It seems that characters fit traditional hero archetypes, with one being small, fast, and weak while another was big, slow, yet powerful. I could see how this would have worked back when the game had active servers, but now there is no way to tell unless I was able to scrounge together four friends to play a match.

Overall, this is easy to Not Recommend. It has dead servers and a basic gameplay loop that doesn't scream originality, even if you were able to get a local team game going.

Final Verdict: 1/10 (Terrible)