Reviews from

in the past

I consider myself a fan of the shelter series, and other Might and Delight games and I had absolutely amazing time with the first game and great time with the second. Sadly, this third game came short of both, but it was still emotionally impactful.

Where as the first shelter game was quite linear, the second expanded upon it and made the series into an actual survival game, with an open world to explore and you were to make sure your offspring survived to adulthood, this third game takes away what the second game brought to the table and even more of it.

It brings in dialogue, which was not needed for animals, and it takes away the open world aspect. There was limiting amounts of predators to watch out for and those that you did watch out for were fairly easy to dodge. The game makes you follow a certain path to your destination, without really guiding you on that path, so getting lost is fairly easy and when you do, you might as well be done with as your herd runs out of food.

However, it felt like they improved on with certain aspects, like the artstyle seemed to look more detailed, the way they made the atmospheres of different areas feel was also amazing. The ending was emotional and sad, something I did not see coming.

In the end though, I feel strongly that they could've done so much better with this game and it was fairly lacking. I wouldn't really recommend this game. You should rather go play Shelter 1 and Shelter 2.

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Shelter 3 is not as good as the first game, but I can proudly say it's much better than the 2nd one. The Story is that an elephant called "Reva" uses memories of the herd's former chief to find the their way to the rest of the herd, but the game ends with them finding them all dead, this is a great idea for a Shelter plot, and it works even better than the first game's story. The Graphics are awful, the effects are the same as the previous games, but color scheme is an eye saw, everything is too blue/purple. The Gameplay has you knock fruit off of trees to feed your herd, and avoid dangerous creatures on your journey, but the predators only come in during the 2nd half of the game, so that is a disappointment, but at least it's better than the last game. The Music is nice to hear when it's there, but it's nothing hard to come up with. Shelter 3 is a great return to quality that the first game gave us, and only sacrificed a few good things along the way.

A big step-down from the previous games in the franchise. You barely do anything, it's boring. The graphics aren't as pretty as the other games' as well, even though the same style is used. I think why the graphics don't look as good is becuase of the color choices. So, yes, a big down grade that was very disappointing, espechially with how hyped we, the Shelter community, were. But I still can't bring myself to give it a too low rating becuase, after all, it's still a Shelter game.