Reviews from

in the past

As a kid, the third Shrek movie was probably my favourite one (blasphemy, I know), and playing various game adaptations of it like this one or the one on PSP might have contributed to it. While the story doesn't really matter in Javaware, the sheer fact of it being a dumbed down plot of the film was enough to make me enjoy it once again.

This is the second game in my nostalgia-fueled replay of mobile Java games right after finishing "Pirates of the Seven Seas". This one is significantly easier in comparison, the enemies being ridiculously easy to defeat, and you can play through the whole thing in less than 2 hours. I would've liked to spend more time with it, honestly, but these Gameloft games were never lenghty. And even though they all have been made in a very similar vein with reused assets, each one has a unique graphic style and mechanics that add character.

The goofy humour throughout is honestly endearing. The castle guards launching into the air out of their armor after being struck down, leaving them laying down in their undies, or being able to fly for a few seconds using Shrek's powerful farts after consuming an onion is just the funniest shit ever. It's a fun, stupid time-killer, what can I say.

plataformer 2d mt bom que usa a tela de toque bem com cada um dos 3 personagens jogáveis, e usa delas principalmente nos bosses de forma criativa, mas o jogo n apresenta mt com o decorrer das fases (que já n são muitas) e faz praticamente o mesmos tipos de puzzles nas fases.

o jogo também requer que vc tenha pego quase todas as fadas do jogo pra ir pro final boss, então caso jogar tente sempre procurar o máximo de fadas possíveis nas fases.

I like how random Dreamworks characters are in this