Reviews from

in the past

People may consider this low budget or too simplified but frankly the snappier, simpler matches are pretty addicting.

Extremely fun and addicting strategy game. Have played this game for years and always find myself coming back every now and again to just play a game of it for fun. 360 version is basically the same game but worse performance and graphics-wise; has not aged as well as the DS version in my opinion.

They need to make another game in this series. They are much better than the main series because you can actually reasonably play a game in a day instead of a month

surprisingly a fun way to waste a lot of time, at least when i was a young man

Superb experience! I download the demo to know about the franchise and fell in love with the game. The fun factor of this game is off the charts. The game is well balanced and very challenging in the hardest levels. Love the humor, the characters , the infinite possibilities, amazing game.

Fun until you pull up to an enemy city and there's secretly 700 units on their city tile

Really fun to play with mates after I got home from school but these days it has far less complexity than your standard Civ title and there's not any reason to go and boot your 7th gen consoles up to play it again. Functionally not horrible however, I think it was a good substitute for console players and it's given me a lot of fun and good memories, undoubtedly.

Una versión más simple de su contraparte original, pero igualmente tiene su encanto y diversión.

Best game ever, when I played it. This got me into games made by Paradox Interactive

really fun game, fun challenges to complete too. attacking a barbarian camp that somehow hid for 1000 years with a stealth blitzkrieg tank army

I was really bad at this game so that means it’s bad

Wanted to play a Civilization game really bad, only had a 360, this was the alternative. Had enough fun with it not to give it a 2.5, but compared to the PC games, it unsurprisingly doesn't hold up.

500+ hours in this game. It was my first real strategy game as a teenager and I absolutely loved it!

I still play this every now and then with a friend. It's definitely a fun game that, while a bit more simplified, still retains the strategy usually found in these games. I can still only play about one to two games every now and then, though

as someone who has bounced off every mainline civ game this game is perfect because even though it’s dumbed down civ maybe civ needed a dumbing down because what even goes on in those games half the time

I may be the person who has played this game the most on the planet. Or at least top 0.1%. it is a forgotten entry in the Civ series but one that I love dearly - it was my first ever turn based strategy game and whilst it is overly simple at times it is a great "casual" strategy experience. I have cheesed so many deity victories and seen everything that the game has to offer but I would love if they made another (real) sequel - Sid Meier's if you're reading this I have ideas please talk to me baby...

I also want to mention the fantastic music and art styles, I'm happy Civ 6 went a bit cartoony as it felt similar to this one in tone.

I still play this with my friends now and then. It's super fun and charming, and it was nice that they kinda made it a little more accessible for people like me that have two brain cells and can't really play turn-based strategy games.

Only reason I don't have a rating for it is because when we play it, I'm not usually the one holding the controller.

7am, no sleep
box tv
carpet floors
west va
patty, roy

Fun game but in terms of civ games tends to dumb down a lot of complexities of it.

Fun fast paced Civ game that has the worst online system every created. You can't save online games so you have to commit to finishing it in one night, and if the game fucks up and kicks you out you have to try and reconnect as fast as possible so the AI doesn't ruin everything you built.

This game has made me an elite socioeconomic and militaristic strategist

Very accessible and easy to pick up which is important for a smooth-brain like myself.

This game really helped me with history back in the days and I love how much strategy there is involved. Sadly no trophies but the endless possibilities with this game more than makes up for that.

My first Civ game so it holds a special place in my heart.

Kept renting it from Blockbuster for months, but then I found a physical copy and bought it. Two weeks later Blockbuster filed for bankruptcy and shut down.. I'm sorry everyone..

Yeah it's easier and more simplified than most Civ and strategy games, but that doesn't stop it from being so much fun that I put hundreds of hours into it as a teenager both playing in single-player and with friends.

oxford university wonder is so broken lol especially easy to get the required tech as Greece just get planes or nukes early and win