Reviews from

in the past

SHES MEEEEE shaking the iron bars of my enclosure GUYS SHES JUST LIKE MEEEEE GUYS

I never had a chance... to tell you...
To tell you how... happy you made me...

Having played Silent Hill 2 (haven't finished SH1) to me this is the most terrifying silent hill game I have played. The levels and the atmosphere is what makes this a fuel nighmare experience.

The music is amazing as what you'd expect from yamaoka. Heather is such an amazing protaganist -- an angsty teen who react to everything that is happening around her. This is what makes heather for me -- a solid protagonist among others. ( James Sunderland remain as the most complex and takes the spot as my number 1 in the series).

Silent Hill 3 is an experience like other silent hill games, it is scary and hits you psychologically, but this 3rd game from the franchise will make you feel uncomfortable enough to make your skin crawl.

An experience that will lasts and will have an impact to you just how the previous game does.


Esse aqui é lendário! Pra mim o melhor Silent Hill da franquia.
A Cheryl entregou tudo, mesmo não sendo a mais carismática ela ainda faz com que a gente queira acompanhar a sua trajetória.

O jogo é muito gostosinho de se jogar, os cenários são muito bons e a história não é tão confusa a ponto de se ficar perdido.

Um dos meus top 3 jogos da vida <3

Eu acho um pouco complicado falar sobre esse jogo... Silent Hill 3 é um game que guardo com muito carinho no coração, pois faz eu me lembrar da minha infância. A trilha sonora me pega até hoje e todos os dias escuto ''End Of Small Sanctuary'' para poder acalmar as coisas da vida real, a história é bem bacana e a gameplay é boa para época, você estar na pele de Cheryl/Heather é algo único e ao longo do game, entendemos quem é essa pessoa que controlamos. Silent Hill 3 é uma continuação do primeiro e aborda novamente o culto de Silent Hill, mas dessa vez também vemos Cheryl/Heather lutando contra seus demônios. Esse jogo é ótimo para quem curte uma vibe dos anos 2000 e gosta de uma excelente trilha sonora, é realmente algo diferente dos outros jogos da época, Silent Hill 3 me marcou de um jeito que jamais poderei descrever, pois não tenho tais palavras pra isso... Recomendo bastante esse jogo, é uma pena o que a franquia se tornou posteriormente, mas ainda temos os jogos antigos para matar a saudade <3

filthy, angry ass game, contrasting against 2's elegiac tone and pensive, guilty feeling

un día fui al caprabo de mi pueblo y me pasó lo mismo

heather, go ahead and kill this crazy bitch

My bitch ass discoved I'm trans because of Heather

Sem as conexões com outros jogos, Silent Hill 3 provavelmente não teria a força que obteve ao longo dos anos. Entre os quatro jogos do Team Silent, o terceiro é o que menos me interessei, pois não é a ambientação o principal fator para eu amar Silent Hill, mas o contexto psicológico e sombrio.

Silent Hill 3 é uma continuação para a história de Silent Hill 1, agora jogamos com Heather/Cheryl Mason, filha de Harry protagonista do primeiro jogo. A história segue usando artifícios do primeiro game, por algum motivo somos levados diretamente à cidade de Silent Hill, mas dessa vez para descobrir a causa e vingar a morte do pai de Cheryl. A trama desse game, aborda assuntos mais sensíveis que o 1° mas de nível equiparável ao do 2°, que pode ser perturbador para certos públicos.
A gameplay do jogo não é diferente de seus antecessores, mas como já era de se esperar, com uma fluidez maior.

Cheryl é uma ótima protagonista, possui trejeitos que compactuam com sua idade e situação na trama; apesar de ser mentalmente instável e fofinha, senta o dedo em criaturas sem pudor, boa personagem.

Mesmo achando que a história desse terceiro jogo é um pouco inferior ao de seu antecessor, Silent Hill 3 está longe de ser ruim. Pelo contrário, considero ele melhor que Silent Hill 2 em uma visão geral, com uma gameplay mais evoluída, uma protagonista 1000x mais carismática e um level design muito mais interessante e assustador. A trilha sonora segue arrepiante e sem defeitos. Heather eu te amo.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐂 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐨 𝐄𝐧𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐏𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐏𝐂 𝐅𝐢𝐱 𝐌𝐨𝐝:

In my restless dreams, I see that town... My sweet Silent Hill, some could say I finally ended the big three of the franchise, and with a sad face I will tell you, the love for this game is huge and even if the next entries aren't as good as these three, this was THE entry to finally stop being afraid of the horror genre, also got into Resident Evil so a win-win!

Ok, without deviating too much, the story was weaker even if it connected dots to the happenings of 17 years ago, Silent Hill 1, but a solid story nonetheless.

This game is so freaking scary, you start the game and already encountering the huge sleeve monsters and the pendulums, I call them the beyblades (thought they were only the bosses of some part when I watched a trailer on YouTube.)

And while the game ended quickly, each session completed made the ending closer, can't say it was rushed, but there is less room to breath here you go from section to section and can't catch a break (less town exploration!), compared to the calm parts of SH1 / SH2 which made me more relaxed, this is without a doubt the scariest one I've played so far (just sweating thinking about SH4), the Otherworld parts followed by the soundtrack and monster noises really made me poop better the following days.

The perception of a game by the gaming community affects my ability to see it, this is why I tend to avoid seeing many reviews before submitting my thoughts here. Love Silent Hill 1, Silent Hill 2 (kudos for the team that made the Enhanced project for PC) and Silent Hill 3. I wish to have played this franchise so much sooner, and the nostalgia given for playing the PS3 HD Collection crappy version on the PS4's PS+ cloud streaming for some minutes gave a glimpse of what was awaiting. Hope this isn't the end, I want to keep enjoying the next Silent Hill entries. Silent Hill 4: The Room, don't fail me. Send me with the final love letter from the fantastic and creative, Team Silent.

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Great game, a lot more difficult than both games before it, gave up on hard riddle on the very first puzzle and just scrapped by on hard action, but it feels like two different games stories stitched together, the first half has so many allusions to suicide that you wonder if something about it has to do with Hearter and then that just stops and it all cult stuff after that.

Also this games has the most bullshit kills in the Team Sillent series.

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Don't you think blondes have more fun...? Also fuck that final boss fight on Hard, wtf Team Silent.

La vdd si esta bueno, pero me gustaron más los otros dos

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Rewatched some scenes from the game and I think I’d be good to expound on some of my previous thoughts:

I was thinking about how there was a dissonance between SH3’s direct narrative with an extremely aggressive and blunt metaphor and the (overlooked) richness of the text and how the key is within the design and approach to Silent Hill as an entity.

I think what is vital and why it’s so important it comes after Silent Hill 2 is that it is a direct inversion of what Silent Hill means in its predecessor. In SH2, SH is more of a pure psychological liminal space that operates more on a Freudian dream symbolism/logic and is more concerned on the extent of the realness (and thus instability) of Jame’s environments. Silent Hill 3’s SH still operates as psychological liminal space but makes itself aware as pure malevolent entity that seeks to both give concrete form to fear and trauma and how it is something that is perpetuated through the shortcomings/evils of its inhabitants.

Thus what Heather sees is NOT her guilt and shame manifested but instead her own fears and reckonings with the transition to adulthood. The insane cancer for instance takes form as a greasy, deformed naked man that seems to be a play more on creeps than just some background monster. The level design is inherently labyrinth, filled with winding hallways with far too many locked doors, due to how it functions as a way to communicate Heather’s own in-world disorientation at being thrust into Silent Hill but also a psychological construct of her own confusion surrounding the changes of her body and pure loss of her own autonomy.

It is especially kind of surprising especially to see people comment that Harry’s death was mishandled if the abruptness and sudden nature of his death is the primary point of it. Silent Hill in this game is vindictive towards any innocent (and women as etc nurses in particular seem to be a particular subject of torture by Valtiel) and is pure oppression, what could be more cruel than killing Heather’s father before she has the chance to tell him how happy it made her feel?

But that’s the power of SH3, I think it’s through the pure assertiveness of its theme and its hybrid fusion of SH1 and the psychological horror of SH2 while finding completely separate ground!

Silent Hill 3 undoubtedly deserves its place among the greatest masterpieces in video game history.

Like its predecessor, Silent Hill 2, this game offers innovative and captivating gameplay mechanics. The player's 3/4 third-person view and original camera transitions give the impression of being watched by a surveillance camera, reinforcing a sense of insecurity throughout the game.

In addition, the non-intrusive puzzles and narration contribute to creating a singular atmosphere. As for the music, Silent Hill 3 leaves nothing to envy its predecessors; Akira Yamaoka, the soundtrack artist, has once again demonstrated his undeniable talent for reinforcing the game's exceptional atmosphere.

All this is built around a story that is rich in meaning, though difficult to grasp at first glance.

It's hard to rate this game anything other than the highest. 5/5.

Obra Maestra! Probablemente mi entrega favorita de la saga, por nostalgia y por ser el primero que me pasé y el primero que conocí. De los más terroríficos y más jodidos, junto a la mejor prota de la saga.

It´s Bread!

My first horror game ever, and an old favorite. Scared the crap out of me. I also love how you can examine tons of things and read Heather's (changing!) thoughts on them. I've always loved that about games, when a character has a personality and gives thoughts on things.

Meditation on sexuality and adolescence within a labyrinthe landscape, one of the greatest ever

Pretty sweet. Loved the soundtrack and the gameplay, story had a lot of mumbo jumbo

drinking a single heineken at the heavens night bar and telling heather mason she should smile more

unpopular opinion, maybe, but better than silent hill 2! i really, really enjoyed the sound, monster, and environment design in this game. also the best in terms of immersion, in my opinion, and the story's great, too! if you want to start at a silent hill game that has omnidirectional stick controls, i'd recommend this one, but if you're willing to do tank controls, start from 1; gives you a lot more context for this game.

playing this on my ps2 just enhanced the experienced and honestly the only thing i found better than sh2 was sh3

Baita jogo, não me envolveu tanto na narrativa quanto o segundo, mas mesmo assim muito superior ao primeiro, ótima a forma como traz os aspectos do primeiro jogo e engloba na história, e de fato o mais perturbador da trilogia, tem uns cenários muito fodas e os temas de terror psicológico acho q bem mais transparentes aqui do que nos anteriores

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They say blondes have more fun which I’m told is true.

I’ve played both the PS2 and HDC version.

PS2 is obviously the superior version to play on but I won’t stop anyone from trying HDC since it can be obtained on the Xbox store through Backwards compatibility.

If you do end up playing the HDC version let me warn you that the game will tend to crash in sections after the hospital - the end game It’s not too common tho. This is only on the Xbox version as I haven’t played the PS3 version as much.