Reviews from

in the past

Esperando o episódio 2

A pretty fun demo of a game that could have been. I would not pay more than $5 for this (I got it on sale, it usually costs $10), as it is literally the opening act to a story that does not exist, but what's here is interesting. It's more of a novelty than anything else though.

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it is fun

note: when i first got this game as a kid i thought i'd accidentally downloaded a porn game cause the game opens with the human personification of horniness who then reappears shortly later almost naked, jiggle physics and all but then thankfully nothing to that degree shows up again, i just forgot that's how games were in 2006.

It's source engine, so it plays well and looks good. Everything else leaves a lot to be desired.

An unfinished part of the game, for which a couple more episodes were supposed to be released, but it didn’t work out. There is only one scene in the game, which in principle can impress, the rest is passable.

Недоделанная часть игры, по которой должны были выпустить еще пару эпизодов, но не вышло. В игре присутствует только одна сцена, которая в принципе может впечатлить, остальное проходняк.

Plusy: bardzo dobry level design, wciąż solidna grafika, świetna fizyka
Minusy: przeciętny model strzelania, tylko trzy bronie, poziom trudności, generyczni przeciwnicy

Fans of Half-life 2 or the source engine can play, but it is not necessary to go to the end, the game has a plot/cutscenes/scripts/animations, but nothing interesting happens in the game's story.
Любителям Half-life 2 или движка source поиграть можно, но проходить до конца необязательно, в игре есть сюжет/катсцены/скрипты/анимации, но ничего интересного в истории игры не происходит.

A pretty-looking, but really short, budget-priced futuristic shooter that was never finished.