Reviews from

in the past

A simple platformer. What I don't understand is why the Smurf's theme song plays at the start, and is then replaced by different variations of Simple Gifts for the rest of the game.

Apesar de o IGDB considerar um game só, a versão do ColecoVision é bem diferente da do Atari 2600. O visual faz bom uso do hardware mais potente, o level design é completamente diferente, e há novos obstáculos e inimigos. Por incrível que pareça, os controles são ainda piores. A música é igualmente irritante.

Think I'm the only one who loves the music from this.

As a kid, I played this a number of times and never completed it. I don't feel bad about that at all. The ColecoVision had plenty of better games, for sure -- as did the Atari 2600.

I played the crap out of this game as a kid. I was a PRO. I probably could have speedran this

Bonito para os padrões do Atari. Fora isso, sofrível. Não sei o que é pior: os controles ou a música estridente e repetitiva.

"High Resolution Video Cartridge" must be referring to the artwork sticker since the game itself had 7 pixels, tops.