Reviews from

in the past

decent sniper game and my first proper dive into the series remember playing the demo back when it first came out and then the multiplayer with a few buddies finally decided to give the campaign a go in 2024

It is baffling that V2 is as good as it is all things considered. Who asked for this game to be made? Who asked for a sequel to the 7/10 Sniper Elite, six years after release?

Alas, it got made, it's an excellent game, and it revived the franchise to its modern success.

Joguei esse pouquinho, na época que joguei eu tava sem videogame então joguei na casa de um primo meu e papo reto... Melhoraram absurdamente do primeiro pra esse, negócio aqui tá insano demais slk... Eu tava acostumado com o do PS2 e já achava algo surreal, vendo esse aqui eu enchi os olhos de brilho e joguei feliz demais, não cheguei zerar mas cada segundo foi valioso


I remember the first time I played this game; I dinged myself over every missed shot, hell, every non-headshot. That pursuit of perfectionism in sniping burned me the hell out, so when I picked SEV2 up recently, I resolved not to be such a hardass on myself. Turns out, that was the key. I was able to enjoy the fantastic cross-sections of the occasional pro shot I'd score while also ambling around the battlefield, avoiding death like a lucky idiot. It's a unique experience for sure.

There are aspects where it is better than the first game, but there are some aspects that go backwards. The best part compared to the first game is that it has less bugs.

Sniper Elite is a game that is more fun when you play with your friends, but in general it is a standard WW2 game. He doesn't do anything special. The art design is pretty cool and the graphics don't get old easily.

Apart from these, the game has many problems like the first game. I don't want to write about these issues and make you read a long review. I had already finished Nazi Zombie Army 1 and 2. I think they are much more successful than the original game. I finished all Sniper Elite games on the hardest mode. That's why I made the best of his experience. Unfortunately, the biggest shortcoming of the game is that it is not a good Sniper game. In fact, the first game does a much better job in this regard. It would be even more meaningful if the name of the game was Soldier of Elite or Scout of Elite. They named it just because it was a spiritual continuation of the first game. The larger maps of the first game were better suited to play as a sniper. Unfortunately, the narrow corridor maps of this game are often not suitable for sniper play.

Score: 6/10

It's a fun game until you realize that you'll spend half the time looking at someone's intestines rupturing or his balls splintering into nothingness. The other half is poorly implemented stealth and funny ragdolls.

I will say though that for 2012 the game looks incredible and the multiplayer at its peak was fun and challenging.

Esse jogo é mais divertido do que deveria ser.

They should put a bullet cam in every game

Pasar el 1 al 2 es espantoso, por lo menos eso senti cuando salió

Bueno, este es un reboot del primer Sniper Elite, y a su vez es el segundo juego de la franquicia, el juego ha envejecido bastante bien, me lo esperaba mas duro o que directamente se controlase mal, muchas veces pasa que el ratón es incontrolable con juegos tan viejos, pero en general se podía controlar bien y tenia soporte nativo para 2k y 144hz así que jugarlo ha sido una gozada.

El juego intenta simular lo mas realista que puede que eres un francotirador, por lo tanto tenemos cosas como que el viento afecta a las balas, la gravedad afecta a las balas y el aguantar la respiración, tres cosas a tener en cuenta cada vez que vamos a disparar, nos metemos en la piel de Karl Fariburne, un francotirador de élite estadounidense que te han lanzado en paracaídas sobre Berlín para evitar que un programa de cohetes V2 nazi caiga en las manos del Ejercito Rojo, así que iremos por el juego matando tanto nazis como "comunistas" rusos, atravesando campos de combate aniquilando a todo el que se tope en nuestro camino, acompañados de unas magnificas "bullet cam" en el que veremos a cámara lenta como la bala que disparamos recorre todo el mapa hasta impactar con el pobre desdichado, provocando que veamos con rayos X como la bala destroza huesos y órganos, uno de los mayores reclamos de la saga y a su vez un meme porque puedes disparar a los testículos y ves como explotan.

Yo como buen gilipollas me he pasado el juego en máxima dificultad, la "Sniper Elite" que literalmente te lo hace todo lo mas "realista" posible, mueres muy rápido, de dos balas básicamente, la gravedad y el viento afectan totalmente, las ayudas están desactivadas y por si fuera poco, los soldados son el putisimo Legolas, te ven desde cuenca aunque vayas arrastrándote como un gusano, he muerto como un hijo de perra, pero me he gozado cada misión.

Recuerdo que fue una experiencia más potente del juego original, lo pasé. Pero ahora probándolo una vez más siento que el movimiento es HORRIBLE al correr. Si vas muy rápido y frenas en seco, al girar la cámara marea un montón por lo poco natural del movimiento. De resto, lo recuerdo como una mejora al primer juego, pero mi opinión del pasado se mezcla con la de ahora. Y honestamente no recuerdo bien cuánto duraba el juego ni mucho más de la historia xd.

Horrible stealth but at the same time addicting to make it work in your favour.
I was hunting achivemetns and I remember how hard some of them were in this game, straight up unfair.

a bit of a classic, good memories from back in the day

I just don't get it. I'm sorry. I've tried multiple times to get into Sniper Elite and I just can't. I don't get the appeal at all.

I burned my kettle, because I was focused on killing enemies instead of making my tea.

Shooting Nazis in the balls is only fun for so long.

I loved assasin Fuhrer 😁

No real reason to play it, especially now. Since the uninspired setting (yo, you heard of WW2?) and the even less inspired locations (have you heard of the color grey?) leave only the gameplay behind, this and the level design which it heavily relies on need to be considered. The levels vary between being kind of open and pretending to be open, you shoot people pretending to be smart, and after semi-sneaking through a grey mess you pretend you're having fun. At least there's only one escort/protection mission.

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