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in the past

🎮É difícil descrever meus sentimentos com este jogo, mas uma frase que acho que se encaixaria bem seria: 'um jogo que não sabe o que quer ser, mas que milagrosamente consegue ser divertido'.

A franquia Sniper Ghost Warrior, por muitas vezes, é taxada como uma das piores quando o assunto é FPS, e em partes concordo com as críticas. Mas eu já joguei tantos jogos que nem valiam o espaço no HD que ocupavam, que não consigo olhar para Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 e ver um jogo ruim; só um jogo extremamente medíocre.

🏆O 100% do jogo é ridiculamente fácil, só um pouco demorado já que o jogo pega a mesma estrutura de Far Cry. Dependendo da sua velocidade, pode levar entre 20 e 30 horas.

Janky, generic, and mediocre. Massive crackhouse game energy. The core gameplay mechanics of recon, stealth, and long-range precision shooting are still far superior to the Sniper Elite franchise and thus I finished it because I really really like sniping. Threading the needle for a kill-shot amidst windage, drop, breath, and occasionally hostile gunfire is very satisfying. Walking a shot onto your target after a miss before they realize what's happening is thrilling. It's just a shame everything besides the actual sniping is so aggressively average.

both of the contracts games are superior to this in just about every way, so go for them first if you have a similar itch for realistic marksmanship.

Also, get the SVD, Vintorez, LMG, and 34x russian scope ASAP

Pretty much a sniper and stealth focused farcry clone. You do basically a lot of things done in farcry and it was fun because of the stealth being basic and ok to play in stealth. Sniping was decent but map is too big. A lot of animations which gets in the way of gameplay. An ok game but 2 is better.

Part three? Are you spoiling me?

What? The sniping is actually working? And feels nice? And fun? Yo what the heck?

Oh, it seems the devs are feeling like challenging themselves with open world. Well, it looks pretty small, like a nice start. Will they make something good out of it?

No, they won't. Fuck you, devs. I would like you to never make a game again, thanks. Holy shit it feels worse than odyssey. The only saving grace is that it takes "only" 20 hours to finish. Those hours still feel like some kind of chinese torture though. Ok, ok, a little more concise.

So. Let's begin with movement. FUCK YOUR CAR! Those fucking polish bastards were so proud of their goddamn animations that every single time you have to use a car you HAVE to sit through 15 second animation of open door -> sit -> close door -> turn key -> wait for car to start -> move car 100 meters -> stop -> open door -> get out of car -> close door -> wait for two seconds for animations to finish. Don't even try to enter from passenger seat, save yourself a minute by walking around the vehicle. You would think walking would be better? Well, sorry to disappoint, because there is climbing in this game. That's right, CLIMBING! Which consists of you jumping from ledge to ledge. Obviously this jumping won't even register half the time, making you jump to your death or hopping in place like a two legged dog trying to piss, hoping that this time you will finally catch the bloody stone crack with your spaghetti hands. Then comes another movement part. The drone. I think I'll make a safe assumption thinking this is one of the worst drones in videogames. First, as in everything in this game, you have to sit through a five second animation of your drone whirring up its rotors and if you make contact with any surface while flying, be it wall or ceiling of a cave or floor or anything really you'll experience first hand how those astronauts felt while training on the centrifuge. I sent this little bastard to the tech orphanage around 2-3 hour mark and have to call it back once later to solve some cave puzzles and cursed throughout whole experience.

Shooting. You'll be surprised but it's the only system that works and feels pretty decent. You have a nice variety of guns and everything, including shotguns, feels comfortable to shoot. Really no complaints here, especially after two previous games. Good job. I would say if you didn't have three second long animations of you turning your shit stained magnification wheel every time you try to change scope zoom. I see you fuck nuggets were extremely proud of your animation work, weren't you? Well, too bad you weren't as thorough in making player experience less miserable.

World exploration. Oof, you've read up to the good part. It doesn't work. At all. Ok, hear me out. No, let's do this another way. Repeat after me. Useless.👏 Resources.👏 Are.👏 Not.👏 A.👏 Point.👏 Of.👏 Interest.👏 Now everything together and a little bit louder. USELESS RESOURCES ARE NOT A POINT OF INTEREST YOU BRAINDEAD ORANGUTANS! Half the fucking time I arrived at question mark on map I got +34 ml of cum to my white and sticky storage jar. Do you know how often I crafted anything in this game? ONCE. And that was for an achievement, not because I needed it. Consider that every such locations require you to drive your car there and then struggle to find a microscopic wallet dropped somewhere in a pile of shit half buried in textures and you'll get an unforgettable experience of misery and resentment. But what else have we got in store? We have hostages to save. And imagine my astonishment when the entire camp of enemies disappeared together with hostages right before my eyes after I marked everyone there with my drone. How is it even possible? Is the drone camera renders entirely different map or something? No surprise I kicked my drone off the cliff after that and never used it again. Ah, yes, the drone puzzles. There are those too. And there was a particular cave you have no access to, which has a clearly visible generator you have to disable but no way of doing it. The usual prompt is simply not appearing. Ok, you think, there is a guard there, maybe I should lure the guard into shooting the drone and he'll shoot the generator on the way. Nice thinking, but no. The prompt just doesn't appear. But if you fly low enough while spamming the required button voila! The generator turns off. Sigh. There are also those climbing instances about which I already told above and I also want to mention that you only have one car that spawns on the fast travel points. There are a lot of cars around, of course, and all of them show that they are closed. That tricks your brain into thinking that you'll acquire a key for them some time in the future. No, bad brain. You'll get nothing in the future. Get sad.

The only complete region (and by complete I mean at least remotely playable) is the first one. The other three remind me of an abandoned building site currently occupied by always intoxicated and aggressive hobos. That one time I cleared the village while searching for some collectibles. On the next mission I needed to go to the same village to do some stuff and every enemy there was just menacingly T-posing at me. No, they weren't dead, but I couldn't kill them. That bricked the mission by the way, I had to restart the game. Another time I had to cover the helicopter when it tried to fly away. But just as it started to lift off the ground I got a mission failed screen. Turns out, the timing for the heli fly script and RPG dude shoot script were off, which caused the failstate, and I had to shoot a random dude chilling on a mountain to progress. Unkillable enemies, not spawned in targets, random heart attacks, not working weapons, this game has it all. I wont even count how often I was stuck in object collision with no way of moving. By the way, the game has no method of restarting from a checkpoint other than restarting the game.

Thank God Almighty though for a return of my favourite twelve year old script writer. The only ray of light in this everconsuming darkness.

This is the worst shooter I've ever played

Generic as all hell but with the funniest story in gaming

Homefront: The Revolution released in the same year that Donald Trump got elected after a year of controversial headlines made him public enemy number one with everyone but his most fervent supporters, where Hillary Clinton said during a speech that young people should "Pokemon GO to the polls" to vote, where outrage content masquerading as commentary proved lucrative on YouTube and No Man's Sky was the most disappointing release of all-time. It's notable for two things: for one, dodgy reception. It was released unfinished and broken, and even if it were playable, it wouldn't have blown anyone's mind. James Stephanie Sterling hated it, Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw of Zero Punctuation was less kind, and it practically topped both of their year-end "worst" lists (1) (2). The other thing it's famous for? Having the entirety of TimeSplitters 2 hidden both in its world and behind a combination of buttons so obtuse that the developer who programmed it in there only managed to see other players access it after encouraging them to reverse-engineer the damn thing by forgetting it.

The climate it was released in, its technical polish at release, and nostalgic discussions around TimeSplitters 2 belie what a lot of Homefront: The Revolution's strengths actually are. Once you get past the inherently silly premise of North Korea taking over all of America, it's a fairly immersive title with visuals that hold up pretty well. Combat, while unrefined in some areas and not what you'd expect out of it in others, has some solidly unique twists. Weapon customization, for one, adds a lot of depth. The crazy weapon combinations (like turning a machine gun into a flamethrower) add a lot of character that wouldn't be there if you simply bought the guns you needed from a source and moved on. Jank as it may be, it's not a game made without soul, as reflected in Fluppywhiffle's fantastic review of the game from almost two years ago.

In other words, it would have been the perfect budget game at the time if it didn't cost sixty dollars.

Budget games are a dying breed at this point. They're made to be cheap, easy to consume, and given to children and teenagers alike who won't complain when their mother decides to treat them with a five-dollar PC game she found while walking around Wall-Mart. The main difference between a shovelware game and a budget game is its developer and what their intent is. Shovelware is an unrestrained slew of budget games haphazardly thrown together without thought or care. Think more along the lines of Country Justice than Peggle. In-between both camps is the bargain bin, where uninteresting games live out the rest of their life. Not terrible enough to buy for your friend as a joke nor fascinating enough to buy on your own, these are games that pollute the shelves of your local Goodwill because a nearby Target didn't want them on clearance. Think about twenty-or-so stacks of Guitar Hero: Live on Wii U months after the servers shut down, or in this case, Homefront: The Revolution on either of its targetted platforms.

The thing about games like Homefront is this: they're not great. Kind of hokey, actually. But I'd like to think of it like I thought of Halloween when I first saw it in a film class with my dad a few years ago, but slightly inverse: if it's your first exposure to gaming or one of your first, it's pretty good for what it is. It's only when you start to get into the games that directly inspired it that you realize how derivative it actually is. If its purpose is to sit on a shelf for somebody who's getting into gaming to pick up for five dollars, maybe it's not so bad after all.

Enter Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 , another derivative Open World game that was released for far too much money, was too derivative to be notable for anything other than its shortcomings, was Zero Punctuation's worst game of the year it released, and, as a final round to a Jeopardy question that nobody will ever guess, also ran on Cryengine. AND, both Ghost Warrior 3 and Homefront released within less than a year of each other. With the stop gap between the spitting distance both games had from each other removed, the only thing that differentiates them is intent. Homefront: The Revolution was meant to be a sequel to the game series that would save THQ from bankruptcy, shortly before they filed for bankruptcy. THQ auctioned it off to Deep Silver, who, in collaboration with the Crytek studio formerly known as Free Radical, tried in vain to get something fresh off the ground. After the Crytek office in charge of development neglected to pay their employees, several employees outright refused to continue working on the project, let alone work at all. After folding and being restructured into a studio that Deep Silver could have in its pocket, it was rushed out the door to meet a 2016 release date after a couple of delays. The developers went through hell and back to ensure that it was released at all, and in a sense, I can respect it, even if I don't love it. Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3, on the other hand, was its developer's push from developing shovelware, to budget games, to something that could be considered AAA and Next-Gen.

Part of the reason I've gone on for so long without actually talking about the game I'm writing about is because once you actually get down to it, there's not a lot of nuance to be found. Ghost Warrior 3 is this unholy marriage between Sniper Elite and Far Cry, with none of the touches that makes Far Cry interesting. Up to its release, it was arguably the best game in its series, but that's because the other two games were developed by a company that was moving on from the budget market on PC and trying to find a new home on consoles. The challenge that comes with writing about a game like this comes down to this: how do you even talk about it? Where do you start? If you've played any Open World game released after the year 2010, you've probably played this before, and unlike Homefront, there really is nothing here to differentiate it from the pile of games that influenced it. At most, I can probably write about the story, although that's no Bueno, either. I haven't played enough to gauge whether or not it's bad, but your brother immediately gets kidnapped after the game gives you a quote about being deceived. I bet you five dollars that there's a big bad villain who hunts you throughout the campaign that the game screams isn't your brother, only to scream that it is last second.

However, however... this still isn't bad as a bargain bin game. If you paid five dollars for this and you'd played nothing else like it, then this was probably not a bad game for you. While all of its systems and mechanics just kind of blend into each to the point where I didn't know I was picking up materials for crafting until the game told me I could craft ammunition, the first word of its title, being a sniper, is actually kind of fun—sort of. It has a lot more depth than, 'point gun at head, shoot, guy dead.' You have to account for the height you're aiming at and from, as well as the direction and velocity of the wind to land your shots. On paper, this is pretty neat and leads to some satisfying kills. In execution, you're either left to figure out how to land shots through trial-and-error because the game never adequately explains its mechanics to you, or you're left to play on easy mode where the intended trajectory for your shots is always shown to you. However, whether or not you have that blow softened for you, there's still a lot of fun to be had in finding the exact spots to take aim, watching your targets from afar, and then taking the shot when the time is right. There's a slow-motion bullet cam in here that's somewhat reminiscent of what's been in the Sniper Elite games since V2 , minus the X-Ray cams that let you see Hitler's testicles explode. Replacing that is a gloriously silly ragdoll system that doesn't feel entirely out of place, but isn't crutched on so much that it loses its novelty after five minutes. And then there's the art style which is surprisingly solid. It's not the prettiest game I've ever played, but the developer's use of Cryengine stands out, and as a result, there's the occasional sight or two in here that makes me want to keep playing just so I can see more of it. The use of puddles in certain areas is a pretty neat touch that grounds the setting in a way that the flimsy dialog and hit-and-miss shooting mechanics outside of sniping do.

In truth, I don't hate games like this and Homefront. I sure don't love them, but if enough people who would have had no exposure to gaming prior to them pick up on one of my favorite hobbies because of them, then I don't mind checking out the same game but with a different coat of paint every now and then. As a celebration of the bargain bin game, I am proudly giving Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 my highest honor:

Two stars.

Good graphics and landscapes of Georgia, the open world is not annoying, but, in general, mediocrity, the story like in a cheap movie.

Didn't expect this to be the best CI Games title, but here we are.

entre os 3 primeiros esse é definitivamente o pior, tem um mundo aberto vazio, chato, repetitivo com varios acampamentos de inimigos genericos, não sei pq tentaram coloca essa poha de mundo aberto pq linear era mto melhor doq essa bomba, o jogo todo é meio repetitivo, chega na metade e vc n tem mais vontade de continuar pq é sempre a mesma coisa

This is the game that made me realize that marketing can lie sometimes

Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3, marred by numerous technical issues and uninspiring gameplay, receives a lackluster rating of 0.5/5, making it a subpar experience even for fans of the sniper genre.

I had fun with this game. Took me about 30 hours to finish the main game, where I did all the side missions, all the wanted lists and more than half of the points of interest scattered around over the three maps. I got the Season Pass Edition from a Steamsale once and there are two other campaigns included here. The Escape of Lydia, which is only two missions that can be cleared in less than 30 minutes. The other campaign is The Sabotage, where we follow the antagonists from the main campaign, when they establish themselves in the area. Also included in this Season Pass Edition are som weapons, where the bow is virtually useless and didn't seem to hit the enemies. This campaign took about 3 hours complete. The rest of the the recorded playingtime was loading. This game takes a while to load, even on an ssd.
I downloaded the unofficial patch mentioned at the and experienced no crashes during my 35 hours.
The story is so so with twist you can se coming from miles away and the ending is very abrupt.
Still the gameplay is fine and I had fun with the game. Would recomend to buy at a sale though.

Очень спорная игра. С одной стороны стрельба очень веселая. С другой - оптимизация на Xbox Series S просто ужасна. Сюжет плохой. Графика не самая красивая

If you played the previous titles, you know exactly what to expect. It's more or less the same game as the 2nd one, but open world.

The biggest improvement I'd say is the sniping, since picking enemies off from long distance is extremely satisfying. Totally recommend playing on "Hard Mode", since it disables the sniping aim assist.
The gameplay structure was somewhat reminiscent of Far Cry 2. You pick a mission from your safe house, drive to outpost, kill guy and return to the safe house to do it all over again.

I think the most annoying thing with this series is that it constantly copies big blockbuster titles. It's a shame, since the elements that make this franchise unique are done well, but copying other titles will always make it a victim of harsh comparison.

Overall, a fun game with plenty of potential for future titles, they just need to muster more confidence and stand firmly behind their fundamentals.

Very jank, and not that fun to play.

The writer of this game probably shot himself midway through development, that's the only explanation for what we got as "story", it's so painfully predictable it'll make you shrink inside out when you reach the "climactic moments" or the "twist"

Gameplay on the other hand is bloody sweet, relatively well put together mechanics and a good sniping system, but that's about it, it's good, decent, nothing groundbreaking, but still a blast to play, stealth is great in this game

I cannot explain why i enjoyed this game so much. I can't do it. But i really fucking enjoyed it. Leagues above 2, on Par with sniper elite 3, maybe even a little better