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It's a fine game, but overall didn't enjoy the actual soccer matches too much. The overworld was way more engaging than I anticipated, even though the writing of the game was more miss than a hit.

Played up until you have the first soccer match. Found it to be boring and clunky. Enjoyed the parts leading up to that though. Good visuals and fun dialogue.

A proposta é interessante, mas ta bem longe de ser um jogo sobre futebol. Tem muito minigame irritante, o sistema de mira muitas vezes falha, tem muita coisa pra coletar, muita missão que te obriga a ir e voltar pro mesmo lugar várias vezes (chega a ser irritante). As partidas de x1 são bem chatinhas. Alias o jogo ainda tem muito bug e crashou duas vezes durante a pescaria (Aliás para que pescaria nesse jogo). Tudo se baseia em coletar itens, fora que mirar alvos com a bola é quase impossivel se você ta com o analógico zuado.

A história é OK, esperava mais habilidades nos jogos, tipo tipos de chute, dribles variados, fora que o jogo te força a resolver os puzzles somente na missão, então se você coletou ou fez algo antes, vai ter de fazer de novo. O jogo tem um problema de tradução no BR, toda vez que você entra é preciso ir em configurações e mexer la pra voltar para português. Ainda de quebra colocoram umas tradução nada haver com "RECEEEBA", putz isso ai é pra acabar mesmo. Mas se você quer se estressar com mira é o jogo ideal para você.

Fui esperando um Dodgeball Academia de futebol e acabei meio frustrado. Quase 80% do tempo de gameplay foi baseada em andar, conversar com NPCs, buscar itens e andar mais um pouco, não que seja ruim, mas fica a sensação de que ele se perdeu na própria premissa. Sem contar os bugs que aconteceram comigo que quebraram o jogo completamente, me fazendo reiniciá-lo.

É uma boa experiência curta para relaxar e aproveitar a história presente. Poderiam mudar o nome só para "Story" mesmo.

Soccer Story seems like it is trying to capitalize on the success of Golf Story (which is made by a completely different team), but it lacks many of the things that make that game successful. While the open world roaming can be fun, the actual soccer matches feel like something out of a mediocre NES game. I had a fine time checking it out on Game Pass but didn't feel compelled to finish it.

I love the aesthetic and gameplay but there are too many bugs to bump the rating up higher.

This review contains spoilers

This game has something to it I can't really name. I'm so passionate about football (no, it's not soccer), which is why the game is something for me.
I kinda like the story premise of this kid finding a football and instantly falling in love with it. The design is cute and to me it feels like an SNES Zelda game, but instead of a sword you have a football.

The gameplay is running from A to B most of the time, playing some matches, accomplishing little objectives and doing smaller side quests. But overall, it is just a relaxing gaming experience without using your head too much.

And the best thing? Your goalkeeper is a panda... GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE WHAT?!

A sports RPG that does the RPG elements better.

Soccer Story is in the same vein as Golf Story. Take a popular sport, add an RPG mode to it, and let players explore a world at their own pace. In Soccer Story’s case, this feels extremely good. Exploring the world while using soccer moves, and talking to various people is entertaining. I spent at least 90 minutes or more before even coming to my first match and that time was filled with discovery and interesting moments around the map.

The problem is once you get to the match, Soccer Story is still a soccer game. I lost my first match and thought I was expected to lose to the kindergarten class since they were that overpowering and that could be funny. It wasn’t a scripted failure and the second time I destroyed them with no clue why I did so well. The matches are a bit random, and there are skill points and upgrades but it’s not as natural as a normal RPG. Also, the story is a bit silly, which works, but might be too silly for people. It was pushing the limits for me with “Soccer” killed people.

Pick this up if you enjoy Soccer and want to play an RPG based on it. I rarely play soccer games, but this is one that I probably would consider playing more of, just to see what else it has up its sleeves, and likely will turn down the match difficulty because that’s the one part that wasn’t as fun.

I covered this game as part of the Game Pass for December 2022, if you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games on Game Pass, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

Unfortunately Soccer Story is a total misfire. I'm not sure whether it was capitalizing on the World Cup hype or attempting to beat Sports Story to the punch that made Panic Barn want to push this game out before it in this underdeveloped state, but here we are.

I really wanted to have a good time with Soccer Story. I love Golf Story to pieces and don't really care about the obvious influences if it means another fun sports RPG, but the devs just wrote down all the ingredients without knowing the recipe.

In concept it's great: open-world soccer RPG that you interact with using a magic ball, playing in matches to take down the hilariously villainous Soccer Inc. who banned soccer across the land. Kicking the ball around in the overworld is actually not so bad, and wanting to see where they would take that was part of what kept me going to the third area. The stylized graphics are nice, and they make the otherwise unexciting pixel art really pop.

But man does this game give you nothing exciting, no motivation to care about anything. I think the dialogue was the epitome of this.

The characters all speak using monotonous, abrupt speech that just feels like placeholder text. I cannot read the emotion on any character. When your player loses a match, the owner guy says "You lost the match.". And your player replies "Okay!". I feel nothing. If you've ever listened to a casting audition, the speech reads like the crew feeding the lines to the actor. No emotion, just words for function.

Besides that, the endless amount of bugginess in small (text cues not appearing properly) to big (softlocks) ways, the 2 pieces of music which are by no means bad but get a bit old after the 100th time hearing them, the far, far too easy matches that feel like a chore, the boring collectibles that reward you with boring rewards, the endless fetch quests to move the plot forwards, ALL OF THIS just sours the experience to a point where I can't help but get sucked out of the game and start wondering if this is really my time being well spent. It's not.

The startup screen UI.

The file select screen.

The sparse MIDI acoustic guitar OST for the opening area.

The "SUCCESS" message.

Right down to the fonts.

Right off the bat, Soccer Story makes it clear that this isn't merely an homage to Golf Story, it's a flat-out copy in a shocking number of ways. This homework-copying is far more brazen than any of the games which have ripped off Overcooked; when something like Moving Out or Catastronauts reused Overcooked's format, they at least had enjoyable gameplay to back it up. But no amount of plagiarism can hide how dull and slow Soccer Story is.

Movement is sluggish, aiming mechanics are bare-bones, bland fetch quests and "find/hit 10 things" checklists are overly plentiful. Above all else, it completely lacks the charm and fantastic writing of Golf Story. There's no sense in aping another game's style and penchant for silly gameplay diversions if you can't make it enjoyable.

Derivative, but can't live up to what it's so determined to copy. Booooooo.

Soccer Story é uma mescla de RPG com esporte (futebol) e aventura, igual os antigos da Camelot. Pense Mario Tennis / Golf de GBC e GBA, mas com um toque moderno, tipo Dodgebal Academia e Golf Story. Ou seja, muitos mini-games, um futebas diferente e dialogo pra caramba. Quase um RPG mesmo, mas tendo outro foco e tema.

Eu falo mais como se deu essa combinação de gêneros e toda criatividade empregada no enredo mais hue hue do mundo no meu review:

i could only get about halfway through this one. saw that it was coming to game pass and was hoping that i could get a golf story like experience out of it which unfortunately was not the case. the game often feels like a variety of fetch quests and the actual soccer game play was pretty shit and way too easy. still not a bad game its just one that doesn't really stand out at all.

it was entertaining for a bit, but some puzzles were bugged, it was very hard to find the cones so i didnt finish that, but it was a wholesome story overall

Horrible full of bugs and bad gameplay

The world was colourful and the pixel art was nice with the story making me want to know more about the fateful day at the start of the game and how it came to be.Having said that,the matches being the factor that should carry the game couldn't prevent me from giving it up.The moves felt a bit restricting and the whole gameplay setup in the matches seemed like you were playing a retro title rather than a modern one.Its such a shame because the idea seemed promising but i believe it wasn't executed correctly.

Me da pena. Tiene ideas chulas (algunas claramente basadas en Golf Story), pero está roto. Tiene errores, mecánicas sin pulir. Con un año más de desarrollo podría haber salido un buen juego

Si Backloggd permitiera poner 1/4 de estrella a este juego, se lo pondría. Es el juego más malo, roto y carente de alma o proposito ninguno que he tenido el placer de jugar. Debería ser ilegal que te pidan dinero por esto, un robo a mano armada es una forma más loable de ganarse el dinero que venderte esto

O jogo possui uma boa premissa, mas erra na execução! As partidas são extremamente fáceis, provavelmente pela mecânica do jogo ser simples... As sides quests são mais legais do que a partida em sí que deveria ser a grande atenção do jogo, afinal é um game sobre futebol... Me entreteve enquanto durou, mas poderia ser muuuuito melhor


Buggy, boring, and too much of a shameless ripoff of Golf Story without any of the charm or polish that game had.

One minigame softlocks the game by not letting you continue after winning, and I've encountered two side quests where the NPC "breaks" and you can't talk to them to finish the quest.