Reviews from

in the past

I feel a bit bad about it, but this game didn't really click for me. I'm not sure if it was the game or me but I really struggled imagening the state of the game just 2 moves ahead and that ultimatly resulted in a lot of trial and error. I managed to beat it in the end and it wasn't too hard but solving the puzzles didn't feel satisfying. Besides that, the game mechanic was a pretty unique idea and I really liked the style of the game. Maybe it just wasn't for me.

This one's got the biggest jam of the pack, and just such a fun atmosphere (PUN). Very low pressure (PUN) with the undo/restart buttons and never too complex in a tedious way. The lone flaw is the weird spacing (PUN?) of the keys, it's nice that R and U stand for Reset and Undo but they are not located well when the only keys you use are Tab/R/U!

Space Ducks is a beautiful puzzle game with a short length and a pretty fair difficulty. Rather than being a grueling task that might make the player turn away like in so many other Sokoban games, this one helps the player along and makes a good entry point for this style.

Despite how quickly the game can be played, it's very clear the developers wanted to have a distinct visual style, and I think it really increased the experience for me since it was very comforting. The audio design for the game also works well with the puzzle mechanics, which is always a pleasure to have intermingled. I also wish to mention that I played the game after the update was delivered; for my own playthrough, I found the movement to be rather crisp and satisfactory so it should be fine now for those who were bothered by slow ducks (now they'll waddle quickly to their grave with a smile).

The actual puzzle elements are pretty neat, they essentially work like traditional box pushing except you have a gravity element in place as well as the ability to utilize it yourself and walk on the sides of objects. This becomes the main mechanic, though over time the game introduces at least 2 major new mechanics that are pretty interesting. The neat part of these puzzles is that none of them are super difficult, but each still manages to teach you a unique lesson. Another interesting aspect is that the puzzle titles actually provide some insight into what your goal should be, subtle hints like this I will always be a sucker for.

Overall, I'm someone who would normally shy away from a game with a Sokoban tag, but this one actually grabbed my interest and held them all the way to the end. If you're looking for a puzzle game on the easy side that's completable in about an hour, then this is definitely worth picking