Reviews from

in the past

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Marking it as completed because I softlocked myself just by getting a little smooch and the thought of doing the first half of the game again makes me want to cry

Space Quest II: Vohaul’s Revenge is a pretty solid sequel to the first game. It was a lot of fun revisiting the game, and while it definitely had its frustrating moments puzzle wise, it was still a lot more fun to solve them than that slot machine section in the first game (I hate that section).

This was when my Save Game obsession truly began!

Picks up pretty much where the first one ended, but with some better visuals and harder puzzles.

Plays just like the first part, only harder and more time consuming since you have to die first to solve many puzzles. The humor continues to be why I will continue to play the series.

Mais explicitamente paródico que o primeiro (o que é bom!), e com puzzles mais complexos e obtusos também (o que nem sempre é bom). Colocando ele no contexto da genealogia dos games da Sierra, é bem notável a evolução visual - é um game com gráficos EGA bem bonito e com esquemas de cores muito harmonioso.