Reviews from

in the past

Fun game for Co-Op competition

pai era embaçado nesse joguin fi
como será q estão as 3 pessoas q jogam esse jg?

Game starts to go omega crazy when you learn who to properly swing. Good bois time.

The audio just didn't work at all and it is extremely boring without friends.

Quero o 2 com o A-Train nele

Very fast i'm 😎😎😎😎

To this day this game is fun to play with friends. However the means of unlocking new power-ups to use and maps to play on sucks as it takes a while to get everything unlocked.

um jogo com controles ótimos e excelente pra jogar com amigos, mas só assim mesmo, se for jogar sozinho tem graça nenhuma

honestly a great lil party game :D

Good party game for about 30 minutes until it quickly gets pretty repetitive.

i loved playing it, online players are sometimes too much tho

If the game was called "SlowRunners" it wouldn't be the same

pai era embaçado nesse joguin fi
como será q estão as 3 pessoas q jogam esse jg?

A friend bought me this and we played for a couple of hours, then never again. It's fun, but it gets old quick. I like the idea of a 2D platforming racing game, and I enjoyed it, but there just isn't enough to it in my opinion.

I like the art style, music is basic "super hero music", it plays and flows well, and I don't know if there's a story because I never touched it. It's a decent game worth a few hours of your time, especially if you get it for cheap.

SCORE: 6/10

A great time with some great boi's

eh its fun with friends
playing with bots sucks since they're just very op

Nice game to play against your friends.

Corrida maluca só que a pé, uma puxação de tapete infinita, já me proporcionou muitas risadas apesar de ser um jogo bem simples.

type of game you buy in 2014 cause markiplier played it and he has a skin in it and its just fine