Reviews from

in the past

An entire game desinged around the Blue Shell philosophy of game design. A damn good time, I just wish there was a break between rounds so I could sip my damn beer lol.

It becomes very intense once the window starts closing in on you.

A fun little party game with friends. The controls, maps and power-ups work really well together and make for an exciting and competitive… racing game? lol

This makes me wanna beat the shit out of my friends

Perfeito para jogar com amigos e perfeito também para perdê-los durante a jogatina ao cometer os piores atos de filha-da-putagens, desonestidades, perversões, covardias, canalhices, deslealdades, maracutaias e qualquer outro tipo de vilania contra seus consagrados.

The amount of unimaginables noises I've made because of this game

A friend bought me this and we played for a couple of hours, then never again. It's fun, but it gets old quick. I like the idea of a 2D platforming racing game, and I enjoyed it, but there just isn't enough to it in my opinion.

I like the art style, music is basic "super hero music", it plays and flows well, and I don't know if there's a story because I never touched it. It's a decent game worth a few hours of your time, especially if you get it for cheap.

SCORE: 6/10

Parties don't get much funner when Speedrunners is on.

It's like Mario Kart but a platformer and more rapid fire. Hell yeah

joguinho party perfeito para jogar com amigos

J'avais prit énormément de plaisir à y jouer durant un week-gratuit malgré que le jeu soit d'une simplicité, c'est drôle, mais il ne vaut pas un prix aussi élevé

Jogo muito divertido e muito daora para se jogar com os amigos, o problema é que é caro, então fica meio dispensavel para alguns, sua jogabilidade é muito legal e interressante acho que tambem da para se divertir sozinho, mas com amigos fica melhor

This is one of my top 5 party games

It's sad that nowadays there aren't many people playing the online mode

Game starts to go omega crazy when you learn who to properly swing. Good bois time.

A great time with some great boi's

Playing online with friends is the only fun part here. The campaign is half mind-numbingly easy and half near-impossible and everyone on online matchmaking who's still around swept the floor with me.

Just like every other multiplayer game, this is a lot of fun for a while, then you don't really wanna open it anymore

Played this with some buddies on a whim and the end result was actual real physical violence by the end of the play session

im good at this game i feel, comeback queen they call me ( nobody does )

Um party game muito interessante e divertido e bem diferente do que se tem disponível no mercado. Ao mesmo tempo que você entende rápido o que fazer, é difícil conseguir fazer bem e as mortes são constantes - mas as rodadas também terminam rápido, então não dá tempo de ficar muito desligado.

Queria aproveitar mais o modo história do jogo num momento futuro, quem sabe.

Zany multiplayer fun for a few bursts, though the way the camera works feels really wonky at times.

i have nearly 300 hours on this game because it was the only thing i could run for like a year and let me tell you i have never had blatantly no opinions on a game i have dedicated more hours in than this one. its just a game.

Such a simple premise and it takes full advantage of being a platforming racer.

Also, you can play as the Scout on PC so that gives it automatic points.

fun with friends. if you dont got friends then im sorry

this game slaps i wish i was good at it

Spent a LOT of time playing this game zonked as fuck at 2am at a mates house. HOURS of time spent leaning the maps, but only like...the first 3. fuck me we had them DOWN