Reviews from

in the past

Now there's a Marvel franchise worth existence

Это продолжение "Человека-паука" (2000) и непосредственно следует за событиями этой игры, поскольку Человек-паук пытается помешать Электро стать всемогущим, используя механизм, называемый устройством Био-Нексус.
Игра стала более серьезней, в плане атмосферы и истории. Уже почти нет никакого фан-сервиса, отсылок и юмора. Сюжет также стал слабее.

Геймплей почти никак не изменился. Добавили только новые картриджи (сюжетно это не объясняется) и возможность стрелять паутиной в полете. Еще появились уровни на земле, т.к. город больше не заполнен газом. Есть миссии, которые в этой части почти не отличаются от прошлой. Некоторые миссии слишком затянули, и они достаточно быстро начинают наскучивать.
В этой части нашими противниками выступят: Шокер, Кувалда, Ящер, Песочный человек и Электро. Да, их стало меньше, но схватки с боссами остались такими же разнообразными и интересными. Хотя финальный босс получился довольно скучноватым.

Если сравнивать ее с первой частью, то она явно слабее. Не такая интересная история, есть похожие миссии, некоторые и вовсе получились затянутыми и не такими веселыми и разнообразными. Но удовольствие от игры все равно можно получить.

Weirdly almost identical to the first game, yet feels completely different and has like zero of the original’s charm? Probably a lot to do with collection of villains this time around, mostly D-listers to me.

Este de hecho lo recuerdo bien, mas que nada porque me lo termine la misma mañana de navidad en la que me compraron la PS1, fue bastante épico y lo consideraría mi primer speedrun ya que no me compraron la memory card y pues tenia que ser rapido (Después descubrí lo de los codigos y estaba como aaaaaaaaa)

I saw this in a 9/11 iceberg and then a fed contacted me saying to cease and decist. Goated

okay so we take the first game, right?

and we add... required combat arenas.
and open ended level design that just feels like shit
with none of the interesting characters of Spider-Man since we blew em all in the first game
Oh, and 90% of the bosses and story are almost one-to-one from the first game, just with different names.

Also no one gives a shit about Electro! Die!!

...really cute credit sequence tho. ups for that.

PS1'de günlerce oynadığım oyun. Memory card'ım bozuk olduğu için tek oturuşta bitirirdim.

they put so much cool shit in the last one that they had to make electro their big bad hahaha booooo dumbass

this game is very interesting in a lot of ways. it isn't as good as the original, but i love how it tries to find it's own identity. the first game is silly, fun, and with loads of charisma, while this one tries to take itself more seriously in a more grounded scenario. it's kinda interesting that minus green goblin the first game had most of spider-man's biggest hitters. venom, carnage, doc ock and instead this one brings out a lot of his smaller lower level villains like hammerhead. even though mechanically they're the same, the tone of the story and scope of the world is very different. really interesting to see this spider-man in a darker story, but nothing can beat the charm of the first game.

This was a great play, the graphics and sound design was so nostalgic, but it was also just a decent game. Not as good as the OG I'll admit, but def worth it!

o primeiro é melhor e vsf a luta contra o shocker nao sabia oq tinha que faze

Being so intimately familiar with this game's predecessor, it was fun getting to jump back into this world with the same gameplay in new levels. Spider-Man 2000 feels like such a self contained piece of history to me, it's strange this game exists, stranger that it took me so long to finally get around to it. I've heard this game lack the charm of the original and... yeah I can see that.

It's not bad by any means, far from it. But a lot of what I love about that original game is in its cast of characters, all of which are absent for the sequel (with the exception of Spider-Man himself). This time the game has 3 main villains: sandman, hammerhead, and electro. They were all pretty decent, but none reached the highs of doc ock, carnage, and especially venom. I wish so badly venom showed up in this game, it wasn't the same without him. This is all in comparison to Spider-Man 2000 though and even though it's not as charming as that game that doesn't mean it's devoid of charm. This is still a pretty entertaining game; Spider-Man's quips are on point as usual, Stan Lee continues to narrate, and the cutscenes are goofy fun.

This game is very challenging with certain sequences (the plane chase especially) being completely unforgiving with the time limit. Sometimes this worked and other times it was frustrating. This time around focus is given to a new web pull ability which is pretty finicky. The gameplay is largely the same as before, finicky but fun.

Unlike Spider-Man 2000, this isn't something I'd go back to much, but I'm glad I finally experienced it.

Eu ainda me questiono como um .exe é capaz de abrir este jogo. Diariamente pergunto-me que bruxaria é aquela, capaz de incluir um jogo de PS1 + emulador em menos de 1GB.

Not as good as the first game by a mile (and a lot glitchier too), but the voice acting is still enjoyable and there are some fun levels. Play the pre-9/11 version if you can it just feels more compelling in the final stages.

Pretty much as fun as the first game, but feels like it's lacking what made that one special.

The story is less exciting than the first one and also the levels are way simpler. There's a lot of levels where you need to race against the clock and levels with annoying gimmicks that makes you restart a level various times. The boss fights are boring and confusing so it takes unnecessary time to find out how to beat it. The first one was way more compelling.

Better than the first. I have so much nostalgia for both these games and even though I may have played the first one more Ive always liked this one just a little bit more.

It still has the same gameplay and charm as the first game but it's just something about the design of this games levels that stuck with me more than the first. I recently replayed it and YEAH it's got it's issues because this is a ps1 era game but this is still excellent in my opinion.

The best PS1 game?

The original game that made you FEEL like Spiderman.

Has a lot of PS1 jank you'd expect from the era, but the graphics were surprisingly good for the system (if still of its time).

Played this all the time as a kid. Without cheat codes I made it to the final level, but could never get to Electro. I think I remember the Sandman and Rhino (although it might have been another brute like character from the Spider-Man rogue gallery) fights. I replayed the first level a lot, where the voice over is done by Stan Lee (or a close match).

Cheat codes allowed for lots of alternate costumes and other cheats like invincibility. Was fun to mess around with.

It is exactly the same quality wise as the first one. Loved it as a kid, but it’s a bore to play now.

Despite some additions in mechanics, like mini-game puzzles or special webs, Enter Electro works like its predecessor, but without his charisma.
The game has a few interesting boss battles, but that's all, most of normal levels are forgettable, story is very generic, and it doesn't have the charm and funny of the first one.

This REALLY isn't as good as people would have you believe.

Solo les gusta este juego por que tiene a los 2 edificios chistosos

Infelizmente ele foi ofuscado pelo atentado das torres gêmeas porém ainda continua sendo uma boa continuação