Reviews from

in the past

sabafq spodermen, dobry bicie, fajne robjnie

This was a fun game. Good visuals and story was, taking liberties from the movie, but welcome liberties.

i played the wii version of this game and i only remember swinging around and them going "of course you have spider powers, what is this, 'man 3'" and that was a shitty joke that has been engraved into my skull


El peor juego que he jugado, es horrible.

What a weird and unfinished game. The three systems I’ve played it on are vastly different, but I’m talking about the main (360/PS3) one. Hilarious, though. Especially the symbiote stuff.


I was going to give this a lenient score, but honestly I couldn't come up with any redeemable factor. The combat is terrible, the swinging worse. The story feels like reading a synopsis of the movie, but not like a Wikipedia one, the promotional one given out to the press when the movie is announced. The fucking black suit, the main selling point, in some terrible attempt at immersion basically acts as a death sentence halfway through the game due to a ridiculous quick time event button mash that is nearly impossible to complete. My score for the PS2 version would be a 1/2 star.

Played on PPSSPP Emulator, but have completed on original hardware before.

Virar o Homem-Aranha em paris é MT épico

No me acuerdo si me lo pasé uwu

"I'm going to die."


Why'd you go and do my boy dirty like this. Terrible film, terrible game

Da nostalgia só de pensar (:

No Pizza Time. Shitty swinging. Shitty combat. Venom is an asshole. What's the point? Just play Spider-Man 2.

Fuck Activision.

The ps2 version is a ok open world for the console.

Ultimo jogo que joguei no 360

Un des meilleurs Spiderman que j’ai pu faire avec un système de zone a la NFS Mostwanted. Ce fut incroyable.


I can't believe I'm doing this, but I'm about to write a short Spider-Man 3 defense piece. It's not perfect by any means, hell it has some pretty bad flaws. QTE's are insane at times, and there wasn't a single boss that didn't make my thumbs hurt. However, underneath all the rubble is a game that was rushed to completion, and my theory, probably forced into a Spider-Man 3 tie-in game. Think about it. The plot is almost completely unrelated, and only 4 missions out of 42 are actually related to the plot of Spider-Man 3 at all. Couple that with the fact that this was being developed concurrently with Spider-Man: Web of Shadows, and I think this is a "Spider-Man v. Crime" game turned into a Spider-Man 3 one. Now, another thing. The combat, and this becomes a theme here is ALMOST pretty good. The combo variety is crazy, but where the problem comes in is when the dodge is on the trigger instead of the face buttons. This results in massive thumb pain from pure mashing while your index finger does all the work on dodging. The same goes for the swinging. It's ALMOST pretty good, but brought down by wanting to be more advanced than Ultimate was. Every swing has an animation, but there's no variety, and because of that it feels repetitive. It also feels slow. but it has upsides, it has a proto-Spider-Man PS4 tricks, one of which was actually ripped straight out of this game and put into Miles Morales. I even think it improves upon the previous 2 in some ways. They're finally confident enough in their length to not have you be forced to do side content to unlock new missions, but make no mistake, it's just as plentiful as it was in those games. It's now just what it's meant to be. Side content. What people really rag on this game about though are the graphics, and they do not look nearly as bad as people exaggerate them to be. It's mostly all held in the facial scanning, which is something that still looked bad in games like Infamous Second Son seven years later. The city, and effects look beautiful, if a little flat, but feel alive. The windows light up at night, the city feels dense with these weird paper people, and the traffic feels more alive than even Spider-Man PS4 does at times. Speaking of, I see the most influence from this game in Spider-Man PS4 than I do in any other Spider-Man game. There's the air tricks I mentioned, but also a similar swing kick, grabbing and throwing objects, creative, and expansive crimes and more. Coincidence? Probably, but I thought it was neat.

A versão de PS2 é boa, ainda mais para quem é fã do filme. Enquanto isso a versão do Xbox 360/PS3 deixou a desejar.

The giant lizard thing is the worst boss I've ever had the displeasure of fighting in any videogame, the dickheads in MHGU included.
Even ignoring that bullshit that wasted 10 minutes I'll never get back, the game is janky as all hell. That QTE cutscene that everyone laughs at is not a one-time thing, everything in this game is like that.
Speaking of the quick time events, they are definitely the worst thing about this piece of shit. The giant lizard is hellish to fight, but at least I only have to fight that cunt once. These are annoying, way too fast to react without failing once, and appear constantly, I hate whoever programmed these.
The combat can be fun, simple but not horrible. However, there's not a single boss fight that is fun, they are all horrible, some can be cheesed for 2 minutes straight, while in the others you have to sit there and realize that you're wasting some time of your life playing a shitty game made by Activision.
EDIT: I said that the lizard was the worst fight ever in any game... well don't worry, it is still horrible, but we have another moron in our way.
Remember when I said that the bosses are not fun? Add consecutive quick and more annoying than usual QTEs, and you have the Sandman portion that you play as Goblin.
If you, on top of that, add a shitty fucking gimmick and attacks that are so much buggy that they make Sonic '06 seem like a masterpiece, and you have that Rhino cunt.
Turn all of that up to eleven, and you get the shitshow that is Venom. For real, it is so bad that i genuinely think that it was programmed by an aborted fetus. You might think this is inclusive, but it's just retarded.
I would rather kill myself, get reincarnated as a black american and annoy a police officer just so I would be killed again than touch this piece of shit again, I'm done.

esse aqui é o jogo do homen aranha que mais joguei no ps2, muito nostalgico e curto ate hoje

This is purely out of nostalgia, as im pretty sure this game is quite bad in the modern times, but I was addicted to this game as a child.

Joguei e zerei no gba do amigo, até hj lembro do cheiro dos cartuchos.

This was awful but I remember it being so fun