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Spyro: A Hero's Tail offers a colorful, family-friendly platforming adventure starring everyone's favorite purple dragon. With a new cast of playable characters and expanded abilities, it attempts to shake up the classic Spyro formula. While the vibrant worlds and lighthearted humor provide some fun, the gameplay feels less polished and more repetitive compared to earlier entries in the series. Additionally, new mechanics like elemental breaths and teammate control aren't always executed smoothly. It's a decent distraction for younger gamers, but it falls short of the series' high standards.

Disclaimer: rare long review incoming

This is probably my least favorite Spyro game from the series and I hope to never play it again. Why so? Allow me to tell you.

For starters it took me 2 tries to complete it since as my younger self I couldn't fathom not only the cheeky unfunny dialogue but also the story itself. I had too many question coming from the PS1 era, such as: Who's Red? Who's that pink dragon? Why does everyone talk like what they do is a chore? Why does it feel like everyone hates being there? What happened to the Professor and his intelligence? And most importantly, HOW CAN I MAKE MONEYBAGS SHUT UP?!

Seriously, he's the most annoying ever and you have to talk to him constantly because there’s now a gem shop where you can not only buy upgrades but keys which you need for some collectibles or to fast travel between areas. In fact, he even talks to you whenever you're near his portals repeating the same lines with that smug face, and (spoiler alert in case you were wondering) you never get back at him.

So that’s bad enough at least it’s somewhat bearable if you turn off the audio. What isn’t and plays a major factor are the controls. Honestly, whoever decided to map the run button to circle and the fire button to square should have been fired immediately. I lost count on how many times I messed up hitting an enemy or dashing in the air due to muscle memory. Every time that happened it made me facepalm and at the time of reading this my forehead is probably quite red.

Moreover, the 3D platforming is made even worse by the bad physics engine. While not the worst I’ve witnessed it encompasses a lot of instances which needed more time in the oven: glitchy hitboxes specifically while hitting some enemies, slippery platforms particularly moving ones, getting hit through walls which at least didn’t happen often, or even missing collectibles you clearly go through because the game didn’t load it fast enough.

There are also minigames throughout your journey and while I didn't despise them, there were certain parts that really frustrated me: the Sparx levels for spamming you with enemies in sections where you have to go through fast closing hatches, Blink's platforming considering for how much you have to do of it sometimes with a lot of waiting; and Hunter's inaccurate moveset for both jumps, punches and arrows if you’re not at the right spot. Sgt. Byrd was the only one that controlled well enough to not be a problem and its times weren’t as strict as some may say.

Apart from that, the game in general had an accumulation of minor inconveniences which I could mention but it would make the review twice as long. These I wouldn't have noticed if this was the first game in the series but since it isn’t and the problem wasn’t there to begin with it’s quite noticeable. For example, you’d expect after ramping into a jar or a chest to immediately give you its contents, mostly gems. Well this game sometimes doesn’t do that and makes you turn around, move the camera and step where you’ve just been. Stuff like this isn't game changing but once it happens too frequently it can pile up enough to get on your nerves. Fortunately in the case of gems there are so many lying around that you might as well avoid the chests all together from a certain point onwards.

On the positive side, the presentation itself is very colorful and despite not being a fan of the character design, it looks good enough for its console. Furthermore, while none of the tracks caught my ear and this is a downgrade from how well they used to be composed, some may find them catchy after hearing them enough. Also, not every single joke in the game was bad, some dark gag did make me giggle in hindsight, too bad they didn’t while playing the game considering whatever annoying task I had to perform.

All in all, this was simply an utter disappointment that completely stepped on my good nostalgic memories with a pale version that tried too hard to make fun of itself to the point that it can be summed up in one word: annoying. The only reason I went back and completed it was to lay my curiosity to rest and in that regard I think I’ve done more than enough.

This was one of THE games of my childhood so I was excited to get back around to it and see if I still felt like it held up to an extent when returning to it, and I was pretty amazed with how much of this game feels almost as if it was tailor made to feel like the biggest, most exciting thing ever to a kid. Looking at it now, there’s definitely quite a bit that doesn’t really work too well, and it feels more like a typical 5th gen platformer than something that is uniquely Spyro, but even so, I can see why I was obsessed with this game when I was younger, and it was still quite fun to me this time, especially since I realised that I remembered almost nothing about it whatsoever.

The way that this game mainly stands out to me is with how it utilises negative space in its stages, often having these large, open unreachable spaces that stretch over the horizon, not really having much in them, but providing a sense of scale and sparseness to each world. This trait is consistently one of the most enchanting things to me in a 3D platformer when handled correctly, and it’s done marvellously here, with a lot of the biggest points of spectacle in the stages being these moments where walking through the claustrophobic corridors and gauntlets leads you to a big, open area, often with level boundaries that don’t do much to visually cover up the emptiness behind them, which in turn evokes a similar atmosphere to Stone Hill from Spyro 1, just in far more locations. What really sells the game’s visuals to me is how it does all this while maintaining a sense of lushness and vibrancy to even the most hostile of locations, making places like the swamp still look strangely warm and inviting.

Switching up the structure of the game from self-contained levels to larger, interconnected zones is another way that the game felt so massive to me as a kid, with the relatively seamless transitions making those sudden changes in scenery feel all the more impactful. A more open approach to level design felt like the natural progression of the series as a whole as well thanks to how Spyro’s mobility options have always differed to a typical 3D platformer, and it’s handled rather well here purely in terms of how each areas feels to exist in. Unfortunately, it becomes clear very quickly that outside of the atmosphere, A Hero’s Tail doesn’t really know how to fully utilise the tools at its disposal and dumbs things down a lot in places that could have been where the game shone the brightest. The way collectibles are hidden is the biggest way this becomes so apparent, with the majority of them being more or less directly in sight of the player and just requiring very short, easy platforming challenges to reach them. It rarely feels as if you’re actively exploring the levels as a result, instead doing something more akin to being led down a bunch of paths that are very clearly signposted for your convenience, feeling closer to a theme park attraction than a proper platforming stage in places. This makes the actual exploration of the stages feel very barebones, something that is only saved due to how beautiful they all are and the fact that the occasional instances of genuinely well-hidden stuff feel like fantastic curveballs, regardless of how few and far between they may be.

Unfortunately, I also don’t quite love how certain aspects of Spyro’s controls feel in this game, especially with how jumping works. You have a double jump in this, but it’ll only trigger before and at the exact moment where you hit the peak in your jump, and afterwards will be a glide instead. This feels really rough in the more technical platforming sections, since the typical strategy of waiting a bit longer before jumping again so you can extend the distance will just kill you here instead, setting things up in such a way that you always feel like you’re jumping a bit too early, even if you still get to where you need to. None of Spyro’s moves flow into one another smoothly enough to make the moment to moment experience feel quite annoying because of it. Hitboxes also come across as very iffy sometimes, particularly whenever there’s something you need to pole spin across, as it’s a common occurrence for you to phase through these if you didn’t hit the exact trigger point, often leading to death. Boss fights are consistently a low point of the game as well, consisting of a lot of waiting in between attack cycles for the one moment where you can hit them, often with attacks worked in that don’t feel designed with consistent dodging in mind, leading to some real cheap shots that are irritating every time, even if they rarely lead to an outright death.

While the Spyro gameplay is largely a very pleasant ride, despite its simplicity and problems (it’s a kids game and a good one at that, it’s allowed to be simple), my praise for almost everything outside of Spyro’s portion of the game runs far thinner. Rather than taking the approach of Spyro 2, 3 and even Enter the Dragonfly to a lesser extent, where there was a constant bombardment of weird game modes that would only appear once or twice and make each place stand out simply due to how many different ideas could be packed into each twist and turn, a Hero’s Tail opts to largely contain it to 5 different additional game modes that all make an appearance in each world instead. To give some credit to this concept, a lot of this adds a greater sense of liveliness to the world, with Sgt Byrd’s speedways, Sparx’s shooter sections and Blink’s underground expeditions showcasing different facets of the world, making the skies, the underground and even small gaps within the walls feel populated. Unfortunately, most of these additional gameplay sections play very poorly and break up the pacing in a truly horrible way.

The Sgt Byrd sections are the best parts of the game’s side content, acting as the speedway sections from the previous games, just with a couple of key twists that switch things up, both for better and for worse. The jetpack controls feels a bit different to how Spyro would fly in the past games, but ends up working out nicely, making things feel quick and weighty, with the ability to use fuel to boost further contributing to this. The ability to fire off your homing rocket launchers and have them come into contact with something as long as they’re vaguely on screen is an aspect I’m less appreciative of, as it leads to the player having to think less about routing and how to efficiently grab everything. None of these speedways took more than one or two attempts each and they’d always feel like a bit of a blur, where I’d just fly around and hit stuff aimlessly until I’d eventually win. The most difficult parts of each of these was just finding those last one or two objectives that had been tucked away somewhere, rather than having to understand the stage as a whole. Despite my issues, these end up being quite fun regardless, it’s just that they miss out on a lot of smaller details that made these always feel so exciting in the original trilogy.

In contrast to this, the other 4 main modes all kinda suck for the most part. The turret sections of each world just scream “this was a 5th gen platformer so we needed a few of these”, and feel like a mindless distraction, they feel gimmicky, and unlike the skateboard sections in Year of the Dragon, do not have enough time put into them to feel like a fun distraction, just an obligation and a hollow attempt at spicing up gameplay. The Sparx sections similarly feel utterly skeletal in how little is going on here, just being a bland rail shooter, with the caveat being that he takes up so much of the screen that properly navigating between threats is an obnoxious endeavour. The ball sections start off well enough, with the introductory one being a fun obstacle course with a bit of exploration and moments where the level design gets a bit playful with the physics, but the other 2 appearances of this in the game are far more on rails, either being a janky marble run section that has a tendency to throw you into bottomless pits constantly, or a minecart section with obstacles that come out of nowhere. The Blink the mole sections are where the game is at its worst however. These sections are entirely built around being stealthy, and cycle-based platforming, with each cycle being agonisingly slow to the point where each of these 4 stages will make you spend at least half of the time either waiting for an obvious opportunity to proceed, or slowly traversing via walls, ceilings or by standing on glacial moving platforms. Adding insult to injury is the way that all of these minigames require you to go through them twice if you want all of the collectibles, and while they’re technically harder than they were the first time, the changes are always so minimal that you might as well just be doing the same thing a 2nd time.

This is a game with a lot of issues for sure, but it’s a lovely time nonetheless. No amount of frustrating, tedious minigame nonsense will take away from the fact that the atmosphere and scenery of A Hero’s Tail is downright breathtaking (and trust me, the game really seems to want to see how much dumb garbage it can get away with packing into this). A very cute, pleasant experience that I would recommend to those who enjoyed the original trilogy, it’s not quite as good in my opinion, but it’s got its own appeal all the same, just maybe don’t try going for all collectibles, you’ll enjoy it more that way.

I almost fainted when I pressed A after jumping and Spyro double jumped instead of gliding. Then I got to the first Blink minigame and I died in real life

Instead of going for the classic Spyro formula with a hub world with multiple different levels, Eurocom decided to take the game in a more open world style with levels being connected to the main area. While this is a highlight in the Dragon's games it falls flat in many ways.

The main villain Red is not very interesting, he is just a power hungry villain with not very many interesting areas. We are told his backstory by the elders and not shown. The other villains aren't very good either.

The voice cast is fine. While Sergeant Byrd and Hunter are voiced well, Spyro and Sprax are just annoying with Spyro reminding me of the first game.

Like in Year of the Dragon, there are multiple playable characters. Sergeant Byrd handles the Speedways which are fun but confusing. Sprax gets an on-rail shooter which is fine, Hunter gets platforming with a bow and arrow which is fun and unique and newcomer Blink gets underground sections which are just very boring.

Gems are now currency. Moneybags decided to open a shop with various items. Lock picks for locked chests, Butterflies in a jar for Sprax, an extra hit point for Sprax are just some items you can buy from him. There are shop portals which will sell his stuff for more gems. The Sleazy Fool.

If Activision decide to do another game following the original trilogy remake, I think an open world style game like A Hero's Tail would be a good move because this is a good idea for the franchise.

Maybe it’s because I came to this one right after Enter the Dragonfly, but I thought this was a very good time.

This one tries to be different from the original trilogy in that it's an open-world approach to the Spyro formula. Though it isn’t a major shake-up or anything, it’s more the usual Spyro gameplay except that there are no hub worlds, as all the levels of one world are connected to each other. How well it’s pulled off can vary. Some levels are as simple as walking through a tunnel from one place to another with no shake-ups, while some have transportations between them, which are obvious stand-ins for loading screens, and these transportations can go on for some very long time. In fact, it might be quicker for you to just use the teleportation between Moneybags’ shops to get to another level.

Because of the inter-connected worlds, the gems have been reworked into currency, and while it kind of takes away one of the incentives for you to explore the levels as thoroughly as you could, I can overlook it since the Light Gems and Dragon Eggs are more collected via platforming and exploration. Plus, it means you don't have to spend half an hour going through again and searching the level from top to bottom looking for one gem. One nice detail of the level design is that destroying the main "collectible", the Dark Gems, unlocks a new path in front of you, making the levels feel more dynamic.

Spyro’s control is pretty good, he’s much less stiffer and turns much quicker, maybe kinda too much, as there were some moments where he made some unnecessary 360 spins when I simply pointed the stick towards one direction. He doesn’t have a hover now, and instead has a double jump and it’s a decent compensation, because of the more platform based approach to the collectibles. Said double jump is pretty awkward though, as he can only use it at either the height of his first jump or before. The elemental breaths return from ETD and they are much better utilized here. They are used for different kinds of puzzle solving and are differently effective in dealing with enemies, such as lightning needing to hold the button to defeat enemies or ice just freezing them so you have to charge into them. This adds more to the gameplay even though it isn’t a complicated mechanic.

Hunter was almost the same as Spyro, just using more climbing and arrow play. Not much to say aside from that he’s shockingly underutilized though, which might be because he gets a level all to himself. Sgt. Byrd is basically a revamp version of the speedways from the previous games, where he uses missiles and bombs on the targets from above instead of having to fly by them, and I actually think these are more fun than the original speedways. Sparx’s rail shooter parts are decent. Just pretty easy once you get the hang of them. And finally Blink, whose missions are to find dark crystals underground and blow them up with bombs. I didn’t hate playing this, but it was tedious because of the slower pace compared to the other four. But I was more mid to him.

For some complaints, the bosses are pathetic. It’s way too easy to avoid their attacks, and it’s not an exaggeration to say that the final boss is the easiest one. The flow of the game gets more dull towards the end as the final world is too linear after the previous three had more room for exploration. Even though I died an embarrassing amount of times, the game’s design isn’t that complex. You can easily breeze through it. And the story is nothing to write home about. The characters don't take it seriously, so the player has no reason to as well. Props to Jess Harnell for voicing a great deal of the characters, though.

Now I haven't been the most positive towards a lot of aspects of this game, but I do still think it’s a great game. The platforming was still fun, I had fun with the mini-games (ball rolling in Cloudy Domain and second cannon mission in Stormy Beach aside), and its simplicity works to its appeal.

As of this writing, I haven't played Enter the Dragonfly, so this game represents the closest anyone got to recreating Insomniac's whole thing (Reignited notwithstanding). It's an all right attempt, but sadly, it's not great.

This game reminds me a lot of the first Jak & Daxter, a comparison I must confess isn't necessarily a compliment from me (but more on that another time). Part of it is the shift to large, open environments with hidden load screens - perhaps a natural extension of Spyro's usual thing, but striking for the lack of hub worlds. Part of it is the writing, with Spyro being more in-your-face than ever before (though I don't remember Daxter breaking the fourth wall to make a drug PSA?).

And part of it is that there's a swamp level, during which you meet up with a redneck stereotype whose farm is being invaded by overgrown bugs, which you must repel as part of an inexplicable turret segment. If I had a nickel for every time that happened...

This game brings back animal buddies, kinda. Sgt. Byrd and Sparx are the only true returning animal buddies, though Bentley gets a cameo (although booooooo they dumbed him down). Hunter has been upgraded to playable, and while there's probably something flagrantly wrong about his newfound competence, I'm not gonna lie, his archery stuff is a fun diversion. That Frozen Glacier level, where you have to play as Hunter, probably represents the game at its best.

Lastly, there's new character Blink, who's... just kinda dumb. That "fresh-air-a-phobia" line is kind of a perfect tone setter for Blink as a character. Also, I guess the Professor, who is his uncle (nephewism!), was a mole this whole time? Definitely thought he was some small bear or something.

The best part of this game is probably the Drew Struzan boxart. Which, to be fair, is a highlight of a lot of his work, but still. The game's fiiiiiiine, but doesn't have much in the way of staying power.

I always hate it when games of this era, in lieu of a denouement, just awkwardly end immediately after the player defeats the final boss.

the OST for this game makes me start levitating

My favorite spyro game! I wish Ember showed up after this game or more in the game in general her design was so cute and felt like a waste! Her color palette reminds me of Cassie from Dragon Tales.
Ember aside, I love how colorful and cartoony this game is! Sure the story is basic, but I love it

One of those games I would describe as "over animated". Every character has such exaggerated movements that it's a little off-putting. Spyro's walk cycle is more like a bunny hop than a walk. The gameplay is very standard and the story isn't very compelling. When playing all of these games back to back I got burned out and dropped the game, but I really want to finish it someday.

I bet this is more fun if you’re not going for 100% completion

The classic Spyro game I grew up with.
Anyone remember those Cynder vs Ember shipping videos with the high energy music?

This game is good, not great but good. What Enter the dragonfly should've been like.

Tried it for a bit last year when preparing for that Spyro video I was talking about in the Enter the Dragonfly review. I didn't love it, but I respect what it was going for; felt almost like Jak & Daxter but with Spyro. If nothing else, one of the better post-peak Spyro games that I've played.

So fun, but i dont recall ever finishing it sadly..

:C: [18/Mar/24] - 80/80 huevos | 40/40 gemas oscuras | 100/100 gemas de luz | Mejoras desbloqueadas

While this is an improvement over the previous Spyro game, the game still struggles to be any fun. I felt like Spyro was my day job and I had to meet the collectable quota. I didn't think there was anything noteworthy.

It's hard to not be better than Enter the Dragonfly, but this is still bad.

spyro if it sucked ass but again

This game isn't made by the original team and it doesn't have to be, because it's goddamn better. The new worlds all compliment each others with no level close to bad, and the often orchestra-like soundtrack has been overlooked for far too long. A hidden light gem, if you will, if you can overlook the 5 minutes of dialogue that was already cheesy for its time.

when i was a kid i played this and there was a cave with a big fucking spider in it and i never played it again

Remember enjoying this one quite a bit. A welcome return after Enter the Dragonfly.

loved this as a kid, and then i lent it to a friend who i had forgotten didn't have a ps2 but a ps1, which seemed to utterly destroy my game disc and made it unplayable on my ps2. rest in peace

Coming back to this as an adult after on & off playing as a child, I think that this was a solid evolution from the PS1 trilogy. Granted, it doesn't reach the highs of said trilogy, but the gameplay was decent enough, with a sort of pseudo-open world, kinda. The minigames were more focused than the ones in the PS1 trilogy, with there being only 4 different types that repeat in each realm. Too bad they are passable at best (some Sparx & Sgt. Byrd ones) & a painful slog at worst (some Blink & turret ones). The writing was fine, if childish, and pushing for humor more than previously. Altogether, a pleasant enough experience, & even my gripes didn't sour the game too much. Recommend for a fan who may not have played this one, or if you generally like PS2-era 3D platformers.

i remember kinda liking this but not too much

Maybe my taste in Spyro games is wrong because I personally loved Enter the Dragonfly - but A Hero's Tail I could never really get into. Felt like it was trying something new, but I didn't really care for what that was.

I liked this game, it really felt like what I thought Insomniac would have done moving on from Spyro 3 if they didn't sell it. I'm really liked that the game was much more open. The game plays really well and has fun levels. My main issues were that it occasionally leaned into 3D platformer tropes too hard, sometimes levels got too same-y, the early bosses were meh, and the Sparx and Blink missions were boring/not fun.