Reviews from

in the past

The greatest gift God has ever gave us.
This game is the quintessential Star Wars experience and nothing ever after has still reached its peakes. Godly large scale earth and space battles, large class selection, amazing single player, heroes vs villains and much, much more. You cannot make a Star Wars fan happier than this.

Favorite crunchy quote: SUPER BATTLE DROID! TAKE IT DOWN!

Battlefront 2 é um jogo muito bem elaborado e extremamente divertido. Nele, você pode participar de grandes batalhas vistas nos filmes, seja em terra ou a bordo de uma nave, escolhendo entre os períodos das Guerras Clônicas ou da Guerra Civil Galáctica. Além disso, é possível jogar com vários heróis e vilões da saga.

O modo campanha nos coloca em diversas missões na pele de um clone da 501ª Legião, desde batalhas contra a CSI até o grande expurgo Jedi. Após a queda da República, o Império Galáctico é criado por Darth Sidious, e a 501ª agora é conhecida como o ''Punho de Vader''. Como um Stormtrooper Imperial, somos designados para diversas missões a fim de eliminar a escória rebelde. Antes do início de cada missão, podemos assistir a trechos do diário da 501ª, mostrando o que cada soldado sentia antes de suas batalhas, revelando o desenvolvimento da divisão de elite de Darth Vader.

No modo Galactic Conquest, você escolhe um período da guerra e utiliza sua frota para conquistar planetas. É possível adquirir bônus para auxiliar seu exército durante as batalhas, como mais munição para os soldados, rifles aprimorados e regeneração de HP. A partida é vencida por quem dominar a galáxia.

O modo Instant Action proporciona partidas rápidas com os modos: Conquest, Space Assault, Capture the Flag, Hero Assault, Hunt e XL.

O jogo também oferece suporte a mods, o que pode aprimorar significativamente sua experiência e transformar completamente o jogo, adicionando conteúdo adicional.

Apesar do suporte oficial para o modo online ter sido desativado, ainda é possível jogar o multiplayer utilizando outros programas.

Passei muitas horas jogando Battlefront 2 no meu antigo PS2, e o jogo não perdeu nada de sua diversão. Recomendo não apenas para os fãs de Star Wars, mas também para aqueles que procuram um excelente jogo de tiro.

Star Wars Battlefront II is a robust and engaging game that provides a deep dive into the Star Wars realm. The game’s enhancements build upon the existing framework, resulting in another high-quality Star Wars gaming experience.

I love swinging my shit when im able to play as a jedi

I mean, it's a reasonably fun class-based shooter with some fun space combat, but this is probably the most overhyped game of its generation. Even online play in its heyday couldn't elevate this over its contemporaries (like, say, Halo 2?)

mudou minha vida. não sei como os novos jogos do Battlefront conseguiram falhar em replicar o sentimento incrível de jogar esse jogo

Such an amazingly fun game. Features the long forgotten addition known as Split Screen!

"What I remember about the rise of the Empire is... is how quiet it was. During the waning hours of the Clone Wars, the 501st Legion was discreetly transferred back to Coruscant. It was a silent trip. We all knew what was about to happen, what we were about to do. Did we have any doubts? Any private traitorous thoughts? Perhaps, but no one said a word. Not on the flight back to Coruscant, not when Order 66 came down, and not when we marched into the Jedi Temple. Not a word."

Can't believe they never made Battlefront 3 with evil obi wan

great game highly recommend for any star wars fan

O melhor jogo de Star Wars da história, o modo de conquista da galáxia é uma obra prima, eu fico muito triste por ele não ter sido levado aos Battlefronts atuais.

There's more nuance to this game's campaign than one might think of a set of missions primarily designed to familiarize the player with the levels of Battlefront 2. Essentially, it's the nameless, faceless clone's biting and fascistic narration between levels that subverts the rest of the Star Wars saga's idealizing of the the Clone Wars era, and adds a layer of dimension to gameplay that holds up fairly well a decade-plus later.

A classic I always come back to eventually.

I don't even like Star Wars, but this game is so good.

One of the few games I can still come back to when/wherever and still have a BLAST another one tied for my favorite game of all time but it has the most re-playability out of any game I think I've ever played. Unbelievable how well it holds up and is still a blast.

The sounds and feel of this game are super nostalgic. I love this game, but unfortunately it's not as amazing as it could've been. Lots of small things that add up

The game itself is godtier with its campaign mode, multiplayer, and private matchs againts bots. Fun and a must to every star wars fan.

Very fond memories of playing this on the Mos Eisley map against bots

first game i ever got for my psp and getting it on PC gave me the same amount of fun 10 years later

If no one else got me, I know that Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005) got me.

I think this was one of the first games I ever played at the demo in GameStop when my dad was looking around for the poster for this game. My first introduction to video games was through a console I would never have any interest in, for a game I currently have no interest in. Kinda sad in that sense

a experiência definitiva da saga Star Wars com um combate ao mesmo mesmo tempo diferente mas seguindo o já estabelecido num sonho de todo fã de Star Wars, vários mapas, modos, heróis e as duas diferentes eras ainda podendo ter mais com mods, única reclamação é das missões da a campanha não ter save durante a mesma (perdeu volta tudo) uma joia rara de uma era perdida, jogue por favor, me fez feliz com meu notebook fraco

You want to fight through iconic Star Wars battles? Fight in Star Wars vehicles? Role around as a Droideka? Fly an X-Wing and take down a Star Destroyer? Fight in a Jedi battle royale? This game has it all. It's kind of amazing how much content there is in this package. The diversity in game modes, with different maps, game types, factions, ground or space combat, all equally fully featured and all playable within a custom playlist against bots or with friends, is just staggering.

This game is basically Star Wars, but Battlefield, yet it never loses the unique visual design of Star Wars, and it knows the assignment: create a giant Star Wars playset, and let players run wild playing through it. The variety of units you can play as, from the basic Stormtrooper, to jet troopers, to Wookies, to Droidekas, it's every Star Wars fan's dream come true. Not to mention the heroes and their unique kits to play around with, tearing through basic troopers like it's nothing. All hero game modes are especially fun, with just a huge roster of characters to play, it all turns to utter chaos, but god damn is it always fun. Space battles are the icing on the cake, letting you truly experience your favourite part of Star Wars, no matter what it may be.

To top it all off, this game has a surprisingly good campaign story mode. The story is quite gripping, telling the story of the 501st Legion from the Clone Wars through the Galactic Civil War, with some surprisingly mature writing thrown in to deliver a solid entry into the old Star Wars canon. The missions, while repurposing multiplayer maps, do a good job of maintaining the atmosphere, and also can provide a surprising challenge. It's a great campaign, worth playing the game just to experience.

While games like KOTOR might be the apex of Star Wars storytelling, this might be the apex of everything else Star Wars. The amount of content to play around with makes this an insane value, and the quality of that content doesn't dissapoint after hours and hours of play. To me, this is the best Star Wars game ever made, and it's a shame that nothing has really been able to replicate it's level of variety, fun, and enagement.

It improves many aspects from the first game, and some are worsened, like the first-person camera... but everything else is incredible. Now, you don't take too long to go from one place to another. The AI is better balanced, the campaign is enjoyable, and it works very well as a tutorial.

Now, I understand that they lied, and the things they promised in the past were never fulfilled, but it's a game that continues to be enjoyable, despite its recycling.

neat to experience some of the 501st's missions firsthand, but extremely simple overall gameplay just makes the whole thing feel kinda meh. can also feel ridiculous playing on elite and losing all your missions to the useless AI partners dying on repeat while you take out dozens of enemies by yourself
worth noting this is all just the single player and I never got to experience the multiplayer for this game