Reviews from

in the past

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith on the Game Boy Advance is a surprisingly solid beat-em-up adventure. While it doesn't break any new ground, the varied levels, faithful recreation of the film's story, and upgrade system provide a fun and engaging experience for fans of the Star Wars universe. The combat can get a bit repetitive, but overall, it's a decent adaptation that captures the excitement of the movie.

I loved slaying the younglings

Apesar do combate repetitivo e da curta duração, o jogo oferece gráficos fluídos e uma fidelidade a trama do filme. Podendo escolher jogar entre Anakin ou Obi-Wan, onde possui algumas nos golpes e enredo.
Um Beat 'em up divertido para o console de bolso, que proporciona aos fãs de Star Wars uma boa experiência , apesar de algumas limitações de jogabilidade e sua curta duração de gameplay.

Actually a pretty good beat 'em up side-scroller that many have probably overlooked. Space sections are pretty shit though.

I had this game on GBA when I was a kid but never was a able to finish it.
Now, after finishing it many years later, I can say that it's a pretty solid beat em up for a GBA title. Great sprite artwork, smooth animations and responsive controls. Also, multiple force skills and special powers for both characters(Obi-Wan and Anakin) makes the gameplay fairly diverse. It's worth to try for sure.

This is simply a Star Wars-themed beat-em-up game, and a rather good one at that. It doesn't do anything fancy, but has some good content such as differing story paths between Obi-Wan and Anakin, upgradable abilities, great pixel art, and rather smooth gameplay. It's not super long, but it covers the events of the film in an interesting way. I would definitely recommend for the Star Wars nerd in your life.

This review contains spoilers

Imaginen mi cara cuando, habiendo visto todas las películas menos el episodio 3, me entero que Anakin es Darth Vader.

Es un beat'em up que en su momento me pareció muy divertido. Me gusta la mecánica de conseguir esos puntitos verdes para poder levelear los poderes de la fuerza.

Full video review:

A solid, yet boring side scrolling beat em up. It doesn't particularly excel at anything, it's lacking on features and feels more like a promotional item for the film as opposed to something more. I like the way they've brought John William's excellent soundtrack to mobile devices, but ehhh that's about all it's got going for it. Would not recommend.

yeah I was like 10 admittedly but this game FUCKS

For the DS it was fun a nice side scroller I would play and would pass the time.

got this in a goodwill bargain bin when i was 7 for about a dollar, it was a game alright

Fantastic little beat 'em up. The force is well implemented, and the duel sections are really well done. I also love the music, they really knocked it out of the park there. The game does seem to get very difficult at points for no reason. Certain bosses have no direction either meaning I had to sit there for up to 10 mins trying to figure out how to beat them.

Honestly I was not expecting a tie-in game on the DS to be this good.
The sprites are very nice looking, the animations are fluid and the game works fine; it did get a bit boring after a while so I dropped it.
Maybe it's my undying love for Revenge of the Sith but I can't hate this game.

It was a mediocre-to-ok tie-in beat'em up game with some nice variety from what I remember.

The closest Star Wars has ever gotten to a good VS Game, plus one of the best Movie Tie-In games of all time

I’m outraged there was no youngling level
It’s basically just a beatem up but there’s a nice variety of gameplay, the combat and force powers are great. As far as 2d beatemups go, it’s pretty great. Also the music slaps

A surprisingly fun and complex licensed beat-em-up.

Solid sprite are and fun action. The amount of force powers you can use keeps this one from getting stale and the 3D space stages are fun. I would call this one a hidden gem on the DS in my opinion.

Pretty fun and short beat em up. It's funny seeing that lines they chose from the film would later become very iconic lines or real funny memes.

Es uno de los pocos títulos de Star Wars para GBA que vale la pena jugar. Ateniéndose a la historia principal de la película y convirtiéndola en un esquema para el desarrollo del juego, Revenge of the Sith para la portátil de Nintendo ofrece diversión y dificultad. Aparte de tener unas buenas gráficas y un sonido que se puede calificar de aceptable, es un cartucho bien estructurado al que se nota le dedicaron el tiempo suficiente para pulirlo. Aún con sus limitaciones, cuenta con una amplia variedad de opciones y un sistema de juego que nos invita a seguir avanzando hasta ver los créditos finales. Por fin un buen título para GBA basado en la popular saga.

Beat em up 2D divertido, que llega a aburrir.

Yeah, so this is a mediocre beat em up based on a mediocre movie, but at least it has a space combat mode which is okay. The beat em up gameplay is pretty clunky, but isn't the worst thing in the world. After clearing the single player mode I would occasionally return to play the Skirmish mode idly Flying around, shooting down dudes, while it's extremely basic it looked pretty good for the DS and was mild thoughtless fun.