Reviews from

in the past

Might as well play it before the servers get shut down in a year...

Pretty fun for a free to play Switch game. I’ve been playing it on my Switch Lite and I like how it easy it to boot up and just start playing a few quick matches without feeling like you have to sink in a few hours into it. Just a fun quick and easy arena shooter.

Not the most interesting Overwatch clone, what was more interesting is that my username was considered as profanity and i don't know why lmao.

I played this for one night and completely bodied every lobby I stepped into so I have to imagine the game is filled with either babies or bots. The next day when I booted it up I played one match and then asked myself, "What am I doing?" I then deleted it off of my Switch. So a glowing endorsement really.

For a free game with one of my favorite media franchises, I’m really enjoying it. The reminders to buy the battle pass are annoying but that’s how these games are. I have fun with it and haven’t found any groundbreaking glitches yet. Unlocking new characters is pretty easy as long as you keep playing the game. You can probably unlock 1 or 2 a week without spending any money.

Overall I think the shooting mechanics and characters are pretty balanced, the MTX aren't absolutely abhorrent, and the game modes are pretty solid. Without recognizable characters, though, I worry about it's long-term staying power.

So I recently picked up a Backbone, and coincidentally this came out the same day. I downloaded it on my iPhone 15 Pro Max, played a few matches, and picked up the Arena Pass to support the devs. I've been playing it since, and I'm having a lot of fun.

Each character in this 4v4 hero shooter is pretty well balanced. I've leaned more toward damage dealers like Aron Tal, but I really like some of the support characters like Skora, who shoots, heals, and throws down an AOE heal/damage.

There are a few things I would change. The free credit currency you get is pretty pathetic. Obviously the point is to drip feed you the free stuff so you buy the premium, but at least in other games I feel like you can get something out of the free stuff. Here, you get one or two items that cycle from the store infrequently. I would also love to be able to pick a specific game mode to play in casual mode, instead of randomly getting whatever they decide (not a fan of Trophy Chase).

I also was surprised that we got a Star Wars game with no known characters. Don't know if they'll add them in, but I worry about how long people will stick around if they can't play as Boba Fett or Chewbacca, and are stuck on the bargain bin versions of those.

Its fun. I wouldn't recommend playing with touch screen, but if you play on Switch or with a controller, you'll get something out of this.

And the Great Hero Shooter drop of 2024 begins

Although saddled with what we’ve come to expect from free-to-play games (redundant currencies/resources, paying to progress, FOMO-inducing events, etc), I still enjoyed the core gameplay loop a decent amount.

I played on an IPhone 12 with a controller and thought that the performance was good enough for what the game demands. Your mileage may vary if you’re using a Switch or touch controls though. Your experience will also vary a good deal depending on how bad your random teammates are. I’d recommend friending any good players you come across and queuing up with them if you want to avoid that frustration.

My favorite aspect of the game was the creativity as far as character design goes. It feels like they could’ve easily taken the route of using established fan-favorites but instead we ended up with two Jawas in a trench coat and a robot Jedi, which is objectively cooler.

FAT disappointment after this game was in development for so long.

I've played this game on a Samsung phone, a Nintendo Switch, and an Android PC emulator. Unfortunately I absolutely hate playing games on phone, I especially hate controlling a 3D camera on a phone, just a personal preference. Unfortunately for me, this game is only best played on the phone, on switch it runs and looks significantly worse and you're at a disadvantage from phone players that have superior aim assist. The Android Emulators currently don't run this game very well at all, so alas I'm left with no platform to comfortably play this. That's my personal platform rant lol.

Now onto the actual game, it's just not good! Everything outside of the actual gameplay is, as expect, total mobile game malarkey. 50 million unlocks, battle passes, credits, etc. It's just an absolute slog of incoherent menus. This absolutely harms the experience.

The actual game isn't much better. It is a neat novelty I'll give them that, a 4v4 hero shooter set in the Star Wars universe! I was actually looking forward to this cause of the interesting premise. The most interesting character to me was the robot jedi, he looks awesome. Tragically, I was never able to play him, because you don't get to choose who you unlock, the game decides the order of unlocking characters, so if the guy you want is at the end or middle of the line, tough shit I guess.

From the characters I have played and seen in game, there are some major balancing issues. The wookie character is flat out broken, you'd be a fool to not have him on your team, and many healer characters just straight up can't die because their healing abilities recharge so fast.

Balancing aside, I think this is just not a good game to make mobile. This game has a ranked mode, it has some heavy teamwork elements where the team with the better composition, spacing, and ability management will win. This of course is a HORRIBLE pairing with random phone users. You will queue up into a ranked game with 3 other randoms, just to get completely stomped by a group of friends working together. The thing is, I can't even be upset, it's absurd to expect overwatch-comp levels of cooperation out of random phone users, but that's kinda what this game is asking for?

This game is a pretty cool spectacle on the phone and a cool idea for a Star Wars game, but there's nothing here worth my time.

The game seemingly is asking for a lot of the players time without offering anything worth that time, I don't get it I guess.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

I'm not really into arena PVP or hero shooter games but it's free and I like Star Wars (in theory) so I tried it out on Switch. I expected to play a couple rounds and uninstall but surprisingly I enjoyed it and played for a couple hours. Matches are short and character abilities are simple, in a good way. These two factors allows you to easily jump into another game and give a low barrier to entry. My assumption is that this simplicity will get boring over time but perhaps the progressive unlocking of characters will make that better. Currently there are only 13 characters but I'm sure they'll add more. You start with 2 unlocked and can unlock more by playing (or paying money of course). In the 2 hours that I played I unlocked two additional characters.

I might pick it up again sometime when I don't have the time to commit to a full gaming session of the other "legit" games I'm currently in the middle of. I doubt I'll play it again for any extended duration like I did the first time.
It's a fun time for as long as it keeps your attention but, unfortunately for the devs, it's not really worth spending money on.

It being a mobile game isn’t what makes me dislike it,
The gameplay loop itself is undeserving of your time.

more fun than you might expect but not as good as you might hope, the overwhelming monetization/daily tally systems really drag down and muddy a fun and intuitive core shooter game.

More entertaining than I thought it'd be considering it was designed as a mobile game. Wouldn't be a bad idea to explore this concept further and make it a full blown PC/console game, specially with Battlefront out of the picture.

Diverte bastante para um jogo Hero Shooter. Não é meu estilo, mas tem seu valor.

Thought I'd actually try playing a new video game for once. It was okay. All I know is that every single character in this game gives off "Glup Shitto" vibes. If you're a Star Wars fan you'll know what I mean.

I played it for two days, and haven’t picked it up again. I enjoyed the content but it feels shallow.
If my friends try it, I’ll hop on. Otherwise, eh.

This is really damn fun. It's actually surprisingly easy to control for a mobile game in third person view. It's easy to get the hang of, and I've been winning quite frequently (which surprises me because I suck at Battlefront, which this is similar to). Yes, unfortunately there is a battle pass system, but fortunately your are able to earn most of the rewards by playing the game freely. Highly recommend for any Star Wars fans out there.

I've played this on iOS and Switch and funnily enough, it's 10x better on mobile. It's optimized as a mobile game with incredible aim assist and auto fire that takes away almost any skill at all. On Switch the controls are absolute dogshit and it runs like I'm playing it on a microwave. It could have been very fun if this had come out on PS5/Xbox/PC, but alas. If you're a Star Wars fan, play it on mobile (and steer clear of the Switch version) for a mindless PVP shooter experience.

[Played on both Nintendo Switch & iOS]

Pretty sure I download this game just to log it on here

Really fun game, you can play on mobile but I play it on my Nintendo and it’s really enjoyable.

Honsetly shocked that i'm enjoying this as much as I am. fast-paced enough to pick up and play a match or two on a break, but still has a decent amount of death you would want from something like an overwatch. I don't feel like the star wars theme is really being used all that effectively. Something like this should have used movie characters instead of trying to fit into some vague sense of canon.