Reviews from

in the past

Sodom being a top tier is perhaps fighting gaming's most notorious gaslight.

damn good roster and one of my favorite announcers in any fighting game, used to be my favorite street fighter until i started playing usf4 again lol

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The best version of this game is the PSP version it's the most complete and has extra content. BUT if you're looking for just the base game with extra characters then Saturn and Dreamcast versions Are best for you.

I'm all about A-Groove combos in CvS 2 but V-ism just never clicked with me here.

EDIT: I'VE FIGURED IT WHY! Sodom isn't in CvS 2.


bom jogo

After sucking Alpha 2's dick for a long time, I've to appreciate this more nowadays. Especially since this is Street Fighter's last hurrah to its Hyper Fighting roots that isn't the billionth Super Turbo rerelease.

Its probably the most juggle heavy SF and its the first fighting game to have "styles". A-ism is the most balanced while V-ism(too good) & X-ism(eh) aren't but thankfully got better in updates which nobody played. But I appreciate the crazy options

In general, I see this as the final evolution to THE 90s style of capcom fighter which I classify as fast as fuck with insane combos ala Marvel series, Darkstalkers and SF before 3.

So long, fast SF. I will miss you dearly.


nao sou muito fa de street fighter

Un juego aburrido cuando llegas a un nivel intermedio. El roster y los visuales son buenos, la musica es original, pero el sistema de peleas debilito demasiado cosas tipicas de la saga como las bolas de fuego y los agarres, en favor de un sistema de combos expandido que igualmente no esta bien pulido.

Ele trás um sistema muito bom de jogar, não é meu preferido mas é um grande jogo para brincar.

Owned the dreamcast version which was head over heels better than the PS version I also owned. Great visuals and fun gameplay.


I've never played a fighting game that filled me with as much emotion as this game. It's so awesome. The presentation is on point. I love all the different game modes provided, I love the gameplay, I love the soundtrack, this game is so awesome in so many ways. This is one of Capcom's finest titles for sure.

Abolish 360-degree-on-the-dpad special moves

I'm very, and I mean, VERY bad at fighting games, this one included. Yet, I had a blast with this one no matter how much I lost, maybe is the music, scenarios or charismatic characters, or maybe thinking that I can get a bit better with every new fight. Did I get better? I doubt it, but it was so much fun to play anyways

A-ISM is best ISM

And the best themes are Balrog, Vega, Karin, Sodom and Ryu

SF Alpha 3

Por algum motivo não consigo gostar desse jogo. Vai ver é o fato que toda personalidade dos anteriores foi pro agua abaixo, a OST parece um peido dubstep, a jogabilidade é menos impactante, e o sistema d 3 barras é zoado. Além do final boss ridículo. Sla...

Ainda é Street Fighter Alpha, e adiciona uma cacetada de personagens novos e interessantes, e o narrador é um dos melhores da série, então 👍

(Karin ❤)


O sistema de _-ISMs é interessante, mas o V-ISM fode demais o balanceamento.

Le défaut de la version GBA c’est d’être sur GBA mdrr…

Énormément de personnage et une beauté visuelle incroyable. Un des meilleurs SF.

sf2den sonra onca sf çıkmasına rağmen sonraki sevdiğim tek sf bu

I misjudged this game so badly. Originally I had it at a 3 out of 5, but it's a 5 now. The game has a gigantic roster and it's perfect. The backgrounds in the game are also very well thought out and the graphics are eye popping. This also has extremely smooth gameplay and some of the best of the series. It's extremely well made and my favorite of the Alpha series. This is the ideal Street Fighter experience!


maneirão também, colocaram char pacas e é o meu preferido da série Alpha. muito pica