Reviews from

in the past

I had never played a Monkey Ball game before this release, and while I did enjoy the time I spent playing, it didn't capture me like I hoped it would. I might go back someday, but I doubt it. My wife does not play video games, but she played the first world and had a great time with it.

It’s hard improving on perfection especially for a game known for precise controls. Unfortunately things feels slightly off in this remake. Excellent level design, very exciting to see a new generation discover the gameplay popularized by Marble Madness. Would have given it 4.5/5 but the Monkey Target minigame is broken and the cinematics are nonexistent in this remake.

I never thought I'd say it, but... not having lives in this was a misstep. Don't get me wrong, I had fun! Infinite lives were a gift in Story Mode. It's just... with no classic, replayable arcade option, I don't see myself returning too often.

With no multiplayer on the main mode, downgraded story cutscenes and dodgy physics, Banana Mania is straight up inferior to emulating the original MB games on Dolphin.

I fucking love momentum based games. Though the camera likes to be your enemy and it takes a while to get used to the mechanics, also I'm not a fan of the slideshow cutscenes

My wife always forgets the name of this game and calls it banana Rama

Very good game, but not for everyone. A really fun precision 3D puzzle platformer, a weird mix that somehow works well. Definitely recommend buying the Steam version for mods.

incredibly fun but also incredibly frustrating... but in a fun way!! i get very angry at this game but it's always very satisfying when you finally complete a difficult level. that being said, i'll probably never complete it because it's so difficult.

I grinded out mini games so I could skip the levels I couldn't beat

Great remakes of two of the most difficult platforming challenge games ever made. Great minigame selection too.

I miss the original music, but it's nice to be able to boot this up every now and again to enjoy tearing my hair out.

It's fun for a bit, but not exactly my thing. I was really hyped so that's sad. Cool in multiplayer though.

the makers of this game are extremely darksided for making the challenge mode retry button a 'reset to stage 1' thing when it's LITERALLY a 'retry the level' button everywhere else rip expert mode sub 99 deaths run.
but hey monkey ball is back! the physics aren't exactly the same and the meta has changed (arthropod/exam-c/domes nerfed, sieve/soft cream up several tiers) but the greatest 'it's okay to fail and you will a lot' game is on a console i have again and that's wonderful. just wish nintendo would release an octagonal gate controller so i wouldn't have to pay some smash weirdo 100 bucks to play this game as intended.

(i have never played any of the minigames so idk about those)

okay so going back to this game and NOT being a harsh piece of shit, this is actually honestly a really good version of all the levels from 1/2/Deluxe. and hey it let me actually clear Expert and Master in SMB1 and 2 finally

this remake was alright but i already played it on my emulator and i think the OG game was basically cooler in every single way

Juego que finalmente me ha hecho entender porque esta franquicia merece seguir viviendo y porque su fanbase es tan apasionada. Complicado si no estas acostumbrado a este tipo de juegos pero da su recompensa luego de intentar dominar y speedrunnear los niveles. Las físicas no son igual a las originales pero sigo pensando que esto es una gema.

Doesn't have the same feel as the originals but is great for those that never experienced them on the GameCube.

By the 10th level I felt like the game wouldn't evolve much more and it wasn't really fun so I dropped it

The needed revival to the Monkey Ball franchise. Monkey Ball was on life support and was a shell of SMB 1 & 2 until this game. The QoL features make this game worth it. Although SMB 1 & 2 will always be nostalgic, this game is definitely up there. They butchered the minigames though, they don't feel the same, monkey target is essentially unplayable in Banana Mania. And there is no online play. Still recommend picking it up!

a comprehensive, sleekly designed collection of one of the best game franchises to rent from your local video rental joint (rip)

fucking broken ass game waste of funny monkeys

Single player adventure and arcade modes are as good as ever, but most of the mini-games feel like college students were asked to port the originals and they feel terrible.

Monkey Ball is such a joy. Soul crushingly hard, but a joy, and that is captured in this rerelease. The added extras go a long way in giving this rerelease legs as well.

It's just a bummer that they messed up the physics in Monkey Targets and replaced the so-bad-they're-good cutscenes with indecipherable motion comics.