Reviews from

in the past

Oof, Superman 64… where do I start? Flying through rings is frustrating, the combat's a joke, and the fog-filled cityscape is super depressing. Missions are repetitive and unclear, the graphics are awful even for its time, and it's got glitches galore. Some people find it hilarious in a "so bad it's good" way, but even ironically, it's tough to play. Unless you want a meme-worthy experience of how not to make a superhero game, steer clear of this one.

If I was 4 years old, I can imagine the experience of flying around as superman in this game wouldn't be the worst. The problem is that I'm 19 years old as I write this and that's approximately 30 years past the age you'd need to be to understand that the controls are dreadful, the graphics are awful, even for the time and hardware, and the game as a whole sucks complete ass.

However, I'll stand by the idea that, had I grown up with this, I might have found it to be a guilty pleasure today.

I thought people were joking oh my god

Probablemente el primer videojuego verdaderamente malo que tuve el dolor de experimentar, muy de pequeño pensé que yo no lo sabía jugar, no podía ser que el juego sea unicamente atravesar anillos volando y no tenga una historia coherente, pero eso era, decepción completamente y con seguridad una de las peores creaciones de la industria.

Superman: The New Superman Adventures, starring Superman, coming this Superman!
When the ring sections aren't even the worst aspect of this game, you know it's bad...

Esse é o melhor jogo da história, New Vegas e meus gostos são um lixo e Wilson são burros eu que não compreendia a magnificência dessa obra prima, Mario 64 tá mais pra buxa 64 comparado com isso.

so bad its great to play with friends

This is actually peak superhero game you guys just suck at it

"Lex wins"

Well thank you Lex because I don't want to go through any of these fucking rings anymore.

How the fuck does one recover from this.

I had the authentic Superman 64 experience as a kid, but I was new enough to video games that I blamed most of its faults on myself. I thought I just wasn't good enough to get the rings. I wanted so badly to play this game that over and over, while the time limit for the rings ticked down, I would fly down, pick up a car, and throw it, desperate to squeeze out some enjoyment before Lex Luthor laughed at my dumb ass again. Perhaps the most abusive relationship I've had with a piece of software

Me impressiona eu ter chego longe nisso aqui

Maybe behind that evil fog device hides a better game.

The reputation is well-deserved. It has no redeeming qualities, except maybe that the people who were paid to make it got to spend that money feeding their families.

Superman 64 (who cares if that's not the real name) is one of the worst games ever made, on any system. If you're an absolute freak, or if you just want to see what the fuss is about, then go ahead.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

It's a meme at this point how bad this game is, but like... it's real bad. Like... shortlist for worst game ever made bad.

I know this isn't a good game. But the laughs and entertainment this game provided me, watching my cousin fail at the rings over and over and over and becoming increasingly more irate, is simply priceless. It's one of my favorite games ever, for that reason alone.

Thank God Santa skipped this one from my Christmas list as a kid

To echo what's been said already, baffling design decision to start the game with no warning into a flying obstacle course and upon completion throw you into another scenario with no warning or direction, deserving of all the hate and then some

titus will go down in history for this game, too bad their several attempts at mascot platformers never quite panned out.

i liked this when i was a kid for the 2 hours i spent in the training level throwing a car in the air then trying to catch it.

fun fact! this is the lowest rated game on the entire website, as well as one of two games (the other being bubsy 3D, unsurprisingly) to have an average rating below 1.0

To a lot of people, DC’s Superman was and still is a symbol of virtue. A powerful and heroic figure who, out of love for the little blue planet that gave him a second chance at life, uses his godlike abilities to protect the weak and punish the wicked. The character of Superman has undergone many revisions, re-imaginings and reevaluations over the 85 or so years since his debut. However, for all the many different things that big chest-emblazoned “S” has come to represent over the years, there is a certain population amongst whom it only heralds one thing: Terror.

I was one of the unfortunate many who played Superman: The New Superman Adventures (most commonly known as “Superman 64”) when it was still relatively new. I wish I could say I was one of the unfortunate few, but that would be a bit disingenuous – the truth of the matter is that despite its questionable quality, it still managed to sell reasonably well. How much of that was out of genuine interest or a perverse fascination, I can’t say. What I can say is that I was at least a moderate fan of Superman as a child and thought that being able to play as him on my fancy new Nintendo 64 would be a lot of fun. As an adult, I’m not especially fond of the character – and I don’t want to wholly attribute that to my time with this game, but…

So what is it exactly that makes Superman 64 so horrid? Is it the poor controls? Is it the sparse and unappealing presentation? The preposterous scenario? The irritating level design? The haphazard programming? The laughable combat challenges? Or is it the complete and utter waste of a well-liked intellectual property that should have been a prime candidate for video game-ification? The answer to that question is all of those things, which conglomerate into some kind of frightful chimera. Most grim of all, though, is surely how devoid of joy the experience is, with bugs and glitches that are more likely to infuriate than entertain, and missions that will spit at your attempts to take any kind of shortcut. Even those who gain sick joy from watching disasters unfold before their eyes will likely find little to enjoy here. Trying to wrest love from Superman 64 is like trying to squeeze water from a stone.

As a personal note: In retrospect, one particular aspect of its infamy really tickles my funny bone. The game had a rather poor draw distance that was masked by a sickly green “Kryptonite fog”, the developer’s means of explaining away the technical hiccups and the weak-feeling Superman you were given the reins to. It’s worthy of at least a derisive chuckle, but just a few months prior in that same calendar year, another game was released that utilized a very similar tactic. Needless to say, it went over a little better by comparison.

As of 2024, tearing into “The New Superman Aventures” just feels like shorthand for not having a whole lot of interesting things to say about video games as an art form – like waiting until the schoolyard bullies stop pestering the little orphan kid so you can creep over and make an ironic “your mom” joke. It’s well-documented that the game is bad. It’s indelibly bad; it’s certifiably bad. It was bad twenty-five years ago and it’s bad now. It will, barring some grand and catastrophic shift in perception on what’s valued in gameplay, never be broadly considered good. But the devs weren’t some Lex Luthor types wringing their hands and preparing to unleash a devious prank upon the unwitting public - they were just ordinary people who were dealt a crappy hand and had to make the most of it, or at the very least just needed to make it to their next paycheck. In light of that, I no longer see the point in dangling its desiccated corpse in the middle of the town square, as it would likely only be for the benefit of ignorant younglings and the local drunkard. If you have any doubts that its unfortunate reputation is well-deserved, you can dig up its grave any time you choose with a few mere clicks. The only thing it’ll cost is a bit of your time and perhaps a crumb of your sanity.

If there’s any one takeaway about Superman 64 for me, it’s how effectively it demonstrates the kind of legacy a broken game used to be able to leave. In an era of constant disappointments, games are consistently released in sorry condition only to be patched or reworked into a (hopefully) acceptable state over time. Hell, even as far as older experiences are concerned, people are now making marked efforts to improve games that they’ve deemed as just needing a bit of love. It can be hard to remember that there was once a time where releasing a game to the console market wasn’t something you could easily just “take back”. Over the last decade, we’ve typically associated miserable experiences like our on-trial Titus offering with budget Steam bloat or the innumerable “free” games flooding mobile marketplaces. As for the bigger players in the gaming landscape, any blunders are promptly picked to pieces on social media and all the noise surrounding it could ward off any potential buyers. Any ado about any given title is quickly swept away by the next mass of mediocrity. Back then, though, things were a little different. Devils in disguise generally had equal billing with the winners on your store shelf (at least until they hit the clearance bin), and unless you were Internet savvy or subscribed to some of the gaming circulations of the time, word of mouth was all you had. You could arrive at the shops with your Christmas money in hand, go “ooh, Superman!” and bring it home without a second thought. And once you slotted the game in and experienced that pain, pain was all that remained. Hopefully you rented it – if not, then hopefully you could return it - and you could tell your friends about it to spare them that dismal fate. But there was still no reversing what had been done. There was no hope of a patch, no hope of updates – no hope of it getting better. Superman 64 ala 1999 is a static creation, incapable of change, incapable of learning. That gray cartridge stands as a monument to the hubris of mankind, and even once the very last one has rotted away, unable to be played, the ghost will still exist through swathes of reviews, anecdotes and archival sites… And most importantly, the memories of those unfortunate enough to have been trapped within that virtual hellscape.



I rented this so many times as a kid. Never made it passed the first level. terrible controls, gameplay, story, and design. still among the worst things ever made.

Superman 64 se fosse um filme seria Morbius

As famosas partes dos anéis são as melhores partes do jogo e ao mesmo tempo compõem uns 15-20% do jogo, a maior parte do jogo são fases em lugares fechados com varios pequenos objetivos.

As partes do jogo que são abertas são curtas e até divertidas, em sua maioria voar entre aneis e missões curtinhas no meio.

As partes em lugares fechado tem sem sacanagem o pior level design que eu já experienciei em um jogo.
Mapas confusos?? temos, Combate Ruim?? temos, Bastante inimigos?? temos também, Lugar pra recuperar vida?? ... tem pouquissimo na maioria das fases, mas na ultima tem um pouco mais.
Acho que a essa altura vale dizer que o jogo tem save pós fase, mas dentro da fase não tem e não tem checkpoints OU SEJA, morreu?? de volta pro começo da fase, "ah mas eu passei a parte de voar em anéis e morri na missão que veio em seguida" DE VOLTA PROS ANÉIS. Por isso eu usei save states pra ser mais tolerável e ainda assim é demorado e tive que repetir partes varias vezes. Joguei no emulador e alguns problemas foram mitigados mas vi gameplays e no N64 principalmente nas areas internas o fps é abismal.
Eu tive que usar guia nas partes internas porque tem varias partes cripticas e no geral os mapas são muito confusos, além disso os inimigos dão bastante dano.
As fases em si não são tão dificeis, o problema maior é o level design.
Apesar do que as pessoas dizem eu não acho os controles desse jogo ruins, são bem ok no combate e voar é incrivelmente muito bom e divertido (uma pena que a maior parte do jogo não é voando).
Não citei os bugs mas a essa altura precisa mesmo?? eu tive dois bugs que eu precisei dar load no save state porque impediu o progresso e tive varios bugs menores mas no geral mais bugado que um jogo normal mas sem muitos problemas.
Joguei no normal e nessa dificuldade o jogo não te deixa ir até a ultima fase e te faz voltar pro menu, aí eu troquei a dificuldade no menu e cliquei em LAST GAME e ao invés de o jogo me fazer jogar tudo de novo (normal pra esse tipo de coisa) ele me deixou ir direto pra ultima fase kkkkkkkkkkk
O jogo simplesmente PULOU uma fase inteira que tinha antes da ultima graças a isso e eu não estou reclamando.
A ultima fase desse jogo é a pior fase que eu já joguei de um jogo, nada nela faz sentido, parece que só colocaram coisas aleatórias no mapa e objetivos nada a ver. E o final você voa em direção a um THE END e é assim que o jogo acaba

No inicio eu comparei com Morbius, porque eu... até que gosto de Morbius kkkkkkkkk e pra mim esse jogo tem esse mesmo valor. É um jogo tão ruim, mas tão ruim que a ruindade dele me diverte, mesmo ele tendo momentos frustrantes, mesmo eu demorando 10 horas pra zerar ele com save state e o longplay sendo 3 horas, ainda assim.
A diferença é que morbius não é um jogo e filme trash funciona muito mais que jogo trash.

Com isso eu posso concluir que esse jogo vale a pena ser jogado mas não tem muito motivo pra zerar ele, mesmo você sendo bobo como eu tem coisas bobas melhores.

-- Pós-Review --
O que eu to fazendo da minha vida jogando esse jogo e perdendo o meu tempo assim.

Eu acho q eu preciso de uma namorada.

The ring flying is actually the least fucked up part of this game once you get past it lol

Playing this game is like a rite of passage for some.

2P Race and 2P Fight are the exact same game mode.