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So above and beyond what a tactical police shooter would reasonably need to have in so many different areas that you wonder how it even came to be. SWAT 4 may sit at the top of the very narrow category of most anxiety-inducing simultaneous first and second person shooters with needlessly detailed environmental storytelling, but it’s led me to a much broader, more general thought – for how saturated and longstanding a genre it is, how much has what you can do with a shooter really been explored?

A few things about it bring this question to mind, but the main one for me’s its morale system. Each enemy and civilian has a different level of morale which affects how likely they are to surrender, pretend to surrender before pulling some kind of stunt or be nakedly noncompliant whenever you and your squad shout at them. By themselves, these kinds of reactions go a long way toward making it so that the player can never guess what’ll happen when they open any given door, but what takes this system to the next level is the sheer amount of factors which can affect it; whether they’re a group of trained gunman or a single inexperienced gangbanger, whether they’ve been stunned with some form of nonlethal attack, whether there are any hostages for them to take advantage of or hostiles to point you in the direction of, how many of you there are versus how many of them, how much damage they’ve sustained to each of their limbs and, my favourite, surprising them with warning shots. I’d never realised until playing this that hitting or missing a target in a shooter doesn’t necessarily have to be a dichotomy between success or failure – here, the latter can also be a tool for intimidation when Officer Backloggd User’s vocal chords aren’t cutting it alone. Firing a shotgun near someone’s feet to twist what’d normally be a failure state into something potentially advantageous extends past the fantasy of feeling like a Michael Mann character and gets the mind wondering about the uncapitalised potential of not just this genre, but others too. Why, for instance, do RPGs still often limit us to dialogue boxes labelled (Intimidate) or whatever when a far more organic implementation of that sort of interaction’s right here?

This sort of unpredictability which causes each attempt at the same level to play out differently every time’s a specialty of SWAT 4. Choosing different entry points coupled with NPCs’ semi-randomised spawns contribute a fair amount to this too, especially when specific characters are part of the mission’s objectives in some way, though the fact that the aforementioned limb-based damage system also applies to you and your squad plays a large role as well. While the extent to which this game wants you to take it slow’s immediately felt in the pairing of its relatively low movement speed and how harshly guns’ crosshairs widen, it becomes even more apparent when you’ve got an injured leg, head or arm. Suddenly, you find yourself even more hesitant to attempt to follow a fleeing suspect through a series of doors they’re shutting behind them, and whatever strategies you had in mind when selecting your long-range equipment have been scuppered by your diminished accuracy. If it sounds restrictive, don’t worry, because it can open up about as many avenues of play as it can close; one example I particularly enjoyed involved clearing a mission which heavily encourages you to use nonlethal weaponry by instead aiming for unarmoured limbs with 9mm FMJ rounds, since it’s easier to skirt around score penalties by incapacitating hostiles rather than killing them.

Although there’s an easy comparison to be made in terms of the replayability of individual encounters with its contemporary F.E.A.R., down to how heavily this stems from the AI’s dynamic behaviours, there’s another, less expected parallel in how thickly it lays on all things atmospheric. Breaching a two-storey room filled with explosive canisters and over half a dozen heavily armed death cultists is nerve-wracking enough, then it decides to hit you with a scene like this just moments after. It’d be easy to think of moments like this or a much earlier, loose equivalent of VTMB’s Ocean House Hotel as borderline genre pivots, but they’re more tonally synergistic than they seem at first. This is a game in which you die in two clean hits regardless of difficulty, so much as taking your eye off a bodycam for a second can prove to be fatal and, as noted above, you can never fully anticipate what’s going to greet you on the other side of a door, so it makes sense to ensure that the player can never anticipate what’s up next on a conceptual level in addition to a mechanical one, as well as to occasionally dial up the horror and exacerbate the uneasiness that average Joes with Uzis are already so good at instilling.

Irrational’s prior experience with horror isn’t the only instance of their ancestry rearing its head in the least likely of places, either. If you weren’t aware that they originated by splintering off from Looking Glass, having played one of the first two Thief games prior to this will probably clue you in, because SWAT 4’s incomplete, often hand-drawn, hastily annotated maps are straight out of those. You can only ever make a rough mental approximation of the layout of wherever you’re about to raid because of it, and chances are it’ll have geographical changes, potential hazards or other objectives they can’t possibly account for. It’s a small but brilliant touch which makes every eruption of overlapping GET DOWNs and WHERE’S MY GODDAMN LAWYERs mixed with gunfire all the more hectic as you’re inevitably forced to piece together your own whereabouts in the thick of it, usually while juggling your own perspective with that of a squadmate’s bodycam or a sniper feed to boot.

Despite how spur-of-the-moment all of this makes it sound and how many different ingredients are packed into it, up to and including some of Eric Brosius’ funkiest work, SWAT 4’s really a game of exceptionally singular focus; as the objective menu puts it, restoring order to chaos. It’s felt even in the size of its levels, which are just right for how many moving parts they each have and the number of ways in which those parts can be manipulated – you can charge me on account of lying if I told you that it’s always fun hunting down the last remaining suspect regardless, but it is always intense, and in general the most minor of blemishes on what’s otherwise one of many attestations to the fact that we’d probably be grand if games had just stopped progressing past what they could do in 2005.

Keep your cool, fiddle with your squadmates’ equipment and make regular use of the command menu to breach whatever obstacles are between you and giving this game a try, boss.

asrın tok'un evini bastığımız görev çok iyiydi

Classic one, SWAT 4 really made you feel like you are part of a SWAT team and you're busting places looking to arrest criminals.

My first PC game (this or GTA III, I'm not 100% sure). The mouse controls seemed unknowable at the time.

Elite difficulty St. Michaels killed all my will to play this ever again. Really good tactical shooter with a subtle horror atmosphere though. If you played Ready or Not you should totally check this out.

Seems solid, but not sure if I like this genre.

Probably my favorite era of games almost purely because of how they looked—Textures just a little too sheened over to convince you they aren't game objects. Faces a little too polygonal to convince you they aren't plastered mesh, but not enough that they enter the uncanny valley. Enemies a little too near-sighted or proficiently accurate to convince you they aren't functioningly oscillating A.I. And lighting just a little too sharp to convince you of unadorned naturalism—this is where everything should occupy in my opinion. Not necessarily between realism and artifice or functionality and jank but between dream and reality. Onwards is a sunk cost. This game is good.

"No can do."
"Can't get there."
"You're in my spot, sir."

Guys please just throw a fucking stinger into the room I am begging you

Şu ana kadar oynayabileceğiniz en detaylı ve GERÇEKÇİ polis oyunu. Görevler sırasında gerçekten gerilimden ve gerçekçilikten ter dökebiliyorsunuz. Yapay zeka çok iyi, eğer görevi kaybedip baştan başlarsanız yapay zeka her seferinde farklı yerlerde başlıyor üstüne.

[While tasing unarmed 65 year old woman in handcuffs] Uhh dispatch, this is entry team. Suspect is being belligerent. Deploying beanbag rounds.

Originally posted here:

SWAT 4 is both one of the best games that I’ve ever played and one of the most infuriating monitor smashing, keyboard snapping, stroke inducing games that I’ve played at the same time. How can a game be both of those things? Well, lets have a look, shall we.

There isn’t much of a story in the usual sense. Some of the mission briefings with have a few minor plot threads through out the game, but most of the the story that the game has is unique to each mission. Unlike previous installments of the franchise, where you followed the L.A.P.D. Branch of SWAT, SWAT 4 takes places in Los Angeles, California, the single player campaign taking place in the fictional East Coast city of Fairview (an amalgamation of New York City, Boston, a few other eastern cities). Taking place in the then far off future of 2008/2009. You can practice at the Riverside Training Facility, under the guidance of police Lieutenant Sunny Bonds, or jump right into the action.

Before every mission, you’re given the option to check your Objectives screen. This gives you a very throughout and detailed overlook of the situation, such as a briefing catching you up on the details, being able to listen to any related 911 calls, a map showing all of the entrances of the location and possibly the layout of the building that you can bring up in the pause menu, any known info on the supects, any civilians in the building, and a timeline of events. You can even choose which way you want to enter a building.

At the Equipment menu, you can choose the loadouts for yourself and your whole squad. The game comes with several loadouts included, but if you want to make your own personalized loadout, you can, and you save it. And you can copy any of the loadouts you’ve selected to the rest of your squad.

Your primary weapons include the Colt M4A1 Carbine, .45 SMG, Suppressed 9mm SMG, 9mm SMG, Nova Pump, M4 Super 90, GB36s Assault Rifle, AK-47, and Gal Sub machine Gun. And if you want to go in with a less lethal option, which is recommended in a few mission, are the Pepper-ball Gun, and Less-Lethal Shotgun, which fires sandbags.

Your secondary weapons include your standard guns such as M1911 Handgun, Colt Python Revolver, and 9mm Handgun. Less aggressive options include the Taser Stun Gun and Pepper Spray for the people who are refusing to be handcuffed or need some convincing to put down their weapon. Explosives include the Stinger Grenade cause quite a punch to anyone close to it, Flashbang, which blinds your enemies, and CS Gas, which can blind enemies with smoke and cause anyone close enough to it to go into a coughing fit.

If you come across locked doors, you have the Breaching Equipment, which includes a Shotgun that can breach locked doors by firing at the door handle or C2, which you can apply to the door around the same area, blowing the doors lock off.

Finally there is the Door Wedge, which you can used to prevent people from opening doors, essentially preventing them from escaping a certain way as you move around to another opening to a room, and the Optiwand, which lets you see under a door to check if there are any enemies in the room you want to enter.

To order your squad members around, there is a drop down menu that you can get to by holding down your right mouse button. You can order your team to follow you, move to wherever you’ve happened to aim at, to stack up at a door to check if it’s locked and to prepare to enter to room, or have them enter the room straight away. You can even separate your team, which is called “Gold” team, or “Element”, into two smaller teams, “Red” team and “Blue” team. This can help in certain strategies, such as them entering two doors of the same room, and taking on enemies from two different angles and having the element of surprise.

There are also few mode besides the campaign that you can try if you want some variety. There is Instant Action, in which you drop into the most recent mission that you’ve complete with the default gear. You can also create and play your own missions based off of the missions from the Single Player part of the game. There are a ton of options to choose from in this mode, including difficulty, whether or not you want the missions from the Single Player version of the level or a mix of objectives from a list, which entry point you want to start at and a time limit, and which load out you want to take in.

You can even choose to be a lone wolf or have a smaller amount of SWAT members on your team, and the amount of civilians there are in a level and the amount of and types of guns terrorists are holding. You can make any level as easy or insanely impossibly as you want, and is probably the most fun part of the single player experience.

One of the best features of SWAT 4 is the multiplayer. The multiplayer features several game modes, all of which are team-based. These include Barricaded Suspects, in which Teams gain points by arresting or neutralizing members of the other team, and whoever hits the score limit first or has the highest score when the round ends win, VIP Escort, in which a random member of the SWAT team is selected to be the VIP. The suspects must arrest the VIP and hold him for two minutes before they can execute him. SWAT must escort the VIP to the extraction point in the mission area while preventing suspects from arresting him.

Rapid Deployment, in which three to five bombs are placed throughout the map, and the SWAT team must locate and disable all of the within the time limit, and if they fail to do so, the suspects win. And Co-op, in you can play through all of the single-player missions with up to four other people taking place of the computer-controller SWAT officers.

Graphically, the game still holds up fairly well. Every location looks exactly like what it’s real world counterpoint would look like (I.E. Restaurant, Convenience Store, Medical Center, Jewelry Store, Run Down Apartments, etc.). Some levels even have a fantastic and creepy atmosphere that really drive home the point that you’re dealing with some pretty disturbed people, such as a level where a man has a kidnapped woman in his basement, and a level in an run down apartment building that has a cult in it.

What really stands out are the small details around each level that make the game world feel like the events in the game are actually happening, such as news reports on the radio of current and previous missions, and even in one mission, there is a live news report happening, giving away your SWAT team’s presence to the terrorists. The other squad members even comment on the situation as it’s unfolding along with occasionally commenting on certain things located around a location, and even give a few sarcastic remarks about the situation, location, and even about each other.

There’s even a few missions that have new objectives pop up as the mission goes on, giving the feeling as if the situation is unfolding before you. It’s small details like these that you wouldn’t even notice that make it seem like the developers were actually putting a lot of effort and love into each location.

The only minor complaint I have with the graphics are the mirrors, which look hilariously stretched and weird. But they do actually serve a purpose in the game, as a few spots in a few levels, you can use the mirror to spot enemies around corners.

SWAT 4 is also pretty impressive on the audio side too. At certain points, the game will appear like there is distant gunfire off in another part of the level, adding to the whole situation unfolding in front of you vibe the game is trying to give off, using what limitations the game has to make it seem like more is going on than possible. The soundtrack is dynamic to whatever situation is going on at the time. Whenever your team is breaching a room or coming into contact with enemies around the map, the music goes from the usual ambient music that plays when you’re exploring the area to a tense music that puts you on edge, really making it seem like a situation could go south any second.

Speaking of going south, the biggest flaw of SWAT 4 rears it’s ugly head. The thing that really brings the game down is it’s bullshit inconsistent enemy AI and absurd difficulty spikes. The first two levels are tutorial levels to ease you into the games concepts, but by the third or forth level, for some insane reason, the enemy difficulty spikes incredibly high, and a mere thug can take out your entire squad of 4 members with a 9mm handgun right as their going through a door, sometimes literally the first door of a map, simply by firing said handgun at them as they’re piling through the doorway. And it doesn’t help that every now and again a fellow SWAT member can be hung up on the side of some part of the level because the path finding got confused for half a second.

This can happen several times in a row, and then for no reason, you’re able to get through a mission with little to no difficulty. There can be 4 missions in a row that are incredibly difficult, and suddenly one is incredibly easy. And vice versa, where 4 mission are incredibly easy, and then for no reason, one mission is insanely hard. This is where another feature of the game, which is that the civilians and terrorists are randomly placed around the level, giving each level some level of replayability, becomes a curse. You’ll never know what happens next, making it even more difficult to predict where everyone is, making the difficulty spikes especially bad.

I’ve even failed a mission because a SWAT member was firing at a terrorist and killed a civilian. This happened multiple times. And that’s not even mentioning the infrequent cases of an enemy happening to clip through a wall and firing on me and killing me. Its like the game was 95% done, and all that was left was simply testing out the AI to make sure the game was balanced for players, only for the published to go “Lol, nope, we’ve got to publish this right now!”, making the game way too unbalanced. Either that, or the developers knew the game had too few levels or content and though that punishing AI was a way to combat that.

It doesn’t seem to help that changing the difficulty doesn’t seem to do much other than change the amount of points that you’re supposed to get by the end of the level. There are 4 difficulty levels. Easy is 0 points, meaning you can just run into every situation and fire off into every direction, and as long as you complete your mission goals, you can complete the level. Other difficulty levels include Normal, which is 50 points, Hard, which is 75 points, and Elite, which is 95 points. This is great is want to try and get through a level as close to procedure as you can, but I just wish there was an extra difficulty tab for enemy AI, maybe making the enemies more aggressive or strategic or something. As is, it feels like I have to abuse the games logic and rules to get through some of the levels.

While going through a level, you can also receive injuries from terrorists gunfire. I guess the point of this was realism, but it can make certain longer missions tedious, making it take an extra ~15 to ~30 minutes at least, and some missions literally impossible to complete without restarting them. There is one mission where you have to disarm bombs within a time limit, but you’d better not have one or both of your legs injured, because you have to restart the entire mission unless you’re somehow lucky enough to not get injured or injured with just enough time left, which I doubt.

Since you don’t want to lose a ton of points because you didn’t scream “Get Down!” at a terrorist before you had to fire upon him in a kill-or-get-killed situation, or get your legs injured and tediously spend ~45 minutes tediously walking throughout a level, you have to send in your fellow SWAT members so they can take the brunt of the situation. And when your fellow SWAT members can be taken out in half a second because enemy AI has instantaneous reflexes and eagle like sight, is not what you want to do, despite being something you have to do.

Because of the shitty AI, a lot of the small nitpicks become significantly worse. Sometimes, an enemy is sitting in the corner of some part of the map you might not know about or haven’t double checked. And if you’ve walked around a level for ~45 minutes only for an enemy to kill you, meaning you have to restart a mission for the umpteenth time, that minor problem suddenly becomes a massive rage inducing problem.

While you can order your squad members to handcuff people, you still have to report the person in, along with collecting dropped weapons as evidence and anyone who was either killed during the mission or killed or injured before you got there. And if you’re trying to reach the point threshold to properly complete a mission, all while your legs are injured, you’re now spending the next half hour slowly limping around any given mission.

Also, if I’m playing a professional SWAT member, why am I reacting this badly to gun recoil? I can even tap the mouse button without the gun suddenly finding itself aimed at the roof. And the spread for the guns seems way too far apart when I’m just firing off in short bursts.

Every now and again, one of your SWAT members can get caught up on the edge of a doorway or the side of a way when turning into certain hallways. You’ll inevitably notice this when you order your SWAT members to line up against a door, ready to enter on your command, and you sit there waiting for 10 minutes wondering why the rest of your SWAT team aren’t entering a room only to realize that one of them is somewhere in the map, stuck somewhere.

There are even SWAT snipers on a few levels that can give you info on certain people located in certain levels. You can even take control of one of these snipers and take out one of the enemies from a distance. These don’t deduct from your overall score, so I would recommend using the snipers as often as possible. It might be gaming the system, but when it comes to this games bullshit AI, you kinda have to.

I know this seems weird saying that SWAT 4 is still worth playing despite the fact that I ranted about it being atrociously unfair with it’s AI and the small accumulating problems that seem to just pile up, but SWAT 4 is worth playing to some degree. Just be aware of some of the bullshit problems this game has. If you can deal with the infuriating difficultly spikes and inconsistent friendly and enemy AI at the best of times, or have friends that think that playing as a member of SWAT is a fantastic idea and can overlook the games flaws to spend a couple of hours with friends to have a blast playing one of the better co-op games out there, SWAT 4 can be a lot of fun. Ironically, this is probably the most polished and mature game in the series up to this point.

Esse jogo é bom, mas tem umas 'coisinhas' ruins nele. A jogabilidade deste jogo não é das melhores. jogo bem difícil de entender, e também ele é meio PESADO. Mas o jogo é bom, depende do jogador >:^

Esse é um clássico dos simuladores onde te coloca como chefe de equipe de swat, é bem desafiador e divertido de jogar, colocando alguns mods pode melhorar a experiencia

Atmospheric bone-chilling spine-tingling blue-backing CQB ludo. An ROE-defined exercise in restraint and a case study on why we need to give these guys frag grenades in real life

Really doesn't giive you room to breathe in tense breaches, coupling with its amazing soundtrack that really puts you on the spot, you don't realy get many experiences like this anymore.

Damn they really cooked with this one, game tight as hell.

it's pretty good. makes me feel very COOL!

ótimas lembranças. um jogo que eu tenho medo de revisitar e estragar essas mesmas lembranças. melhor deixar assim... mas um dia irei jogar o ready or not com certeza

I've played hundreds of horror games but nothing has been more terrifying as losing sight of three armed suspects fleeing the scene and suddenly there are multiple doors down below open.

Impressionante como esse jogo até hoje é um dos melhores no que ele se propõe a fazer. Comprei na GOG por 8 reais e me diverti bastante, fiz meus amigos baixarem e jogamos co-op também, fui procurar e ainda tem servidores (de comunidade) ativos, é impressionante.
As únicas coisas que sinto falta que poderia ter no jogo pelo que vi foi adicionado na dlc, mas como não faz parte desse jogo entra como negativo.
Pensei em falar que ele deve ser o melhor jogo de 2005 de tão bom que é, mas pelo visto 2005 foi um ano abençoado. RE4, MGS3, GOW, GTA SA, e muitos outros jogos absurdos.

As many have already said, this is probably the best tactical shooter of all time. SWAT 4 is truly one of the only fps games where you really have to think before you act. While twitch reflexes will get you some way through the game, exercising tactical thinking by appropriately applying your available tools to the situation is absolutely required to win. Every room demands your full attention to detail and analysis as it only takes one bad guy to wipe your entire squad. The random placement of enemies each time a level is loaded prevents you from brute forcing your way through levels through memorization and you are required to think through the situations in each level all over again every time you play. The amount of command you have over your AI squadmates is unlike anything I've seen and really allows you to think about how to approach a situation from different angles and the different maneuvers you can execute.

The shooting and movement are clunky, though I consider this a conscious design choice as the game is a tactical strategy game first and an fps second. Most of the time, if you've applied the best tactics to your situation, your AI squadmates will neutralize all the threats without you having to fire a single shot.

The overall aesthetics of the game are slightly dated but the environments have a high level of variety so you won't find yourself staring at one for too long. The attention to detail to the props found in each level is noticeable and goes a long way to making the environments seem realistic and lived in.

The sound design is extremely well done and is probably responsible for 70% of the immersion factor. The dynamic music that intensifies when breaching rooms is also a great.

Overall, SWAT 4 is a flawless game. Highly recommend it to players who are fans of tactical fps games or strategy games in general.

As true a horror game as anything else, really, with a focus on restricting the player's willingness to take action instead of their ability. You certainly can shoot at anything that moves, but success in SWAT 4 is highly dependent on not pulling that trigger when frightened. Enemies in later levels have guns that kill you faster, but the real threat is the paranoia: wandering in near silence, knowing that your time to correctly assess each situation is shorter than ever as the door in front of you suddenly opens, a gun pokes through and you shoot your co-op partner in the head because you didn't realize they had wandered off.

It's the best survival horror of 2005 genuinely a masterpiece, forcing you to meticulously comb through environments where you feel completely foreign, limited to being the second invader on scene in the best of scenarios. The constant pressure to remain vigilant punishes video game instincts you may have acquired elsewhere, where an impulse to shoot for the head can turn an "unauthorized use of force" into "killed a hostage". The praise might sound silly, but all these mechanics only become praiseworthy due to the work done to create atmosphere - it's incredible that you can skip every single briefing in the game and still come away with vivid memories of each level. Trudge slowly through the dark, combing each inch of a hostile environment for evidence as distant, sprinting footsteps remind you how far you are from establishing control.

As much as I'd like to conclude it there, it's a little hard to talk about this game now without considering the existence of Ready or Not, a spiritual successor that modernizes and blends the core SWAT 4 experience with its expansion and several popular mods. I can easily recommend Ready or Not if you just want easy co-op, but taken as a whole I still find SWAT 4 to be the more compelling experience. In moment-to-moment gameplay, Ready or Not skews a little closer towards traditional shooters than I'd like. SWAT 4's guns never feel fully accurate, the player always feels fragile, and each level feels like it existed before you loaded in - Ready or Not misses the mark on each of these, and has a markedly different mood as a result. Try SWAT 4, mod it if you have to, and see if this style of game is your speed. If you like the core gameplay and want more (or you find yourself frustrated by a lack of QOL features / non-Hamachi multiplayer) then it may be worth picking up Ready or Not, but I'd read up on the changes first.

I really wanted to like this game, but doing the exact same thing over and over with absolutely no story or motivation gets boring no matter how interesting the gameplay is. I hope this formula gets another chance someday, in a good game.

So when a bunch of pigs pepper spray an old hag in her home, it's fine, but when I do it, I'm called "Super Hot" and "Insanely Fuckable."

Where is the justice in that?

Tiene buena música y saben ambientar cada misión, dándole caracterización a cada una. Sus mecánicas me parecen interesantes, aunque se pudo haber pulido mas, añadiendo mas ordenes como; Cambiar armas, atacar(Dependiendo la situación), Informe de rehen/muerto/sospechoso automático de parte del equipo etc. Además de eso, el juego tiene MUCHOS bugs, ejemplo; El equipo se queda reunido detrás de la puerta y no responde a ordenes, rehenes que nunca cooperan(Ni con el uso de la fuerza), sospechosos congelados y movimientos erráticos del equipo(comienzan a apuntar de arriba hacia abajo y moverse de lado a lado sin sentido). Dejando de lado eso, el juego esta bien.