Reviews from

in the past


genuinely better than live tf2 to an extent IMO

Over the thousands of hours I've spent playing team shooters, Team Fortress 2 has remained so appealing to me because of its clear focus. By not taking its roster anywhere near as seriously as your Overwatches, your Rainbow Six Sieges, etc., players are allowed to fulfill their role-playing fantasies in a kind of self-parody and the result is (mostly) a community that finds a balance between competitiveness and fun goofing off. TF2 Classic is arguably better than the base game at the moment because it removes a lot of the weapon clutter, forcing each class to play their class better rather than relying on swapping in and out cheesy gimmicks.

Some of the new additions are excellent. The jump pad is the real star of the show, but plenty others feel like they're keeping in mind the role of the class and adding something that's a reasonable extension of that.

I don't like the state of melee weapons in the game, and I think how awkward medieval modes feel demonstrate what I mean. I think every class should be able to get crits if some of them are - and I don't mean random crits which still feel iffy even if they're only for melee now. Maybe they could make it so Medic can manually charge up Shock Therapy, but doing so means he's not healing.

Hopefully they'll find a way to add more good weapons and balancing in future updates, but things have been refreshingly good. My biggest hope is they add back pl_swiftwater and group dancing. Sniper is still a frustrating class. Someone on YouTube suggested making it so that the longer he charges his rifle the more visible a faint laser sight should be. That might encourage Snipers to get better at quickscoping rather than holding sightlines to get kills, while still keeping the oppressiveness of the class just without literally sending people to spawn so often.

Really fun but in desperate need of more weapons for classes like engi or scout, maybe after a few more big updates it will be a 10/10

TF2 but without the Dead Ringer, which makes it a better game I think.

Nearly had a stroke playing 4 team modes

a great reimagining of base TF2 without compromising what makes the game itself fun.

no stupid fucking hats, no retarded trading, just some nice straightforward fps action.

Actually better than regular TF2. If Valve didn't infinitely make the mod unavailable there would've been more people playing this. Welp the game is fully back up and now almost every regular server is full.

I do like the idea of a 4 teams mode, but it doesn't work too well in execution.

features the best character in gaming. the civilian for tf2c

My preferred TF2, just wish it had a larger playerbase.

What if TF2 took a different path in 2008? Play on Idorts.

I absolutely adore this game. As time has gone on, base TF2 has developed a whole host of issues that have slowly chipped away at my desire to come back to it, namely bots, performance issues, and neglect that ahs left the balance of most of the weapons feeling very inconsistent. TF2C has effectively fixed all of these issues for me. Though it's updated infrequently, it's limited pool of items has been very carefully balanced to make an experience that's consistently fun to engage with. The unique VIP mode and the 4 team maps are also a huge highlight. They're exceptionally refreshing experiences and I can't imagine doing without them beyond this point. I can easily see myself coming back to this game for years to come and having a wonderful time each time I do.

psa: this is the definitive way to play tf2 in 2024 going onward. that's no promise that you're going to love every decision it makes - i don't - but it has a vision where the base game hasn't for years. as for me, i think i'm good on tf2 on the whole for the foreseeable future

What's less is more; with how bloated Team Fortress 2 has become over the years, this project feels like a fresh start for the title and has quickly become my ideal way of playing the game. Better weapons, better art direction, and better optimization. Love this game and excited for future updates.

Been playing this casually a few weeks now and I have to say; it's like being sent back in time, but to a different time-line where Valve's focus on content was different.

TF2C is classic-lite, some QOL features from modern TF2 exist, but also so do some new weapons and game modes and while not every choice/weapon/mode sits right with me 100%, I've still been enjoying my time with it.

If you at all crave to re-visit the memory of TF2, but very specifically just before Sniper vs. Spy - then you gotta peep this.

There's a handful of "vanilla" servers that are regularly well populated.

This is obviously not as jam-packed with content as TF2 itself, but it's a masterpiece in its own right, being a perfect alternative for people who tire of the base game's cosmetic bloat.
Seriously though, the Jump Pads are so goddamn fun and I badly want them in the base game.

While the development efforts for this and the balance mods hosted on it are commendable, they're usually fun for about 30 minutes, and then you have to watch as they each go through the same "Who knew!" motions every time a balance decision like having any weapon without damage fall-off blows up in their face, especially when it's on a class like Engineer, Yes, I'm sure it SOUNDS cool, but it plays like dogshit, and I'm tired of every other weapon halving TTK while also getting me sniped from across the map.

By a heavy.

TF2 without the bots and Uncletopia 💯/💯

I mainly been playing the Custom Weapons servers, and they have been some of the most chaotic fun I've ever had in an online game.

better than regular tf2 rn

A green spy is in the base!

Honestly, I don't love 4 team modes, but this game is base tf2 (plus a little bit) at its peak. Maps that have been broken open by additions to the base game are reborn into really wonderful experiences. I'm looking at you, steel.

A look into an alternative universe where Valve didn't fuck up the game beyond recognition with busted items that breaks the intended balance, grimey lootboxes to pry people's cash, and leaving the game in an abandoned state so bots can solve it's source code to add "xOMEGATRONICx" in random servers to mic spam earrape and frame one headshot the whole server. Basically the good ending.

Reminded me that I actually did use to love Team Fortress 2 to bits and it wasn't just stockholm syndrome and that's honestly the best kind of praise I could give it.

I like a lot of the ideas in this but really when I'm gonna go play TF2 I'd rather just play TF2. Isn't really the mod's fault but still.

Incredible mod, a masterful recreation of the original Team Fortress 2 experience, yet made better. Be sure to play on the Idort's server!