Reviews from

in the past

So this was a strange Tekken game since it looks exactly like Tekken 5, but feels completely different. If I had to describe the game, it'd be that it's a big downgrade from Tekken 5. Still was a good game though.

Tekken 6 terminado.

Sem piada deve ter sido mais de 100 horas para acabar tudo, e foi das melhores coisas que já joguei.

O modo RPG foi bem desafiante, apesar do arcade ser meio desilusão, mas faz todo o sentido ele ser do jeito que é.

E sim, a melhor experiencia é no Deck.

The story mode is so boring and shitty I am not strong enough to complete it

Q TEKKEN FODA. Segundo melhor tekken da franquia toda. Combos lisos lisos lisos.

i didn't bother finishing the story mode since it didn't click with me, i do like the characters that were present there! game itself is still fun and the cast are pretty good!

My brother beat my ass on this game too. I love the last one.

não gosto desse tekken nem um pouco, terrivel.

Karma müziğini övmek için yazıyorum buraya. Ne süper bir müzik lan o öyle. Oyunu oynayalı yıllar oldu, oyunla ilgili bir şey yazmayacağım o yüzden.

Definitive Edition of Bullshit

The main game is pretty solid, your classic new-generational Tekken. The beat'em up part I remember being alright, specifically a in-bitween a 6.5 or 7/10.

played this game with my friends, they had fun

there is no joke
i'm out of ideas for jokes, that's why there isn't one

While I haven't beaten the story mode as it's a little ass although a different style of campaign I'd admire the attempt of. I think I've played enough to gather an opinion on this pretty solid next gen Tekken. While it does falter a little of how rich in polish and content (and possibly presentation at least for some situations)Tekken 5 was, this one I can still throw down at any time. The moves continue to expand and grow and the stages get quite the expansion to with breaks and higher detail. The customisation that Tekken is known gets introduced here and it's shockingly rich for an first attempt. Rage is introduced and an welcome addition Into Tekken comeback mechanic. Bob's in this one and he bustin also electric fountain fucks. The load times are a bit smelly amd some models and lighting look a little ugly in some areas and levels. But playing it on a modern series X loads near instant. I still remember loving this one growing up from the jump to Tekken 4 and 6 had me hyped as a kid. But the next game arguably gave us way more. Perhaps too much

Story 2.2 | Gameplay 4.5 | Audio 3.5 | Visual 3.3 | Details 3 | Entertainment 5

Total 3.6

Why did they do that to Jin LMAO


-Peak fighting game gameplay it's so fun

-Huge roster

-Customization is amazing.

-The amount of funny dialogue in adventure mode.


-Presentation is meh.

-Customization is really hard to grind

-Adventure mode is a chore

-The Main story is shit.

Maravilhoso, o remake tbm curti... E aqui dava pra platinar, saudades

Muitos pontos positivos e muitos negativos tbm. A nota alta vai mais por essa ser disparada a melhor face model da Asuka junto com o T8 e o TTT2

Sim eu gosto de meter chute com hworang

Y'all don't know the disappointment I had when playing this. Why did it have to be like this?

I usually don’t like Naruto but this spin-off based on a character from one of the games was a charming time

Joguei muito com um amigo específico. Ele sempre me ganhava.

ازازيل ابن كحبة

azazel is literal fucking cancer bro. contender for worst boss in a fighting game

literally the first video game ive ever played

I don’t like this game, it pisses me off. I’m actually quite serious, I had fun going through the Tekken franchise even with the rough past entries but c’mon it’s Tekken 6 and you’ll still make the same mistake all previous title did?

Alright, let me go over what really pisses me off about it, the story mode is honestly a massive disappointment, ironically enough it literally was what I wanted out of a story mode for Tekken, a more linear big story with all characters meeting each others similar to the Super Smash Bros Brawl story mode but instead we just got a mix of terrible gameplay that has nothing to do with Tekken, awful cutscenes that are boring as hell and just a story that isn’t “hype”, cool, or interesting, it really just gives this whole PS3 era vibes where everything tried to be war related for some fucking reason.
The classic story mode we are used to is still here but hidden within the main story mode so it’s fucking weird.

The gameplay itself is fine, it doesn’t really feel like a massive step forward graphically but it’s a fighting game, it’s not supposed to be a tech showcase so it’s fine, it’s all about playing well. Honestly I don’t really fuck with Tekken 6’s combat, it just doesn’t feel right, maybe it’s just because everything about the game pisses me off but I’d rather play Tekken 5 than 6.
The customisation is nice but 5 already had that too so 6 really doesn’t have much going for it other than a boring story mode and just being the new Tekken for the new PS3.

There’s not much else to say about this game, i never finished the story mode and I doubt I’ll come back to it, maybe it becomes good overtime but I played about 5 stages and it was awful, just a slightly better version of Devil Within, yikes.

Overall I’d just recommend people to just skip to 7, 6 being stuck on the PS3 doesn’t help either and I won’t shame you for liking Tekken 6 as a fighting game, but liking it as anything else than that I’ll make sure to laugh at you.

Foda :)

(Eddy Gordo = Pai e AZAZEL = FDP DO KRL)

It's good when you don't have to fight Azazel. Press Square until that fucker dies.

Mokujin is my booooooi