Reviews from

in the past

Sencillo juego de puzzles que puede durar en torno a 1 h, con una lentitud extrema, unos puzzles normalitos y donde he tenido un bug que me impedía continuar con mi trepidante aventura de media hora.

Juego cortito, pero emotivo que nos habla de la vida y la muerte de una forma poética y una estética japonesa maravillosa.

Elementary school level puzzles and incredibly boring structure unfortunately kills the enjoyment of this game. Even though I like point and click I am not satisfied, but at least it has a nice art style.

Another indie game with cool art. Really good for helping to sleep

Zdaleka ten vůbec nejlepší zenový interaktivní spořič obrazovky co jich jen na Steamu je... Čekáte-li však od toho cokoli jiného (nebej bože snad puzzle hru!), tak budete hořce zklamáni.

I'm relieved that this game doesn't last longer than an hour, otherwise I would have likely fallen asleep halfway through. While it may be suitable for individuals who struggle with insomnia, there isn't much else to it beyond tedious trial-and-error puzzles and a main character who moves at a painfully slow pace.


A nice little indie game with really interesting pop-up art and a relaxing soundtrack. The puzzles are simple enough, though I'm not necessarily a fan of how many puzzles require remembering the number of symbols scattered throughout, and I feel like the game's playtime is padded out by how horizontally long levels can be, further compounded by how slow your character walks.