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it's a commendable approximation of tennis for the nes, especially for the time, but i feel like a lot of the jank holds it back from feeling particularly fun or skillful. also i'm ass at tennis

Played via Nintendo Entertainment System - Nintendo Switch Online with a friend on his Switch, but not for very long. What can I say? It's serviceable NES launch title that mimics tennis in a very basic manner, and thus, didn't keep us entertained for very long.

Played this randomly through switch online and it’s honestly so fun. Very simple, but I think that works to its advantage.

ja me ajudou a passar o tempo dos intervalos

The controls and sense of scale are both a bit wonky, but it's playable and visually representative of tennis.

they did it, they put Tennis on Nintendo

This could've been a lot more fun if it wasn't so easy to knock the ball out of bounds

Boring and hard to control. Sports game.

Awful tennis video game in a world where the best a tennis video game could be is “pretty good”. Janky controls, no momentum, and constant faults make this miserable and has 0 reason to ever be played.

I can’t believe they actually made sports boring in real life AND in video games too! 😱

Tennis. Just Tennis. One of the launch titles for FamiCom.

The real challenge starts if you set it to level 5 and watch the CPU utterly destroy you. As someone who grew up with this game, I still can't help but to laugh when you score a point and the CPU just runs towards the net like they're mad at you.

If I'm not serving, I'm getting my ass kicked.

More like "Penis," am I right?

Yeah that's tennis alright. Seeing as it was a launch year Famicom game, it's best to go in with low expectations... and if you do, you'll find an acceptable but limited game. At least you can go hang out in the Minus World when you're done.

Not as bad as I thought it'd be but I could only play for a few minutes before getting bored lol

The ball phases through your racket more often than not.

A game I had slightly more fun than the average Nintendo's NES sport game. It doesn't say much, it's what you would expect from those early games released.

It does look kinda impressive at first glance for the ball animation.

my favourite part about this game is when you score an in, but the game marks it as an out for no fucking reason

Probablemente sea el mejor juego de deportes echo por Nintendo en esa época, lo cual tampoco es mucho que decir.

played on switch, actually really fun with another person

This made me damn near unleash my inner John McEnroe.

I mean it's tennis I can't really say much else. A bit bare but it's passable.


Tennis é Tennis, se você jogar esperando plot twist e um enredo nível Read Dead Redemption, eu tenho péssimas notícias.
Você controla um jogador do lado de baixo da tela e precisa passar a bola para o outro lado. Mario estará lá para arbitragem porque a princesa que lute.
Curiosamente, o modo dois players apenas torna o jogo num 2 vs 2, em que o segundo jogador apenas ajuda. Devido limitações, é impossível competir com outra pessoa, tornando o jogo muito limitado e difícil.

While the controls are simple, winning a match is really hard. The AI is extremely good and the hit detection is not the best. I had my frustrating time with it, and now that it is over, I can finally move to a better game(I hope).

Game #11 of my challenge

Watching tennis is more fun than this

It's tennis but with lousy hit detection!

NES Week: Day #3

A game I hear mentioned a tiny bit here and there is the NES game Tennis. Now when I say I hear about it a tiny bit I mean a tiny bit because the sports titles of the NES era are never really talked about much and in all honesty I’m really not surprised.

Tennis is very simple: you hit a ball with your racket from one side to another and hope to god your opponent will somehow miss it. Yeah this game really is that simple but also quite infuriating at the same time. When it looks like your hitting the ball…well somehow your not and then it goes out and you lose a point which is just absolutely great…and even when do you get a point it’s usually when it happens to your computer opponent which is…interesting to say the least

Extremely simple, can be infuriating, how many jobs does Mario have???