Reviews from

in the past

Has potential but, definitely needs more added to it.

Check out if you enjoy papers, please check it out.

its alright, like everyone else in the reviews i came for the milkman. there's another game like this i played years ago called The Peephole's Chronicles: Weird John, there's been no word on its development for a while and last i played it was a little buggy but had an awesome style and mechanics other than weird ugly people coming to your door. even after many years that game stuck with me because it was so stylish but it never really got any attention. anyways what im trying to say is that i think this game isn't worth it, i know it's unfinished but it still feels too barebones and uninteresting, if you like the concept i recommend checking out peephole's chronicles or if you havent already, papers please

The game was fun for a little bit but felt very repetitive. The scenarios were almost the same every time and the difficulty doesn't increase. The game is still in its early stages so I look forward to seeing what's in store.

Early version of the game as of now but its fun. It really makes you inspect the details like on one it was the persons job that was wrong on the documents. Looking forward to the full release and if anyone is considering trying it I would reccomend its cheap and worth the price

Premissa interessante e até que é divertido nos primeiros momentos. Mas rapidamente se torna bem repetitivo, gameplay loop bem fraco.

So fun! Hope there is more updates to it!
FNAF meets Coffee Talk, Strange Horticulture and Sally Face (ikik weird but trust me)

It's fun and has a lot of potential! Right now it's too short and the dialogue is too repetitive. The menu makes it look like there's a lot more planned, so I'm excited to see more of it.

fun papers please type game

Ideia legal, mas uma hora fica bem repetitivo, nada demais acontece

I saw some clips of this game on TikTok and as a massive Papers Please fan I decided to give it a try.

You play as a doorman to an apartment building in a world overrun with evil doppelgangers and you have to make sure that you dont let them inside. This singles out specific areas of Papers Please' gameplay with checking I.D cards, lists of people allowed in and managing lots of information to make sure you let the correct people through. The game uses body horror quite effectively with some dopplegangers having very obvious deformities, makes for a creepy site without needing a jumpscare.

As previously mentioned I am a massive Papers Please fan so I really enjoy this gameplay loop but it does get old quite fast. From what I can tell, the developer is currently working on more gameplay modes which I look forward too. I hope for some kind of a narrative game mode as there is very interesting potential in the world that has been created.

I will 100% keep an eye out for future updates as I see a lot of potential in this game to be something great. With some tweaks to make the gameplay feel more fluid and if the game modes added are good, I will raise my rating higher in the future

Dialogues often feel repetitive, which can affect replayability. Currently there's a huge lack of bizarre events occurring during gameplay, I wish there were more weird character encounters to keep things interesting overall. While the concept is cool (Papers, Please with an horror twist), adding more content over time could help improve the execution.

Papers, please copy with less soul and incomplete, but had fun too

3 doppelgängers let in?!

Really… boring. Like… way too repetitive.

live laugh love the milkman

same opinion as everyone else basically. it's really good and charming, but repetitive. which is great for when you're me and need something monotonous to keep you from going crazy while doing tons of writing for school. i'll definitely keep up with updates, and maybe i'll try to get all the achievements when i get busy and need something like this to soothe myself again.

yeah save a cow, milk the milkman

Its just worse papers please

eu sinceramente so joguei por causa das fanart do milkman pelado mas eh divertidinho, tem potencial p ser quase tao bom quanto papers, please

It's whatever. I'll have to play again and possibly update my rating/review once the dev adds the extra modes. As of now, it's pretty basic and I kinda wish there was an option to make the text go faster. Other than that, props to the dev for making a very simple game that somehow spawned a whole legion of Milkman fans seemingly overnight. Shit like this makes me want to conduct research into/write a dissertation on the elusive mystery that is the Tumblr sexyman phenomenon because, much like DeviantArt fetish art, while I can never explain what exactly makes a sexyman, I can always recognise one when I see one.

this game is so addicting i'm having dreams of playing it

It's true that really wasn't my neighbor


Seeing the doppelgangers is quite cool and amazing, plus its mechanics are fantastic despite being a "copy" of Papers Please.
The problem is that it feels slow and repetitive (the dialogue emphasizes the latter)

Gameplay: (Works at least) As the new doorman in this creepy old apartment building, it makes you feel like a detective investigating everyone who walks in. Checking IDs, scrutinizing appearances, and deciding who enters, this premise I really liked at first. It’s literally like Paper Please with a supernatural twist, creepy imposters try to infiltrate the building and you have to decide who is real and who isnt. The doppelgangers are supposed to keep you on your toes, but then there's the catch, it’s a tad too easy. The inconsistencies stand out like a sore thumb, and even a sleeping intern could spot them.

Graphics/Visuals: Minimalist 2D hand drawn sprite art style works and looks good, the doppelgangers are usually creepy. It won’t win any beauty contests or art awards, but the simplicity works.

Story/Narrative: The premise is interesting, doppelgangers infiltrating an apartment building. You flip through IDs, cross-reference names, and occasionally call residents to confirm their identities with their roomates. But the narrative lacks any depth whatsoever. This isn't really a bad thing for some, but for me? Why are these doppelgangers so rampant in this city, what do they want? Aside from the fun little employee training video we get to start there really doesnt seem to be any lore here at all.

Audio/Sound: 3/5 The ambient sounds—creaking doors, muffled footsteps—set the tone. But they fade into the background. A haunting soundtrack or eerie whispers would’ve elevated the experience. Instead, it’s like listening to an old radio with a weak signal.

Replayability: Once you’ve mastered detecting imposters (which isn't exactly rocket science) there’s very little reason to revisit. The lack of random events or a ton of hidden secrets leaves you without any complexity. Also, calling on the phone and waiting 20 seconds every time you catch one is really frustrating too. Idk if I'd ever replay this without a major update.

Innovation: That’s Not My Neighbor borrows from Paper Please and adds a paranormal twist. It’s not exactly fresh, and the execution also falls short as well. The doppelgangers needed more layers, more options, harder to spot anomalies, maybe some sabotages or moral dilemmas idk.

Beyond the main gameplay loop, there’s little to explore. Not really any hidden secrets, no secret codes. It’s straightforward, like an assembly line. A few surprises or difficulty would’ve spiced things up.

Overall Enjoyment: I enjoyed my short time as the doorman/detective. But once the novelty wore off in about an hour, it felt like a repetitive paperwork job. Extremely simple game with little variety, but it has a little bit of charm. With updates this can be something special though.

Similar Games: Explore titles like Papers, Please (similar gameplay) and Return of the Obra Dinn (if you just want to feel like a detective).