Reviews from

in the past

Ugh, this Rocky and Bullwinkle game was a total nostalgia letdown. Yeah, it's got the characters from the show, but the levels are way too hard and the controls feel super clunky. It kinda just felt like a cheap way to cash-in on the cartoon, honestly.

The moose's headbutt move is funny for about five seconds but that's about it. Three different areas split into incredibly long and tough platforming sections with a boss at the end.

This game has a 20 minute runtime and still feels too long.

My favorite character is the random balding IRS agent that appears on the YOU WIN! screen.

Yup this game is terrible and of course it's one of the handful we bought when I was a kid. The awful repetitive music is seared into my brain. I've still got this cursed cartridge somewhere.

This game is horrendous. It has poor gameplay, mediocre graphics, and god awful music.

What a nightmare of a game, don't go near it.

quickest a game has ever given me a migraine

They somehow made fighting dragons with bubblegum not fun.

Este juego es increíblemente malo. Lo único bueno que trajo fue que me dejaron canjearlo por Mario Kart.


that's all you need to know.