Reviews from

in the past

this game and all its dlcs will ruin you with addiction. fun as hell with so much depth replayability

At first It may be a bit overwhelming as the learning curve is a bit hard to get into. Once you get it, this games gives a unique experience each time you play it, the perfect definition of what a Roguelike game is

Frustrating at times, but once you get over the learning curve, it's a masterpiece. I have 150 hours on several platforms and I still have 400 achievement left to get. It's a banger with a steep learning curve. 100% pickup.

the kind of game you like a little bit like i guess its okay then next thing you know you've played it for 500 hours

My second most played game, don't even like it. I will become back every cent I spent on this shit of piece.
Isaac is actually pretty good, but the typical standard run is mid and bland, but that's most likely because I've spent 700+ hours in it. A run where things get interesting get very crazy and fun. I wish the lows and highs weren't so far apart.

(Ranking as I beat each expansion's final boss) One of the best, if not the best rougelite I ever played. The gameplay loop just sucks me in so so much and I adore the religious direction the game goes in, giving it such a unique form of identity. I've dug hundreds of hours into this game through many different ports of it and it never gets old for me. One of the best remakes for sure.

it’s the classic i played it a good amount when it released, but i’m just not the biggest fan of it. i like the story and art style i just couldn’t get into the gameplay as much. i’m not the biggest fan of rougelikes to begin with so that’s probably my downfall here

My first roguelike - played when I was living in Japan and got a decent amount of hours into it.

The number of hours I put in this is stupid :D I was just addicted, ok? What can I say^^ It was my first Rougelike, every run felt different and I always felt like I was making progress. Classic case of "one more run, then I'll stop"^^

Al principio es difícil quedarte con todos los objetos, rutas y enemigos pero luego es un vicio sin precedentes simplemente estarás un buen tiempo sin jugar a otra cosa.

Problemas domésticos + 3 dosis de coca + Jugando el Isaac =

probably the best roguelike ever made. never had 2 runs be the same. i love everything about this game; the music is probably the best out of any game i've played, the gameplay never gets boring and i feel like i learn something new every single run, advoiding the rain of bullets coming your way, the sheer amount of different game changing items. its just a really good time and crazy playtime for the price.

don't like this game that much though I've been told repentance is better so I guess I might try that someday

4 stars for killing children i hope to see more of this IRL

I currently have 8 hours on this game and I've been playing for only about a week, pray for me.


love its style but i dont find the gameplay very engaging after repeated runs

bizarro como a estética e a jogabilidade desse jogo é boa (falo isso mas só jogo de Azazel...)

god god god y god, mas god que god

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The Binding of Isaac is often called the best Roguelike game of all time, often said to have jumpstarted the popularity for the genre and I completely agree with this.

The simplistic style of the game against the harsh captivity of its truly outstanding gameplay is extremely captivating, as Isaac tells the disturbing story of a child abandoned by his mother, who is saved by his imagination, which is the game you play.

It takes you though various dungeons, fighting different bosses and using different items each run, no two runs will ever be the same. The game has over 600 hours of content easily and I have never once been bored whilst playing it. There is 34 playable characters with all of the DLCs, which add a huge variation in playstyles, each with stats that they are better or worse at, allowing people to use any playstyle they like throughout the game.

More into the story: Isaac is a child who lives with his mother, who believes her child, Isaac, is a demon. She abandons him and subjects him to various amounts of abuse, including locking him in his toybox, and Isaac tries various ways to prevent her, but overall it doesnt work. The game you play is the imagination of Isaac, as if you are playing the game Isaac created in his mind through the abuse, and the main bosses are Issacs's mom and his various fears, showing him overcome them through the game as you progress. The characters you play are different variations of how Isaac sees himself. For example, the Azazel character is how Isaac see's himself as a Demon due to his mother constantly telling him he is. The harsh, but also very real story that some children go through highlights the issues that some kids face, but in a more extremist fashion.

Even with that harsh story in mind, the game itself is endlessly fun, with crude jokes, difficult bosses, thousands of items and synergies, many characters, exciting game-modes and rooms filled with imaginary creatures. This game is a must play for everyone and I truly have enjoyed every second I have played on it.

In conclusion: Isaac tells the story of a disturbed child, but puts this gruesome theme with exciting gameplay, with fresh content every single run. It will hook you for hours, and you wont regret buying it.

Unless of course you hate losing all of your progress after a mistake. If so then steer clear, this game is HARD.

o que falar de isaac né, bom eu tenho diversas opiniões boas desse jogo como a geração de salas dele, OST e que a cada vez que você joga sempre vai ser diferente mas outros pontos que eu não curto ( que nao quer dizer que é ruim ) são tambem as gerações de sala que por exemplo acontece diversas vezes que você pegar uma sala ENORME cheia de bixo que é impossivel de sair de la sem tomar dano dependendo do personagem que você ta usando alem de que a maioria dos bosses ''finais'' que voce pega sao só um trilhao de projeteis na sua tela e se vira pra desviar ( eu to jogando touhou ou isaac? )

i played hundreds of hours of tainted lost because i enjoyed it

if this was me I'd just thug it out