Reviews from

in the past

feels like more of the first game, was a fun time
I feel like the prison was a better setting, however

I thought Butcher Bay would be cooler than it actually was. The narrative of the early prison break stuff is pretty good, but beyond that is a pretty mid FPS that tries to do several things but fails at all of it. Given that, I never really had a desire to bother with Dark Athena.

Acredito que tenha as mesmas qualidades do seu antecessor, apesar disso o jogo tem seus defeitos e acaba não sendo tão marcante, mas é um bom game em termos de diversão, vale a pena dar uma conferida.

First off this is two games in one, so that's a steal, But second off, The games themselves are badass FPS/melee game, Melee is less like condemned and more boxing, trying to make combos and such, and lots of stealth, which is also badass.
Did I also mentioned that Vin Diesel voices Riddick in both games?

These games are absolutely Great, Although I do wish there was perhaps a remake so that then they could improve upon the combat.

A cool sequel to a cool game!
It has everything: a cool hero, dynamic and diverse gameplay, an interesting plot with an exciting story, charismatic characters, dramatic moments, excellent graphics, fantastic battles, and stealth.
Unlike the previous part, this one is shorter but very intense and exciting. The story keeps you enthralled from the beginning to the very end. The characters are really well written and voiced. The cinematography of the game is top-notch.
The gameplay here is also varied and allows you to feel like an invisible super-killer, and take control of various equipment and even undead combat androids.
Battles with some bosses make you think and allow you to deal with them in different ways.
Graphically, the game has received some improvements and looks great.
The soundtrack is not worse than in the previous part.
This game definitely deserves attention.

I'm not sure if Dark Athena used the original UI and HUD of Butcher Bay or if when they ported Bay to PS3 if they updated it to match Dark Athena. Either way the fact that this game uses the same UI and HUD as the first game made it feel more like an expansion DLC or remaster instead of a true sequel and its own game.

However everything about this game is a step up from its predecessor. The graphics, stealth mechanics, shooting, level design, finish animations are all a notch above the previous installment which ultimately creates a more satisfying experience. Even Diesel's voice work in this sounds better. Basically every aspect of this game feels refined and a bit more polished.

However, this game needed some sort of added feature or mechanic. There was nothing new about the gameplay, it was all just done a bit better. It needed some sort of Arkham predator mode vision, or a weapon upgrade system or something. The fact it had no major new mechanic added to it feeling like more of an expansion DLC with upgraded graphics rather than a true sequel. I suppose this did have a multiplayer component that I was not able to play since it's 2020, more than decade since the initial release, and I have no doubt that the servers are either offline or completely dead. The multiplayer was probably the new big feature of this game they were touting but since I'm not able to review that I'm strictly speaking about the single player campaign. It just needed something new.

This was still a blast and a breeze. The only element that seemed to take a back seat this time around was the RPG side quest element. Which is forgivable because everything else was done so well. There were two segments that particularly stuck out as being incredible and that was the spot light elevator segment with the platforming element and the gravity well bit. The physics in this game again is next level and so satisfying to play around with.

The stealth was a lot more satisfying this time around too. I'm not sure if I missed it in Butcher Bay, but I discovered you can shoot out the lights in this game creating more darkness and more stealth opportunities. I felt it was easier to stay in the shadows this time and have a little more freedom of how I approached certain segments. The level design is partly to thank for the upgraded stealth too as it naturally had more shadows at times. The AI felt a little more forgiving this time around. But ultimately it felt like there were segments that made it near impossible to go stealth and it felt like the game forced you to blast your way through the levels with shotgun and assault rifle in tow. When those moments happen it makes the whole stealth aspect and Riddick's strongest characteristic feel like a moot point.

I find it interesting that they released a Riddick game in 2009, 5 years after the last movie which bombed hard. Were people really clamoring for more Riddick action in 2009? Regardless I would really like to see a sequel to this franchise on PS5. Maybe if the 4th movie ever comes out interest in this franchise and intellectual property will spike. I'd like to see upgrades to your character and weapons via a skill tree. I'd like to see a little more RPG elements and a tad more satisfying stealth experience.

O also this game gets bonus points for actually being able to dual wield the bladed weapons on the cover of the game. Butcher Bay failed to deliver on that promise.

The stealth and gameplay from the first one are stil here, along with some badass iconic blades Riddick uses.

Too bad the game kinda falls apart in the last leg. It goes from a decent stealth game to near constant action. There's a point where you aren't on a claustrophobic, dark and moody ship anymore. You're just on a bright, boring planet with little stealth options.

That's when the game starts forcing you into more combat oriented scenarios. Combat is one of the weaker aspects of the game. You die fast and the enemies are extremely aggressive. They also give you this really shitty gun in the end.

It has unlimited ammo and uses the game engines physics to it's full potential. Sounds like the physics gun from Half Life 2, but it sadly isn't. It desperately wants to be, but the gun they give you is AWFUL. Takes forever to fire between shots and doesn't even work properly most of the time.

They also want you to use this weapon as much as possible due to the overabundance of combat encounters in the last part.

Don't get me started on the boss fights as well. The fights rely on the really shoddy melee combat system. It's smooth and animated well, but the enemies just block and counter every attack you throw at them. I had to cheese all the fights that required the melee system because it was just so horrible.

I would say overall Butcher Bay was the better game. Dark Athena fell apart at the end and limped to the finish line after a solid stealth action game.

as a sequel this game is ok the combat is slightly improved the new setting is cool but ruined by weird progression it's trying to imitate the original but feels a lot more backtrack-y here also the game kinda reaches what feels like a conclusion and then realizes oh wait we just made a 3-hour game so it feels like the last big level of this game was made cause they felt the game was too short or something.
I am ashamed to admit that it didn't hit me until like halfway through this game how much it is inspired by the splinter cell games but where u can actually go guns blazing which I dont mind because the stealth still isn't great.

The first half of this game is just the movie Alien, but Vin Diesel is the monster. That's pretty cool.

Slightly, and I do mean slightly below it's predecessor quality-wise. The best part is the first one when you're on the ship.

Escape from Butcher Bay was a revolutionary game for its time with dark and gritty visuals, dieselpunk atmosphere, and interesting characters. It was also a technical marvel that only a few games achieved at the time. Assault on Dark Athena would be, of course, a highly anticipated sequel with next-generation technology. You play as Riddick once again trying to escape another hell hole known as Dark Athena which is a renegade merc ship holding Riddick prisoner and using dead bodies as drones.

Surprisingly, and right off the bat, this is almost exactly the same as Butcher Bay in every way shape and form. That’s not completely bad, but it makes the game feel very dated and gets held back by Butcher Bay’s problems. This almost feels like an expansion rather than a sequel, and being released 5 years after the first game, it really shows its age. For starters, the same animations, models, weapons, and overall gameplay is almost just a slight upgrade over the last game, and I honestly couldn’t tell the difference between the two. The weapons still fire really inaccurately, the AI is still awful, and the game is overly linear.

Sadly, one of the best parts about Butcher Bay, are absent such as the areas where you get to talk to people and soak in the atmosphere and interesting characters. The entire game focuses solely on Riddick and his nemesis, Reyas, who gets little screen time. Even the opening isn’t as interesting or cinematic as the first game, and to be honest, there’s even less stealth required in this game. This is due to getting a new weapon known as the SCAR that shoots detonatable percussive blobs so the game rides the last half on this weapon. There were only a few stealth areas that were mandatory to keep from dying. It’s mostly running and gunning and a lot more climbing and platforming.

That’s not necessarily bad, but the pacing is a little more off, but another trade-off is you’re not stuck on the cramped Dark Athena ship the entire time. You end up crash landing on the planet below and get to explore some outdoor environments, but again, completely void of life. I feel like this game could be so much more and really holds itself back. There’s a lot of lore, backstory, and interesting things that could be shown. Outside of shooting the melee combat is exactly the same with a new addition of the Ulaks which are badass knives, but aren’t used much after the first half of the game.

Visually, the game looks decent but looked dated even when it was released as it was using a dated engine. The shadows look great, and there are some new effects for PC such as better anti-aliasing, SSAO, and high-res textures, but even when it was released it didn’t punish PCs too much. The voice acting is once again astounding, but there are a lot fewer characters here and it’s sad to have even fewer cutscenes than the last game. The ending is also really stupid with no resolution, and the entire game refuses to build on the character of Riddick and his purpose to even exist.

Overall, Assault on Dark Athena is a fun sequel to a game with many flaws that transferred over, but the sum of its parts is an enjoyable 6-hour experience that’s probably quite forgettable. Its prequel is much more memorable, and Dark Athena focuses too much on tired gameplay and less on building on top of an already great sci-fi world and character.


The first 4-5 hours would've made for a fitting expansion to EfBB as it was janky but well paced, but once reaching the planet surface it turned into a bland shooter with a dull gimmick gun.