Reviews from

in the past

I've never played this game but I just learned about it and leaving a 1/10 review is just really funny to me considering there's no way to even play it now


This game is a reminder about how the videogame industry isn't forgiving when you deliver a bad product filled with deceptive marketing. I wish that people who banded together to destroy this "game" did the same to other companies who deliver incomplete, bad games.

The Day Before died The Day After it was announced

I can’t even give this a proper review. they released it the day before and just dipped the day after

Never seen a game be so bad. It get rids of a studio in 4 days

The Day Before was something I was really looking forward to this year and I think it had potential. However, it breaks my heart to see how many people gave it terrible reviews even in early access, and it is very sad that the studio Fntastic is closing after this without being able to show the players what The Day Before is really like.
The game is rather empty and was not prepared for the kind of attention that was anticipated. It is also not good that $40 was spent on an early access that is essentially empty. I'm only going to give it a 5-star review since I think it deserves more if the developers put more effort into building the game rather than trying to pass it off as something else entirely.

You god damn hypocrites. Fuck you so much. I hate all of you. Another masterpiece is gone now thank to you fuckers. GOD. I"M SO FUCKING PISSSEEDDD.

why did they shutdown this was peak

Its called The Day Before cuz thats how badly it tanked their studio, they had only just released their game the day before Fntastic had to close their doors (hopefully forever)

STATLER: “Have you played The Day Before? It’s unacceptable!”
WALDORF: “Yes, it seems like the last good day of our lives was ‘The Day Before’ we knew it existed!”
[Both laugh.]

This game is exactly like I was the day before, confused, broken and almost entirely non-functional

The Day Before shows signs of progress, but there are many crucial weaknesses. The graphics are quite solid with a moderate level of detail, while the sound and music are not convincing. The gameplay suffers from a lack of mechanics and variety. The AI and the multiplayer area appear immature. Technical stability and replayability are incredibly problematic, it jerks too often. It gets boring too quickly, as there's really nothing to do except for missions that aren't varied and are also very boring in terms of content. The feel of the weapons is also poor and the hits and shots have no feedback.
All in all, it just feels very cheap.
There is a lack of originality and the community feedback is negative. Overall, fundamental improvements are needed to enhance the player experience.

this game had a diegetic map, that is the half star


The Day Before, More like The Scam before

the fact that people witch hunted a game that was in EARLY ACCESS!!!!! is just fucking vile. did nobody learn from No Man's Sky???? its crazy that when you give a game a chance and the developers the time to improve the game it turns out to be an incredible game. shame that this game got crusaded so bad that the studio shut down.

Ten Years from now a 17 year old from Wisconsin will make the greatest video essay about this shitty game


i wanna go back to "the day before" I played this game

The fact that so many people fell for this scam hook, line, and sinker gives me very little hope that any positive change will ever make its way to the industry soon, so-long as the gullible and ignorant continue to support unqualified assclowns and their empty promises en masse.

My mom yelled from upstairs if I had finished organizing my room

I yelled back "THE DAY BEFORE!"

She smiled, she knew it was finished (unlike the actual game)

The following is an excerpt from my list Errant Thoughts on Games I've Never Played Before/Haven't Played Too Much

I actually wouldn't have minded a solid zombie extraction shooter that played like a more polished version of Deadzone! It's a shame that that's not how they sold this and that the developers are clearly frauds and plagiarists. You thought Redfall was bad? This is where redemption arcs (or, collectively known in the gaming sphere as "DAE NO MAN'S SKY?!1/!:/1?!???"") go to rot.

And really, that's just the kicker, isn't it? I started out my impressions by comparing this negatively to a Roblox game from ten fucking years ago. As much as I loved Deadzone back then, you'd really have to put in a herculean effort to make a modernized version feel less like the Americanized Eurojank it is. Nevermind false advertising, or bugs, or shady volunteer work, or a suspicious trademark dispute—your game being worse than the slop we used to enjoy on Roblox? Ouch, a Band-Aid isn't going to stop that bleeding.

Chris really makes you feel like you're in The Day Before

Je préfère galéré comme un con sur Tarkov que sur une fraude enculé

Un jeu ultra attendu pour rien HAH

if plagiarism was a video game, this would be it

The Day Before a Refund
The Day Before you got Scammed
The Day Before i was really hoping it wasn't gonna be another shit 2023 game like Gollum, Skull Island and TWD: Destinies.