Reviews from

in the past

Very fond memories of this game.
Peak 2012 meme kino.

Deafening silence. As you explore, a second and a half of Smash Mouth, looped, forever, begins to slowly increase in volume. When you turn around it flies between both ears of your headphones. Long hallways with nothing but a single improperly scaled and infinitely tiled texture. Random images from the internet presented as if they were exhibitions in a museum. A huge, empty, isolating world. A world that simultaneously never misses a chance to remind you of its own construction and artificiality.

I definitely need to do a deeper dive on the egglike genre because this was way cooler than anything Yume Nikki or myhouse.wad did, lol.

unironically one of the greatest video games of all time. fucking fight me. utterly incomprehensible a perfect explore and adore. so much to do so much to see

Fantasticaneer, I kneel before your offerings to the Egglike genre.

This is the game that started a cult genre called Egglikes, which are basically really weird walking sims where you collect stuff, do some platforming challenges of questionable quality, and encounter strange memes.

One of the major components of a Egglike is making sure the graphics look archaic enough without going overboard in making it look bad. The graphics of an Egglike aim to capture the feel of playing someone's first Unity project, mainly because that's what these probably are.

Fantasticaneer pioneered the Egglike genre with this game, The Fantastic Game. In this game, you explore an aimless world hunting for dollar bills. You'll explore weird areas, meet eggs that sing Smash Mouth's All Star, and more in this very short romp.

If you like janky first-person exploration-based platformers, The Fantastic Game is for you!