Reviews from

in the past

Esse é o pico de video games em geral, meus amigos, não tem como ultrapassar essa obra não.

The most complete Ace Attorney game. I think there are multiple great Ace Attorney games, but none quite weave a story throughout the game and bring it together in the end like this one. A great cast, fantastic music, and genuinely thoughtful cases make this what I think is the best Ace Attorney game.

this actually made me feel an emotion. several in fact. perhaps all of them. so ive graduated from being a giant boulder to being a person. thank you naruhodo ryunosuke.

Excellent narrative. Nails the last case, although sections are very long and it is a slog if you rush through it. Go to sleep come back tomorrow morning and relax while you play it (:

it delivers. for better or worse. it pulls apart dgs1, digs through its dirty laundry, nothing unaccounted for. its answers are decent, but it sure does take its time. 25 hours into what is essentially 55 hours of this overarching story, the pacing is at a CRAWL

Lovely game with fun characters and many plot twists. I however did not feel super satisfied with the final two cases and the mysteries they contain. The animations and court system peaked here in the series however.


After feeling a little mixed on the first one, I went into the sequel with lower expectations. A bit afraid of more slow pacing and drawn out jury segments. However, Resolve proved me wrong.

The way the whole overarching storyline comes together in this one is simply amazing. Each case in this game is at least good and escalates to great. The last three episodes are all top-notch.

I still felt a little downtime in some parts and despite loving Herlock Sholmes, I don't really care for the detective sequences that don't really require much thinking but overall the pacing felt way more smooth in this game, despite having insanely long cases at times.

Also really fell in love with the cast of characters and will miss them.

Sholmes : "Jack the Ripper was not a person but a concept. You see, when Britain industrialised, so did the human psyche. People who used to live an open lifestyle with free access to nature became subjugated to factory living arrangements. These people's psyches couldn't cope. They became what has often been called 'The Rippers'. The Ripper case is not the action of one man, but the actions of human beings who have become lost to the world they are born into."

Ryunosuke : "Mr. Sholmes, your work is truly impressive; however, there appears to be a slight discrepancy in your deduction."

Most consistent case quality series excluding AAI2

I knew Shu Takumi wouldn't let me down. An outstanding unraveling of the many mysteries left unsolved in the first game. I am so glad this is a direct follow-up to the first game, as it get directly to the point, with no filler chapters and with an amazing pace when it comes to getting answers, and stumbling upon new mysteries. Of course, it comes without saying that the plot is, like, REALLY good. All cases, most notably the last one, are such a rollercoaster of emotions that made sure this game won't leave my mind for an eternity. I really don't want to spoil anything, just pick up Chronicles and play through the two games.

I also love how it focuses so much on character growth and development. Most characters are already met in the first game, but it's here when they really show their potential. Their experiences, their goals, and their realizations in court... it all makes them visibly change, and it makes it really easy to relate to them. The first game left me wanting to know more about the characters, and I couldn't be happier in that aspect. Even the new characters are incredibly unique and well-made, as usual from the Ace Attorney series.

I really can't say much more about Resolve without bringing up Adventures, and/or spoiling part of the plot, so I'll go straight to the point: Ace Attorney keeps being one of the best franchises I've ever been introduced to. I never imagined I could be left at the verge of tears from watching a court proceeding unfold. Just go play this game. It's true the pacing may be slow at times, but it's all worth it in the end. This is one of those games I'll be forever obsessed with, and for a reason.

This is good like, legit good. I really can't stand the first game, I could like the characters, but the story felt like a whole bunch of boring filler just to get to the main conflict which is the second game, & with its undoubtedly slow pacing, it was truly hinder me from liking the first game. But this one, I finally feel connected with the cast. Sure the story still has that slow pacing element, but I don't know if I already get used to it or the case feels more enjoyable by miles. I get the charm, the uniqueness of the cast, the eccentric directing of this game, it was a nice experience.
This is the greatest ace attorney, surpassing the the first game.

This game changed me fundamentally as a person

The second Great Ace Attorney is a pretty good and straightforward continuation of the first game. It doesn’t really add much of anything new, nor does it change anything in terms of gameplay/mechanics, so I don’t have as much to say about it as I did regarding the previous game.

The story is very consistent with the first game in terms of quality. However, I do feel like the plot can progress at an agonizingly slow pace at times. It can also get very repetitive, as it constantly teases and hints at the bigger mystery that needs to be unfolded over, and over, and over again while it drip-feeds tiny pieces of information regarding that mystery up until the very end of the game. It doesn’t help that the first two episodes are mostly unrelated to said big mystery. In fact, the second episode takes place during the events of the previous game, and feels largely out of place. It makes me wonder if the only reason the second episode exists is so that the game could meet a five episode quota, because in all honesty, I don’t really think that the second episode was truly necessary given how long the subsequent episodes are. Personally, I feel like they could’ve split Episode 3 in half to meet the five episode quota if they really wanted to. I was hooked when the game finally started to pick up and unravel the great mystery during Episode 3, but it took a really long time to get there.

Slow pacing aside, the game is still just as comfy and enjoyable as its prequel, with even more colorful characters to enjoy. I had a pretty decent time with it, and wouldn’t mind another entry featuring these characters, as they’re all rather delightful.


last case is peak ace attorney but sad to see no ryunosuke and prosecutor kiss scene

Replayed GAA 2: Resolve. Changed me, Saved my life, Saved the medium, The chance of anything ace attorney topping this is really low. The rest doesn't even need to be explained it's just that good

When DGS was announced nearly 10 years ago, I never thought it would release in the US. The Ace Attorney series had hit a lull with Dual Destinies, as well as Investigations 2 never released here. All that alongside the game prevalent featuring of Sherlock Holmes made it seem like a flight risk for Capcom. So I am so very happy they decided to release the games as a collection to play just 4 years later. This is the best game in the series, and I am so happy to have been able to play it, even if it w as a little late on my part.

This review contains spoilers

All of the mysteries that were set up in the first game ended up being really disappointing alongside one of the worst decisions ever made with the choice of bringing back Asogi. Yujin and Sholmes's dance of deduction however is the highlight of the entire franchise.

i need to eat out raiten menimemo

Utter excellence. The second game is brilliant, and builds on the first so well that it reveals the former to be well-built foundations rather than simply "a decent Ace Attorney game" as I'd first judged it.

As a whole the duology is only just pipped by the original Ace Attorney trilogy due to the latter featuring a few stronger standout cases; in fact in some ways, notably in the development of its characters, GAA is the better series. So glad I finally got around to finishing it.

omg they remade 1-5 :flushed: apparently this means its peak!!! (Barok got really good)

most disappointed I've ever been for a game. it's not horrid I just expected something more new and fleshed out.
feels like there were a lot of character plotlines that had there original ideas scrapped and taped together to the main plot cuz he had to tie up all the loose ends in this game. Somehow the main story cases also felt super bloated and this kinda killed the enjoyment for me.

I really love the first game for being peak soul and making me super invested.

herlock sholmes my most beloved world-famous great detective

Investigations 2 wishes it could be this good.

TGAA1: "let capcom cook"
TGAA2: "capcom cooked. they've prepared a 5 star full course meal that you will remember"

the overarching narrative started in the first entry finally comes to a head and I cannot overstate how well it's carried out. These characters are so memorable, lovable and charming and pairing them with an amazing slowly unravelling mystery plot is fantastic. highly recommend playing