Reviews from

in the past

A solid addition to the franchise. The launch roster is a bit smaller than XIV's, which was a little disappointing, but DLC appears to be making up for that.

KOFXV is a lot of fun. It feels like it has what I tend to like about fighting games in it without compromising too much in the name of greater audience appeal. A lot of the characters are fun. The story mode gets you some pretty good character interactions and personal stories. Music is fantastic and the jukebox is very expansive as well.

About my only complaints is the PC Port sucks. The visuals are pretty inconsistent in their quality. Like some characters look great and then others just look bad or not that impressive at all. Also gotta say locking Geese behind DLC hurts SNK. Hurts me a lot. Probably the best new fighting game in the last few years though, good work SNK.

You wanna a high ceiling fighting game with great graphics, rollback netcode, large roster at LAUNCH, character variety and the absolute old school level of jank.

Then SNK put out the sor far best game of 2022


it's like KOF14 except they have the budget to make it cooler

having grown up in KoF it's impossible to not love this game to death


Sitting at almost 20 hours of gameplay I think its about time I talk about KOF15!

FGs is one of my if not my all time favorite genre of video games since a kid. Within my love for FGs also stood my love KOF but I was always bad at the series and stayed pretty bad at the games all the way through until 15 so I never really got that deep into KOF due to this. But something clicked with me and I actually begun to learn 15 and I have to say the game is simply amazing. Very fun cast of characters , combos , stages, OST and GREAT online play really makes for a fantastic fighting game all around. I am very glad I didn't let my past experience with the series stop me from buying this game.

Yes this is a tough fighting game but if you are looking for a great game with great rollback netcode then look no further. I have been very pleased with most FG companies implementing rollback into their games it makes me very happy.

where the fuck is shingo. WHERE THE FUCK IS KENSOU. PLEASE. I BEG YOU.

Gorgeous presentation, killer soundtrack that goes toe to toe with even the best OSTs from previous games, really good online with a nice balance of newcomers and veterans, amazing soundtrack, extra unlockables in-game instead of being DLC, and did I mention the outstanding soundtrack?


Don't know when is a good place to say my overall thoughts but I'll put them here.

Fun ass game, I'm awful with fighting games but this game makes me want to improve. If I'm the only person in the world playing Meitenkun then I will gladly take that title.


update: kim is confirmed. thank you snk. where is duck king

Just logging this as something I saw credits on. The credit sequence is actually super rad, looks like it was inspired by something you'd see at the end of a movie.

I know this is all personal taste and what have you, but I've always felt "at home" with KOF even if my skill with the game has never really been especially high. Aesthetic, character design, music all A+ work and the game's mechanics are easy enough to understand but hint at some real depth.

I love what I've played so far, but honestly there are a couple issues with the PC version that cut into my arbitrary rating; I had to dig for community fixes to a Vsync issue before really firing up the game in earnest, because the game itself doesn't offer a lot of PC setting options beyond a simple resolution/window type change and some effect toggles. That, and I've noticed some stages tend to have some strange lag/other issues online despite both players having no issue running the same stages/conditions offline. Praise be to SNK for giving us rollback, because the fair majority of matches have been smooth, but they can have the other star back from me once more of these issues get ironed out.

Valeu @Quisinho te amo

Tem alguns problemas no jogo que me impedem de achar ele melhor que o XIII e o 2002, os chain combos não reduzem o dano e por isso o ultimo round é sempre um "quem acerta primeiro ganha", já que todo mundo geralmente tem muita barra.
Mas, tirando isso, o jogo é perfeito. Tá absurdamente lindo, os efeitos estão incríveis, adorei os cenários e a OST, e a gameplay está mais fluida que nunca, um grande avanço em relação ao XIV, que parecia um pouco travado. Fico meio triste que a SNK não vai fazer um jogo baseado em sprites de novo, mas felizmente ela evoluiu muito no 3D.

it knows its audience and doesn't try to reinvent the wheel.

I was a big fan of XIV so I'm very glad to see that not only has this improved on that game but that other people are digging it as well. Its been awhile since I've really felt excited for a fighting game. Netcode is good; I am getting ripped apart in Ranked (and Casual even!) but it never feels like there's gonna be a drop. Roster is good and it feels great to play. My only gripes are I would have loved some more XIV originals to come back (Mian :() and the story feels somewhat rushed. I know this is an insane thing to say, but I am a weirdo who really loves the backstory and lore of the series. Closing the saga in two doesn't give quite as much room for stuff to happen and plots like "dead characters are back" don't feel as impactful as it should. Otherwise, a stellar fighter, easily the best fighter in awhile, and a top tier KoF. Can't wait for Geese to drop.

I've played other KOF games in the past but this is the first one that I decided to actually learn and its absolutely fantastic. Terry is my dad.

Everytime a new big fighting game comes out, I tell myself this is the time I'm gonna really get into it. KOF got kinda close, I was having more purposeful gameplay than I usually do, but in the end it didn't get me there. The 3v3 format is very hard for newcomers, feeling the pressure of learning 3 characters at once. Totally on me though, not the game.

Currently the best fighting game out on the market

Great presentation and netcode are a huge positive, but the lack of modes and awkward throw mechanic keep it from being a favorite.

This game just clicked with me out of nowhere and I don't know why. My mains rn are K`, Shermie, King or Kukri, but it's probably gonna change when Team Garou comes out.

This might be the only 2D fighting sequel released in the past few years (as of 2022) which actually gives the player more options rather than the opposite. KOF holds the line.

Best kof game I've ever played

Straight up the best KOF's been in years.

Hum. Idiota. Yo tengo el poder de Orochi.

Beautiful, fun, and the easiest jumping-on point the series has ever had. Its single player content leaves something to be desired, but that matters a lot less now that it's practically painless to play online.

Beat with Team Sacred Treasures.

I’ve only beaten the Story Mode and fiddled a bit in training, but that technically counts as beating it so oh well. So far this games is great. Fast snappy gameplay, and fun as fuck in every regard. So glad it stuck the landing. Also the music slaps.

she kinda bad tho the fighting game

Plays great and while it still doesn't look phenomenal, it's a big upgrade from 14. Unfortunately has the same issue as every other KoF for me where there's just not many characters I wanna play as. On the bright side it has the cutest athena yet so I still got to enjoy putting her and yuri on a team and doing arcade mode. Almost gave it a point for not having an annoying fighting game final boss but they faked me out.