Reviews from

in the past

A game that can make me wail my eyes out within 10 minutes is worthy of nearly all the praise I can give it.

Story 5 | Gameplay 3.8 | Audio 4 | Visual 4.7 | Details 5 | Entertainment 5

Total 4.6

This review contains spoilers

Que JOGASSO nossa senhora, zerei sei lá quantas vezes.
Chorei nos primeiros 30 min

jogo que todo mundo precisa jogar

This game continues to be a great masterpiece, I played the PS3 version before in 2018, and I started playing it recently to understand the story and appreciate it better, the game is very beautiful, a perfect story and better than many entertainment media that try to do what this game does. game can.

Pixar’s Up but with zombies and medium defining human love and struggle.

The Last of Us é mais do que um jogo, é uma experiência. Sua história extremamente marcante torna este um dos jogos mais imersivos de todos os tempos.

Confesso que, para mim, é a realização de um sonho. Desde 2013, lançamento do título original, tinha a vontade de jogar esse game, porém, como nunca tive um Playstation, nunca tive a oportunidade.

Não joguei no lançamento, então não sei dizer sobre sua performance, mas jogando em 2023, o game se saiu bem, mantendo uma média de 50/60 fps no alto com Ray Tracing ligado em um Ryzen 3 3200g e uma RTX 3050.

Enhancement of an already astounding title. Wish they stopped re-releasing it though :)

Campanha: 5
Diversão: 4
Jogabilidade: 5
Ambientação: 5
Gráficos e Áudio: 5

The remastered version of the last of us to ps5 is a safe purchase delivering the story in a graphical update for the latest generation of consoles. A memorable revisit if necessary.

What an absolute journey. I played the remastered version about 10 years ago and I am so happy to have played through the remake. If you were debating if it's worth it - I'd say give the game a shot, especially if it's on sale. The story of this game deserves all the praise it's been giving and I'll happily come back to experience this every several years. The only knock I'll give it is that I found the traversal to be a bit boring, which I didn't experience as much the first time I played it.

When my card declines at therapy and they bring out tlou's ending

And... oh, I got to tell you, it was perfect. Perfect. Everything, down to the last minute details.

O que posso dizer desse jogo, teve um gosto especial por ter zerado com minha mulher e ela literalmente adorou o enredo e tudo que envolveu o jogo, ficava agoniada comigo nos momentos tensos e se divertia nos momentos engraçados.
Poucas coisas novas podem ser acrescentadas a esse título tão elogiado.

Ainda vou terminar, este é um jogo que preciso de experenciar varias vezes sinceramente

Eu terminei esse jogo ontem, demorei 3 dias para zerar, já tinha visto a série em 2023, mas só em 13/04 /24 terminei ele, porque montei meu pc e quis jogar. A história desse jogo é incrível, a melhor coisa do jogo, a gameplay é ótima e a dificuldade também. Essa versão é o remake mas sinto que algumas coisas ficaram muito esquisitas, como os controles pelo teclado que dificultam as vezes, como por exemplo trocar de arma tendo que apertar 8 no teclado, mas digo no quesito de que, já que o jogo foi feito pros consoles, o layout dele é pra la e jogar no teclado fica estranho. A dublagem tirando os inimigos e alguns personagens é muito boa, os gráficos são lindos. O que acho é que o jogo deveria ser mais otimizado, mas não da pra cobrar muito porque ele foi feito pro ps5. 9/10

"I guess no matter how hard you try, you can’t escape your past..."

God this one hit hard.

While I have yet to play The Last Of Us Part 2, or the first game before, this game's story has been unmissable due to its impact on internet culture. Hell even though I spoiled myself many years ago and watched Markiplier's play-through of the game, it still managed to hit so fucking hard.

To start, the game is incredibly cinematic. But not in a over-the-top bombastic way, rather a reserved and emotional way. More than anything else, the developers wanted to tell you a story, and I was sooo down.

The Last Of Us's acting is phenomenal. This is one of the few games I've played where I feel like almost every actor could've earned an award for their performances. But Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson easily stole the show.

The writing for this game was amazing as well. While it was difficult for me to block out the spoilers I've been exposed to for the second game, I still found so much nuance in this game's story and dialogue.
Even if the second game was never made, Jole and Ellie would feel like fully realized characters. All of the credit goes to Neil Druckmann and all the lovely people who worked on this game.

As for the gameplay, I actually really liked it. In many ways it felt like a much faster Resident Evil 2. Limited ammo and supplies, and lots of scary enemies that need to die. While the combat took me a while to get the hang of (fuck the clickers), once I started playing aggressively I was mowing through EVERYBODY

But yeah, this game is a MUST PLAY, and I can't wait to try out Part 2

(I'm talking about both the actual game and the remake/port)

The Last of Us Part I is what every modern AAA game should strive to be. A well-crafted, emotional story with some of the best dialogue/acting I've seen in a game, and tense, visceral, and at times difficult gameplay.

In terms of the remake, I played on my mid-range PC (i5-11400, RX 6600 XT, 32GB RAM) and experienced almost none of the technical issues that stopped me from initially buying the remake for Steam. I managed to run the game at 1440p using FSR Quality with very generous settings (mostly medium/high settings with medium/high textures as well) and the game performed very well, never impacting gameplay and honestly, I was impressed with both the performance and the gorgeous graphics. As far as non-ray-tracing games go, these graphics are as good as it gets. What really sells the realism is the facial expressions in both cinematics and gameplay; a whole new layer of emotion and storytelling is able to be expressed and Naughty Dog did just that.

The only issues I faced was some infrequent crashing. Maybe five times in the span of twenty-one hours, so I'm not fussed. To be fair, I was messing around and pushing the graphics way too high with only 8GB VRAM.

Final Rating: 10/10

🎮Este texto não é uma análise do jogo, mas sim uma breve reflexão sobre a necessidade e a qualidade desse remake.

Sobre a necessidade: Não sou desenvolvedor, então não posso dizer se era possível simplesmente portar a versão de PS3 ipsis litteris para a nova geração e PC. Talvez houvesse algum aspecto técnico que dificultasse o porte, ou a Sony quis simplesmente recauchutar o jogo e vender a preço cheio.

Mas sempre dá uma coceirinha pensar que um jogo tão novo já está recebendo um remake, enquanto outros jogos que mereciam mais estão abandonados.

Sobre a qualidade: Eu joguei no PC mais ou menos um ano depois do seu lançamento, o que deu tempo suficiente para eles consertarem o jogo. Nesse quesito é inquestionável, o jogo esbanja qualidade técnica.

Para mim, que zerei The Last of Us mais de sete vezes no PS3, foi um pouco difícil encontrar motivos que justificassem jogar esse remake. Se não fosse a minha vontade incessante de platinar todos os jogos que existem, talvez nunca tivesse jogado. Mas, no geral, valeu muito a pena.

🏆O 100% do jogo é ridículo de simples. Jogos da Sony não costumam ter troféus de dificuldade. A parte mais chatinha vai ser pegar todos os coletáveis, mas um guia resolve isso rapidinho.

I remember watching a streamer play the remastered version of this game back in 2020 something and I stayed up nights watching this gameplay. At that time I've barely played any pc game and I never thought I could be able to play this game. So I knew the story of part 1 and part 2 both before finally playing this on PC.

I gotta say Last of Us as a game has left such an incredible emotional and personal impact on me. No piece of media has ever done that before. I absolutely love Ellie and Joel. Joel was one my favourite Protagonists/Antagonist (depends on which pov you think). And Ellie is my favourite female fictional character of all time.

So I'm pretty bias when it comes to the TLOU games. The game from the beginning was so well done. The pacing flawless, the storytelling chef's kiss and the characters were top notch. The gameplay is easy to follow and I was completely awed even knowing what was going to happen in the game.

It is an incredible game that I was finally able to play ever since it was ported to PC. This game is definitely carried by how good the main cast is. Gameplay and game length wise its showed its age for sure. I can understand why this game was so universally acclaimed to begin with.

Lovee this game just the second one ate it up…
Joel and ellie easily one of the best relationships in games

Se eu já amava suas versões anteriores no ps3 e ps4, essa aqui me pegou de jeito no PC, seus gráficos são iguais do part 2 e são simplesmente lindos de se ver

Best story in gaming. Even knowing everything that would happen after watching the TV show it was a 10/10 experience.

Efsane bir oyun. Hikayesi, karakterleri, atmosferi ve oynanışı çok iyi. PC çıkışından çok önce izlemek durumunda kaldığımda da güzeldi. Fakat kendim deneyim ettiğimde de çok beğendim. Son zamanların en iyi oyunlarından biri.

Graphics - 4/5 The graphics in this game is beautiful and awe provoking. The vegetations, character detailing, diverse landscapes etc really adds to the immersion. Though the optimization on PC is really poor even after nearly 1 year of patches.

Story - 3.5/5 The story is good, especially the "Left Behind" dlc, moderately emotional story, but lacks the depth in Joel's character, and overall complexity, even if we consider the 2013 release. It doesn't really feel like how the majority of the reviews said about this game as outstanding. Also its predictable to the very end with no choices for the player and also pretty small storywise. Like indie titles. Also Joel should have died at the end, that would have been wayy more emotional.

Mechanics - 2.5/5 This game suffers heavily from really poor gameplay mechanics, the gunplay is not really satisfying, the melee combat is repetitive and boring, but the worst part of this game is the stealth system, its utterly tiring, while considering that this game was meant to be stealth centered. Also I hated the immersion breaking due to the other characters bumping into the zombies and nothing happens for that. It should have been player controlled on how the other characters move when they are in stealth.

Overall - 3.5/5 Before I played this game I heard a lottt of people saying how this game is a masterpiece and truly one of the best games ever. But I disagree with that completely, this game even if we consider 2013 release have nothing new to offer, a predictable short story made into a 12 hour game which barely considers as a AAA title, lackluster gameplay and little to nothing environmental storytelling with pretty much non existent soundtrack, every aspect of this game shouts mediocre. Even the remake suffers from severe technical issues upon launch and still not fixed with no improvement on the gameplay. Not a memorable game.

NOTES - 1. They really marketed this game well, other game devs should learn from the marketing of this game and how it convinced nearly all of playstation gamers to view this as an outstanding piece of art.
2. This might have been the most overrated piece of game ever (for history books).
3. My theory for why this game is praised so heavily - It was a playstation only title when it launched and stayed that way for 10 years, the first surge of reviews might have been fake so it brought the attention of the most casual of gamers, and as most of them haven't really played a lot of games only made them appreciate this one wayy more.
4. It is kind of proven these days how the game awards are kind of fake, and this game being heavily awarded just proves the point even more.