Reviews from

in the past

holy fuck randomizer peak and the character options rule

yeah i should play base wind waker one day buuuut

the true way to play wind waker

A surprisingly breezy install with a bunch of fun customizable features to change up and tweak every playthrough. You can start with any items you want, decide which of the 20 or so categories of chests and quests contain progression items, and choose from a plethora of fun skins complete with full color customization if you download the recommended model pack. It even comes with a fair amount of QoL improvements you can turn on or off: skipping cutscenes and text boxes, adding a swift sail, adding shortcut warps, adding hints, and even inverting camera controls, thank goodness.

Going all settings swordless is especially "fun" as it forces you to think about your current items and surroundings in a brand new way. Want to clear a lookout platform but don't have any damage items? Use pots to knock the bokoblins off! Don't have a bow to kill wizrobes? Roll around and use your hookshot! The variety of quests and challenges offered by the game can test both your on-the-fly well as your patience, as some of these quests can really take a while, man. Watering the trees, collecting the blue jelly, and doing the entire merchant trade quest all for one item each can be a lot to ask for, and don't even get me started on the rng bs that is the battlesquid minigame (though again, you can just turn all that off if you don't want to lose your mind).

Overall, it's a pretty fun new way to experience the title and I'd definitely recommend it to any fans of the game itching to spice up their replays.

This is definitely the best Zelda game to play randomized, what with the countless possible spawn locations, and massive scale of the game, it really makes for a completely new experience

Simple to "Install". The best way to give this game every time a unique experience.

My first Zelda randomizer and I had a blast playing it! It turns your average Zelda experience into an interesting puzzle of dead ends.

Also all the QoL improvements they did for this.... 10/10. They make the wind automatically change with your direction so you don't have to keep changing it..... this is what true love looks like.