Reviews from

in the past

I once played this game over at a friends house and we spent the entire afternoon breaking the whole game, it was a fun day.
I also played this game when my sister, she got mad when I spoiled the movie. You're playing the tie-in game?

Very creative in terms of a LEGO game and how great the movie it was pulling from wad

Me gustó y todo, genuinamente no recuerdo si lo terminé porque había un nivel en el que siempre se congelaba el juego y ya no seguía, pero no recuerdo si luego logramos hacerlo funcionar pero igual estaba chido.

Loved this game and the film so much when I was a kid, I played this all the time when I was younger.

Jogo preguiçoso, feito só pra lançar junto com o filme mesmo.

well i loved the lego movie but i think this was worse

This game was such a disappointment, specifically because I got this game the day it came out, and all of its cutscenes were ripped directly from the film. I had made it pretty far before I saw the movie in theaters, so much to my surprise, I had already seen half the movie!

Gameplay wise, it really wasn't innovative. I don't think TT Games tried too hard on this one.

So I came into this game wanting to satiate a random Lego game fix I had, and of the games in my backlog, this one was the shortest to finish. And the final thoughts? Well, I didn't have a horrible time, nor did I have a fully enjoyable time. One might call it an average or meh experience.

Seriously though I wouldn't say this is a bad game. At its core, it's still the classic LEGO game formula that's simple and streamlined during story mode but opens up much more in free play. The character roster is humungous, and once you have access to them all (as well as the cheats), 100% is a breeze. Some levels have cool segments that are usually on rails or vehicle/mech sections, and some pieces in the soundtrack are fun too. And they included video clips from the movie as part of the cutscenes, something I loved seeing in older movie tie-in games.

But several things drag the game down. And for some points I do mean literally. Good lord the pacing for this game gets slow as hell at points. Not helped by how crazy they went with the character classes this time. Do you want to fix certain machines? Select a construction worker. Grapple? Get Batman Rainbow Blocks? Unikitty. F*CKING WATER? Get the one and only fireman. So on and so forth there are WAY too many character abilities which makes sense for the movie in question, but it drags down the pace when you have to do a character-specific action, but then do it to let the other characters catch. Of course what I'm saying there is mostly pointed at the story mode (because flying characters break the game in free play), but it can still be a drag when going after gold manuals or pants. Every level is also very long, to the point where there are save points in each level and some levels are just not that fun. It makes sense to take liberties when making levels for a movie tie-in game, but the route they took here just seems like they needed something to pad out game time.

Overall, not the worst game I've played. Compared to the other LEGO games I've played this one's definitely at the bottom, which will change once I play other LEGO games (I've heard there are some stinkers). There were fun moments and unique gimmicks thrown into this game alongside the classic LEGO formula that made me want to go and 100% the game and grab all the Steam achievements, but the pacing and length were major downsides that kept this a very average experience

Why does no one see that this game is technically called Lego The Lego Movie Videogame

short and fun platinum trophy

As a kid, I always wished that the LEGO movies and games would be made entirely out of LEGO. As I grew up, I realized that that would make it very hard to distinguish objects that can be destroyed from objects that can't. I was wrong. The graphics and animation are awesome, and the gameplay is as good as ever.

it's not amazing and is definitely just a recap of the movie but it is really charming and it has a big house area

Very fun and nostalgic but very short.

It's decent for what it is. I can't remember much as I played this game so long ago but all I know is that it's not a super memorable game imo. It being a Lego game though means that it does have its moments from time to time. I also enjoy the free roam mode (I think it was called) where you can just run around a giant room doing random shit.

Olha que esse aí era divertido. Tinha uma fase ou outra que eu não gostava tanto, mas dava bem pra passar o tempo. Recomendo pra quem for fã de jogos de Lego e tal

Não gostei igual os outros que estou acostumado, joguei mais por conta que meu primo comprou e eu zerei com ele e talskkkk comprei pra PS4 mas ainda não botei a mão nele, mas já joguei no Xbox e zerei igual citei, e legalzinho sim, mas é muito inferior aos lego do PS2


basically you played the movie with quick time events. pretty mid ngl.

I loved this game so much! It was really fun and in a way easy on the brain :] currently going through getting the platinum and it is a LITTLE challenging at parts, but overall the game, like most lego games, is really fun! Definitely recommend playing with a friend/partner however, as some parts are extremely difficult to do alone (i failed ).

The only reason i rated this a 4.5, was because of the controls, idk if it was my controller or just the game, but alot of times throughout the gameplay it didn't pick up my movements. The triangle button was especially difficult to use, however i found a quicker way to change between characters so it wasn't too frustrating in the end. Probably just a personal issue but it meant that everything was not, in fact, awesome (ーдー)

Haters gonna hate, up there with the best lego games fr.

This game was kinda mid, which sucks cuz I loved the movie

I can’t believe I am starting this out by complaining about the art style for one of these games because holy shit I don’t like it. Very high chance that it looks that way since they had an obvious deadline they had to meet. Now onto the actual game and holy shit they stretched this shit out to the extreme. So many of these levels cover like a minute and a half of the movie like level 3 or they make shit up like the water level (love how it’s one of the longer levels in the game). This game was 15 levels or bust since Lego Batman 2 and Marvel also had 15 but they have good pacing. I think this stretching problem would’ve been better if it was treated how the Lego Batman movie levels worked in dimensions even though they still padded in those levels. All the cutscenes are just ripped straight from movie which can be a letdown to some people but like who cares. The pants system is just worse thing then the item systems in Lord of the rings and hobbit since 1 you could bring more then 1 item and 2 you had to put them on before. Overall just watch the movie since this is just a worse way to experience the same with a shitty water level thrown in.

Probably the best Lego game there is

Generally better looking than most lego games? But the camera angles make me violent.

Pretty good lego game,
Nothing extreme but nothing weak

played it in a dentist's office once and it was ok

this game is so mid and glitchy but it's a childhood classic lowkey