Reviews from

in the past

Insane fetch-quests with your friends and horseriding to fuck all.

Another survivor from the age of "WoW killers," The Lord of the Rings Online has survived by going free-to-play, and shifting to a subscription/pay-to-play model for anything after the base game. It still plays like a game that was released in 2007, with millions of menus and strange gameplay design that leave the game intimidating to newcomers. The strength of LotRO comes from adamant respect for and accuracy to the books: over the years, the developers have nearly completed a virtual representation of Middle Earth that can practically be navigated through with just descriptions of the world from the books. It can be a headache to play, but if you're a massive fan of The Lord of the Rings, you'll find an incredibly crafted world that rewards fans of the books and the movies.

Played with my partner through the starting zone for Humans and the two free zones after.

The game has charm and you are encouraged to read every quest you pick up. The game doesn't hold you hand to every objective so it's easy to get lost. I don't think that's a negative. I enjoyed the world building from the NCPs. I can look past the silly animations and aged graphics. Again, not a negative for me.

The game could use updating the bread crumb quests. We would complete a questline for an NCP but miss the initial quest to meet them. Later we would have a different NCP ask us to go see that quest giver for a dead end. It created unnecessary backtracking. (You have to run everywhere before you pay for a mount.) There is a lot of quests that request you to go back and forth; it's so much walking.

The LOTR store is extremely confusing to a newbie. We would look at player's suggestions because there is too much in the store. I do appreciate all characters share points to spend, but not everyone gets the upgrade. I would say not super alt friendly in that aspect.

I've been playing this game since 2012, and I'm impressed by how strong this game is able to stand after so many years (especially considering how MMOs have declined over time). It's easily one of my favorite video games I've ever played.

For an MMO, it has one of the most generous free-to-play models available, making it very accessible if you are still new to the game. I find this especially important for MMOs as they may take a lot of time and investment. All content up to Level 95 is free, which is essentially the first six years of the game's development, and much of the micro-transactions in the game can be unlocked for free by earning in-game currency through the game's own achievement system called "deeds." A more in-depth discussion of the game's subscription model can be viewed in this Reddit post.

Being based on Middle-earth, the game is one of the largest MMOs ever made. I feel fully immersed when I play this game, the artwork is very beautiful, and with each new zone I fall in love with the game again. I HIGHLY recommend this to anyone who's a fan of LOTRO, MMOs, or both.

Truer to Tolkien's amazing world than you could ever hope with a community of friendly players that love to roleplay or just hang out and play music. The closest thing to a proper virtual world that I have experienced in a very long time, utterly ruined by it's garbage bin of microtransactions. If you'd like to see Middle Earth reduced to a janky shopping mall, play this.

Mein Lieblingsspiel. 1,5k Stunden und jede war worth it

Impressive in scope in (mostly) adhering to the established lore of the books. The ability to appreciate the mellow beauty of the landscape and chill out with the sounds of Middle Earth is an experience. The age of the underlying systems definitely show their age: beyond just the low-tier graphics, the lag in populated areas and archaic combat may deter others from what is otherwise an impressive and full game.

This is an old MMO, but one so faithful and deeply connected to Tolkien's work that it becomes fascinating and extremely enjoyable for fans of the books, movies, or both.

I have a propensity for older MMOs (WoW Classic, OSRS, SWG, WH Online, etc.) and this was on my long list just by sheer virtue of being a still-running, 15-year old game. I'm also a fairly new Tolkien fan, only becoming deeply enthralled in Middle Earth and its lore and stories at the age of 30. It just didn't connect with me until I grew up, then I understood the appeal--and of all the games to scratch that Tolkien itch, so far LOTRO does so the best. Well, the best of the still purchasable, still playable games.

After a few hours and only reaching level 15 on my dwarf champion, I was enjoying myself so much I bought the latest DLC for the new starting zone and 3 months of VIP--which basically 3 for 2 on the price, which is a deal unheard of in the MMO realm.

The amount of love the devs put towards this game far exceeds any dumbass, greedy decisions made by their publisher. It may not be canon, but it sure as hell tries to be, and you can feel it throughout your whole journey: the locations, the character interactions, the class descriptions, the cutscenes, even the armor and store mounts have a sense of respect and integrity for Tolkien's world. Shadow of Mordor this is not.

I can't really recommend this game to anyone other than massive Tolkien fans, and for that I'm kind of grateful. At it's core, is a standard MMO in its combat, progression, traversal, group content, and, of course, in a lot of its questing--if you've ever played an MMO other than RuneScape or Guild Wars 2, you know what you're getting into. It's not trying to appeal to a broad audience (despite Lord of the Rings being quite massive) and tries to appeal to the people who've thought, even briefly, that it might be kind of cool to learn Quenya. It's a rarity in the MMO space and I hope that it succeeds in the long run.

If the rumors are true that Standing Stone Games might try to "reboot" or at least graphically enhance this game to bring more eyes to it, it'll be my most hyped game of the year. If you love (or can tolerate) a somewhat old-school MMO design wrapped in a thick, syrupy Middle-Earth coating you won't be disappointed. If you don't like MMOs but still really like Tolkien's work, still give it a short. If you don't care for either, stay away.

basically everything that you would expect from a 2007 MMO, warts and all. It being in middle earth carries it

not the best, but i enjoyed parts of it

Probably because I didn't know english when I played, but even so I couldn't do anything in this thing.

im not a big MMO guy but it was kinda fun for the couple of hours I played in it

Had two friends convince me to join them on this adventure. This was my first MMORPG and I was always reluctant to try them. Probably reverence for addiction, which my parents hammered into my brain from the start. Anyway, the combat really did suck, and I don't think I'll ever really enjoy this kind of MMORPG combat. Probably didn't help that I chose the bard class, playing the same melodies on repeat, to my rapidly decreasing sanity. We played for a hundred or so hours, then we hit a wall with this "Heading West" quest where we just got wiped time and again, and didn't specifically know where else to go. How fortunate, for I was itching to quit from the beginning.

Played on and off since I was a kid, my favorite MMO and it probably always will be. Most recently began again on Steam and play it as a relaxing de-stresser and it works wonders. Middle Earth is gorgeous, lovingly crafted, the quests while simple are just the perfect LOTR hero fantasy, the distinct races and beginning locations help switch things up too, and there are some memorable highs here, especially in expansions.

Playtime here is just the Steam version, many more hours were spent by younger me on this game.

Spent 90% of my time with the surprisingly in depth lute banging out some tunes.

A very dated MMO. Fun for those who love LOTR lore, but not my thing.

It's the best interactive middle earth I've ever experienced but location doesn't make a great game.
It can be free to play but they never stop reading you about the micro transactions.
As a big fan of Lotr I'm not saying I'll never go back to it but if I feel like playing an MMO this doesn't quite scratch the itch.

its "free" but you cant play if you dont pay expansions, premium etc

will play this until I die probably. I always come back to it.

Truly the Lord of the Rings game of all time.

But really, this is my all time favorite game ever made. I'd tell you why, but I'd need to make a 3 hour essay video to properly explain.

Old, clunky, but lovely. If you like LoTR, play this one.

Ojalá en Castellano. Me lo fumaría a gustísimo

The Lord of the Rings Online, ou para os íntimos LOTRO, é um MMORPG que NÃO se passa no universo dos filmes do Peter Jackson e sim nas obras literárias de mesmo nome do autor "J. R. R. Tolkien", expandindo ainda mais tudo que conhecemos sobre à terra-média para também aqueles como eu que não leram os livros em questão.

Um jogo que foi inicialmente desenvolvido em 2007 e que até hoje está vivo e com o que acredito ser um nível considerável de jogadores brasileiros dentro dele, onde eu pessoalmente encontrei muito desses jogadores na minha jornada pelo servidor "Arkestone" (um dos servidores que acredito ser o melhor e o mais popular para se jogar atualmente) e que sem dúvidas é um dos pontos mais positivos desse game que é a sua comunidade, uma das melhores que eu já vi e que eu presenciei em um jogo online aonde todos que eu tive o prazer de conhecer na minha jogatina eram extremamente educados e estavam sempre abertos a ajudarem os demais novatos que apareciam pela frente, mas tirando isso, o que me entristece é que para mim esse jogo envelheceu mal demais e não é nem pelos gráficos que isso eu ainda julgo dizer ser bem decente para os padrões de um MMO de hoje em dia, e sim pela estrutura do jogo como um todo, que só para começar tem uma das criações de personagens mais limitadas que eu já vi com tudo pré estabelecido demais onde o que se altera de verdade é só a raça, o estilo e as cores do cabelo, do olho e do formato do rosto, que como todo mundo que joga um jogo desse gênero sabe que para um MMO conseguir te prender de verdade ele precisa pelo menos apostar em algo aceitável para que você se re-crie ali e consiga mergulhar de cabeça em todo o universo enfrentando qualquer tipo de repetitividade que tem sempre em qualquer MMORPG o que para mim não aconteceu aqui, além disso, temos uma sequência de missões chatas e entediantes que tudo que te faz é te dar aquela terrível sensação de sono onde demora muito para caminhar e se desenrolar para o que seriam as quests "épicas" principais que desenvolvem de fato o seu personagem e te imergem na narrativa do jogo, que aqui são chamadas de "Books" com um nível extenso e massante de uma para outra que para mim não me motivou sequer a terminá-las, isso sem falar na demora que é para avançar de um nível para o outro sendo o nível máximo para chegar gratuitamente o level 35, que após isso, só comprando separadamente os mapas com a moeda do jogo que ainda tem a possibilidade de você conseguir essas moedas jogando, mas ainda assim, é um trabalho bem esforçado onde tudo que você tem que fazer é ficar matando uma quantidade necessária de criaturas, ou explorando cada ponto pedido no mapa, ou fazendo uma quantidade pedida de quests de cada região e entre outras missões que aqui são chamadas de "Deeds" que foi o que eu fiz para ter o meu cavalo no game.

Enfim, como experiência própria eu não me senti preso por muito tempo e com vontade de jogar o game, lógico que para um fã assíduo da franquia de "Senhor dos Anéis" é sim um prato cheio por se passar nesse universo tão rico e adorado e você ter essa opção (ainda que muito limitada) de se recriar e interagir por ali com os demais personagens criados pelo Tolkien, mas para só um admirador como eu dos filmes que percebo visivelmente o quanto esse jogo é problemático e principalmente entediante eu não me vejo na chance de recomendá-lo para alguém por ter certamente opções melhores de MMORPG no mercado... (Claro que para aqueles que gostariam de tentar por si só jogar esse jogo gostaria de deixar uma observação e ajuda para aqueles que vão começar a sua jornada e que podem ter esse problema ou que já estão tendo ao iniciar o game, que eu não encontrei em lugar nenhum pela Internet e se eu tivesse encontrado antes poderia ter me poupado duas horas e meia de dor de cabeça que tive para conseguir enfim sair do "Launcher" e entrar no jogo, vamos lá, se caso você esteja com esses mesmos problemas de assim que terminar de atualizar o jogo pelo Launcher e apertar para jogar ou automaticamente fazer isso e o jogo não abrir, então abra o Launcher de novo e em vez de clicar em jogar, vá nas opções do Launcher e procure por lá pela opção de "Repair Data" que por algum motivo que eu não sei dizer, a versão da Steam para muitos está sendo instalada de forma obsoleta com arquivos corrompidos/antigos ao da versão atual do Launcher fazendo assim com que o jogo não abra, claro que após você fazer isso terá que ser baixado novamente os mesmos 30 GB do jogo, mas dessa vez é quase certeza que irá solucionar esse problema...)

An alright traditional MMO that had the benefit of great lore to base everything around. Far too easy and aged

I remember it being a decent WoW clone back when I played it like 10 years ago in my LoTR phase