Reviews from

in the past

eight minutes and i've gotten all achievements... i don't even remember what happened

I apparently played this game to completion but I have absolutely no memory on what the hell happens in it.

the music was nice but everything else was very meh

A week after "playing" this, I've decided I like it. I like the atmosphere, the music, the film noir feel. I like that it makes use of no more than the 15 minutes or so that it needs to tell it's story. Sadly, the story is weak, but that's kind of ok. A weak story that takes 15 minutes to tell is more forgivable than a weak story that goes on for hours.

I'm never sure that things like this really count as "games" but that doesn't mean they aren't worth spending time with. Any new and interesting way to tell a story is ok by me.

Honestly not a terrible game at all, especially for being free: just not my cup of tea!

i think I'd rather spend a few euros on a more elaborate story with more interactive elements than a free game that is not intriguing me that much. The story was okay but not too crazy. It was seemingly made by three people so for that it's a decent effort!

Personally I would rather pay for the game and get the longer, fuller story, than download it for free and be left with something that feels just... empty and not finished. I feel like there could be a lot more to tell in this case. Anyway, still worth a shot.

This was really nice. I just wish it was longer and with a better story.

KInda cringy at times and it's just your average crime with a twist kinda short story.

What I really liked was the artwork, those blocks of graphics. Real nice and right up my style on these kinda games, even though I don't play games like that?! But now I will. Search. For. More.

Really nice artwork and wish it would have the player engage more than just 2 clicks on the screen (besides the obvious [next] and to choose the dialogue).

If you like to pass the time and relax while reading a crime story with nice visuals, then go ahead. It's free!

the video game equivalent of falling asleep at the cinema