Reviews from

in the past

will nintendo be okej with this?

What started off as a joke on my end of beating maradona's PB and outdating his review, suddenly turned into the biggest time sink and wasters I have ever done in my life.

Turns out, Speedrunning really gels with me on a fundamental level and, yeah no fuck that. I do not enjoy the headspace it puts me, its repetitive cycle turning my evening into this mind-pleasing skinner box experience.
Why did I waste a week of my time optimally grinding some random ass Mari-o fangame with shitty controls?

....Anyway I have the WR 09s820ms

fun for a few mins, but janky. understandable considering this was more of a test for the dev

One of the few UE4 Mario fan games that isn't just running around on photorealistic grass or rtx puddles.

I hope I'm not only a shitposter to you guys but also the 2nd best super 1-1 challenge speedrunner in the world too.