Reviews from

in the past

Graphics and visuals are mid. Melee and guns feel god damn amazing.
Story was about average and the characters are very forgettable

No one made it out of that church dude.

The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners is a mess of shovelware, a reminder of a time when we weren't inundated with garbage games. The zombies move at a snail's pace, making them more of a nuisance than a threat. The inability to kill NPCs adds an unnecessary layer of frustration, but if you glitch the game enough, you can bypass this limitation, which is both amusing and indicative of the game's lack of polish. Overall, a forgettable experience that fails to live up to its potential.

Score: 4/10

infuriating, except shooting the tutorial guy over and over again that was fun

One of, if not the best VR games. Entertaining and well made.

best vr game ive played, super good combat

One of the best VR games ever, just so much fun.

Weapon durability is so stupid feature, and its taken to such extreme here that its annoying, tho looking past that its pretty good game

Great survival game. Love the physics, the atmosphere, and rummaging through my bag while running away from zombies was engaging as hell. Can't tell you how many times I've died doing dumb shit though.

very polished and nice looking vr game, no bugs, story is kinda dull but the fighting is very satisfying, haven't played the dlc's

The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners is at it's best when chaos begins to unfold. The cycle of sneaking around and scavenging is adequate. However, when your meticulous plan fails and you open a door and are greeted by 3 zombies, that is where the real thrill lies. Having to improvise in situations of peril, while attempting to complete objectives and manage items, health and stamina create truly memorable moments of tension.

The possibility of human and undead enemies existing simultaneously is better in concept than in execution, as the AI of the human enemies is flawed to say the least. There are instances of multiple enemies spawning inside of each other and becoming stuck together, and are a little too sight impaired to be considered much of a threat when sneaking around.
The game also flirts with a choice and consequence system that could have worked better with some kind of morality system, instead of simply checking a few flags for the sequel.

The object interactions are mostly excellent, such as using an egg timer as a throwable distraction, even able to be fitted with an explosive, but there are some, such as the lever action rifle that behaves very erratically.

Overall, it's an exciting foundation that I hope could be improved upon greatly.

I have Kinemortophobia which means scared of the dead, but I actually enjoyed the game don't know why but the Zombies still terrify me maybe it has to do with the art style

Undoubtedly, this is one of the best games on the Quest. While it isn't totally an open world game, it provides freedom that no other Quest game does. Honestly, if the Quest actually had more and better games, this game would just be okay. Still, this game rules and fun to play if you want to shoot at zombies and explore.

Easiest shot of my life taken at that church.

I think outside of Half-Life: Alyx, this is the best VR game so far. Believe me, I think that's just as weird as you do. A Walking Dead spin-off should not be the most compelling VR experience you can buy but it really is.

This is actually my second full playthrough, originally on the HTC Vive and this time on a Meta Quest 2 and both runs have been fantastic experiences. Great combat, a fun gameplay loop of exploring and looting materials to craft and upgrade better gear, and a really engaging story that offers a surprising amount of room for roleplaying. It's fantastic. Hits just the right spot between 'too scary for me' and 'exactly scary enough' too.

I really enjoyed the combat in this game, and the story was pretty decent, too. They even have a baby bitch mode for people like me (story mode). The only thing I don't really enjoy about this game is the human AI, they will just stand there and do nothing unless they are one of the few randomly spawning npc's that request something from you.

PSVR controls held me back from finishing this one, so I'll rereview when I play the PSVR2 version


Even though I have no interest at all in the show, I'm a sucker for TWD games, and Saints and Sinners is no exception. It has everything I enjoy on a game like this: a great story, interesting characters, some nice scares, and it's VR. On top of it, you get a really fun mode just to turn your brain off and kill zombies. Just great fun.

Great vr game and its an essential for all vr players. The scavenging is really fun and combat feels great. I never completed it because I got Into the Radius which is better in literally every way

The best zombie vr game hands down

THE best first generation VR game. Unmatched versatility and design.

Fantastic VR game one of the best games on the market

Hey Lois, I'm in The Walking Dead: Saints in Sinners, the hit VR game! (I love this game dearly)

Saints & Sinners es un muy buen survival horror en VR. Una experiencia que, si bien no reinventa la rueda, no deja de ser sólida y entretenida de principio a fin, cosa que es más que lo que dan muchos juegos de horror de hoy en día.

El sistema de crafteo es simple, entretenido y se siente natural, ya que va de rebuscar entre ruinas objetos que puedas desarmar para convertir en otras cosas que te sean de utilidad, como comida, medicamentos o armas. Los enemigos, tanto zombies como humanos, son legítimamente difíciles de enfrentar, es cosa de andar caminando por ahí, ver un grupo de 3 zombies y preferir irte por otro lado o armarte un plan, porque la situación se te puede salir de control MUY rápido; por no decir que las más de las veces es mejor evitar a los enemigos ya que la vida y los recursos son finitos. Por primera vez en esta franquicia los zombies no son algo que ves y decís "cómo carajo pueden morir contra estos bichos tan lentos?"; en esta ocasión sí imponen y pueden sobrepasarte antes de que te des cuenta.
El gunplay es difícil pero gratificante, algo reminiscente a cuando los survival horror te ponían controles incómodos de forma deliberada. El combate se siente excelente, es verosímil pero sin sentirse impreciso. Y hasta todo el juego va a contrarreloj, primero porque tenés un tiempo limitado para explorar cada mapa antes de que se infeste de zombies y tengas que escapar de ellos, y segundo porque cada incursión a un mapa provoca que la cantidad de zombies aumente y los recursos disminuyan. Y lo que más me sorprendió es que hasta la historia está buena, tiene punch, buenos díalogos, algún personaje interesante y algo que decir.

Es fácil ver esto como un simple cashgrab de TWD como los muchos que hay, pero ni de cerca. Es uno de los mejores juegos en VR que jugué hasta ahora y lo recomendaría a cualquiera que tenga un dispositivo de VR.